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The past continuous passive


This rule


being explained

by the teacher

at 2.

This rule

was not

being explained

by the teacher

at 2.

This rule


being explained

by the teacher

at 2,

wasn’t it?



being explained

by the teacher

at 2?

What rule


being explained

by the teacher

at 2?


this rule

being explained

by the teacher

at 2?



this rule

being explained

by ?



this rule

being explained

by the teacher?

Exercise 1. Read the following sentences. Note the use of the Past Continuous Passive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The factory was being built when we came to live there. 2. She was being laughed at by everybody. 3. The boys watched how the car was being cleaned. 4. He knew he was being followed. 5. From nine till ten the mail was being looked through by the manager. 6. Huge blocks of flats were being built all last year. 7. When we came the pool was being filled with water. 8. The car was being repaired all day yesterday. 9. When I left the meeting the problem was still being discussed. 10. At 6 o’clock the floor was still being polished. 11. When they came home, the dinner was still being cooked. 12. Something important was being discussed, so I sat down to listen.

Exercise 2. Transform the sentences using the Passive Voice.

Model: - When I entered the hall they were holding a meeting there.

- When I entered the hall a meeting was being held there.

1. When I joined the visitors, the manager was showing them round the factory laboratory. 2. When I entered the room, they were still discussing the article. 3. At 5 o’clock the professor was still examining the students. 4. When we arrived in Nizhny Novgorod, they were still building the underground. 5. When I left the laboratory, they were still testing the device. 6. When I entered the kitchen, Mother was cooking my favourite dish. 7. When I switched on TV, they were showing an interesting film. 8. When I entered the Personnel Department, the manager was interviewing a new economist. 9. When we left the meeting, they were discussing the resolution. 10. When we entered the hall, the actors were rehearsing a new play. 11. When we left the meeting, people were still asking questions. 12. When she entered the room, they were watching television. 13. When she left the garden, her sons were flying a kite. 14. When we passed their garden, they were watering the flowers. 15. When she came to see me, I was putting the children to bed. 16. When I arrived, my daughter was doing the washing.

Exercise 3. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive.

Model: - From 5 to 6 yesterday I was washing the car.

- From 5 to 6 yesterday the car was being washed.

1. We were recording a new song when you phoned. 2. They were signing the contract when the press arrived. 3. When we entered the office, the secretary was typing the contract. 4. When we arrived, the legal adviser was checking the contract. 5. We could not use the tape-recorder, they were repairing it. 6. When I switched on the radio they were broadcasting a very interesting programme. 7. When Frank left, they were still showing the film. 8. They were discussing a new plan when we came in. 9. The doctor was examining the child when she came in. 10. I felt that somebody was watching me. 11. Mary was delivering the documents to the departments. 12. They were repairing the traffic lights yesterday. 13. As I was walking home, I thought someone was following me. 14. From 6 to 7 o’clock yesterday they were repairing the tap in the garden. 15. Yesterday afternoon they were playing football. 16. On Friday morning I was making an experiment.

Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous Passive.

1. He could not do a thing when he knew he (watch). 2. When I was a worker at this factory this work still (do) by hand. 3. Just this very question (discuss) when I joined in the conversation. 4. He entered the hall in the dark and didn’t understand at first what film (show). 5. She had the feeling that she (watch). 6. I wasn’t surprised that he (listen to) with such interest. He is a very good lecturer. 7. When she entered the class-room, the last student (examine). 8. The exhibition (open) when we drove up to the picture gallery. 9. He couldn’t go out as his suit and shirt (clean). 10. The policeman noticed that the suitcase (carry) by the porter in a most strange way. 11. When I came to the skating-rink he (teach) to skate by his elder brother. 12. I drove up to the shop just as it (close), but the owner was kind enough to let me in. 13. She watched television while dinner (prepare). 14. The music was very beautiful, but I couldn’t say what exactly (play). 15. When the guests arrived, the table still (lay). 16. A modern tune (play) when we came into the hall.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous Active or Passive.

1. George didn’t have his car yesterday. It (serve) at the garage. 2. He looked very excited when I saw him. - No wonder, his device (test). 3. They (discuss) this problem when he came. 4. Some pop singers (interview) when I switched on the telly. 5. I fell asleep while I (watch) television. 6. We (sit) in the garden when it suddenly started to rain. 7. The damaged ship (tow) into harbour when the towline broke. 8. Today she’s wearing a skirt, but yesterday she (wear) trousers. 9. It was a lonely road, and the girl was afraid; she thought she (follow). 10. I saw Lucy and Steve this morning. They (wait) at the bus stop. 11. It was very cold yesterday afternoon, but we couldn’t light a fire in the sitting -room; the chimney (sweep). 12. When I saw the car, it (drive) at over fifty miles an hour. 13. The post arrived while I (have) breakfast. 14. A very beautiful folk song (sing) when I came into the hall. 15. What you (do) at 6 o’clock last Sunday morning? - I was in bed asleep. 16. I couldn’t wear my suit last Saturday. It (clean).

Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous Active or Passive.

Three armed men escaped yesterday with over $ 1 million in used European banknotes after an attack at Heathrow airport. The money (transport) from a Middle Eastern country to London bank and (carry) by an unarmed courier. The three robbers, who (wait) for the courier in the car park, attacked the man and stole the money. A passer-by told the police that a man (attack), but when they reached the scene, the robbers had driven away.

Exercise 7. Translate into English using the Past Continuous Passive.

1. Его доклад обсуждался, когда я пришла на собрание. 2. Когда мы приехали в этот город, завод еще только строился. 3. У него было такое чувство, что за ним кто-то идет. 4. Дети знали, что за ними наблюдали. 5. Что объясняли группе, когда вы присоединились к ним? 6. Когда мы пришли, вопрос все еще обсуждали. 7. В то время за ним следили. 8. Когда вы позвонили, статью все еще переводили. 9. Вопрос обсуждали с девяти до одинадцати. 10. Лекция была очень интересной, и оратора слушали с большим вниманием. 11. Когда вошел профессор Браун, обсуждалось его предложение. 12. Вчера в пять часов передавали интересный концерт. 13. Когда я вернулся, мою статью все еще печатали. 14. Когда я пришел, гостям показывали лаборатории института. 15. Какой вопрос обсуждался, когда ты пришел? 16. Нам показывали слайды, когда вошел декан.

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