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1) He is offered a good job.

2) A good job is offered to him.

1. They often send us letters. 2. The company pays him a lot of money for his ideas. 3. My friend always gives me interesting books to read. 4. They teach the boys karate at this school. 5. Peter shows me his new photographs. 6. My parents promise me a new bike if I pass the exams. 7. They give opportunities to people with initiative. 8. The book offers practical advice to people with housing problems. 9. I always tell the children a story before they go to bed. 10. The doctor always prescribes this pill to his patients. 11. We send Susan a birthday card every year. 12. The guide shows the tourists the sights of the city. 13. They don’t sell children cigarettes in this shop. 14. The police promise the man a large sum of money for his help. 15. The company pays John 25000 pounds a year. 16. We send catalogues to our customers once a month.

Exercise 14. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice. Mind that only one passive construction is possible. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: They always explain the rules to the visitors twice.

The rules are always explained to the visitors twice.

Посетителям всегда объясняют правила дважды.

1. The manager usually dictates telegrams to his secretary over the telephone. 2. The teacher always repeats the same sentence twice to the pupils. 3. John never mentions such things to me. 4. I always explain difficult words to my son. 5. Mr Brown describes to us his life in India in a very interesting way. 6. They always point out her mistakes to her. 7. The division manager explains the new rules to me. 8. They announce the results of the test to the students in the evening. 9. He suggests to me a new way to solve this problem. 10. The postman delivers the mail to us twice a day. 11. They introduce men to women. 12. They repeat this announcement to the passengers every ten minutes. 13. The woman describes the thief to the police. 14. The waiter recommends the chicken in mushroom sauce to us. 15. I suggest to them the Italian restaurant near the station to hold the office party. 16. She dedicates all her books to her husband.

Exercise 15. Read the following sentences. Note how prepositions by and with are used. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: 1. Foreign delegations are met by the representative of the firm. Представитель фирмы встречает иностранные делегации.

2. The tv is connected to the computer with a cable.  Телевизор соединен с компьютером кабелем.

1. The bedroom windows are covered with ice. 2. Trams are set in motion by electricity. 3. This room is heated with a stove. 4. The Parliament is opened by the Queen. 5. Such decisions are taken by the full Committee. 6. The room is filled with smoke. 7. Ice-cream is eaten with a spoon. 8. The carpet is covered with dirt. 9. The luggage is examined by the Customs officer. 10. Such cans are opened with a tin opener.

Exercise 16. Complete these sentences with by or with.

1. All the computers are tested ... our engineers. 2. Sometimes the computer system is attacked ... a virus. 3. The computer is covered ... a plastic wrapper. 4. We receive out television programmes ... cable. 5. The sky is covered ... clouds. 6. This pop-star is always greeted ... a storm of applause. 7. At the university lectures and seminars are followed ... examinations. 8. This note is written ... a very bad pen, that’s why you can’t read it. 9. Irish coffee is made ... whiskey. 10. This safety razor is used ... my father. 11. These two pieces are fixed together ... glue. 12. This funny story is written ... Chekhov. 13. The streets are lighted ... electricity. 14. The sack is stuffed ... straw. 15. If you are bitten ... a dog, you should see a doctor at once. 16. Bread is cut ... a knife.

Exercise 17. Read the following sentences. Note the use of prepositional verbs in passive constructions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: 1. This film is much talked about.

Об этом фильме много говорят.

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