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The passive infinitive




to ask

to be asked


to be asking



to have asked

to have been asked

Perfect Continuous

to have been asking


Exercise 1. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive in brackets: Active or Passive.

1. I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted (wake up) at 6.30 the next morning. 2. She wanted (tell) the truth. Why didn’t you do it? 3. We expect (be) back in two days. 4. I hate (bother) you, but the students are still waiting (give) books for their work. 5. Is there anything else (tell) her? I believe she deserves (know) the state of her sick brother. 6. She likes (play) with the child. 7. She doesn’t want (catch) in the rain. 8. Do you think I plan (spend) the rest of my life in this small town? 9. I shall be glad (send) on business to London. 10. I want (go) to the Far East. 11. I didn’t expect (invite) to the party. 12. He has no desire (appoint) to the post of Sales Manager. 13. It is certainly not the kind of book (read) on vacation. 14. He wanted (make) some changes in the project. 15. He began to write books not because he wanted (earn) a living. He wanted (read) and (not to forget). 16. Our profits are up this year, so I expect (give) a pay rise. 17. He took the telephone off the hook because he didn’t want (disturb). 18. You deserve (pay) more because you do a lot of overtime. 19. She hopes (send) to our Paris office when it opens next year. 20. I have arranged (meet) the visitors at the factory.

Порядок слов в предложениях с модальными глаголами

(Passive Voice)

This work


be done

by Peter.

This work

cannot (can’t)

be done

by Peter.

This work


be done

by Peter,

can’t it?



be done

by Peter?


this work

be done

by Peter?



this work

be done


Exercise 1. Read these sentences and note the use of the Passive Voice after modal verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: 1) The work must be done at once.

Работа дожна быть сделана немедленно.

Работу нужно сделать немедленно.

2) The problem can be easily settled.

Эта проблема может быть легко решена.

3) The article may be translated today.

Возможно, статью переведут сегодня.

1. They must be reminded of the meeting. 2. He was to be met at the station. 3. The door may be opened. 4. This problem must be discussed as soon as possible. 5. Your watch cannot be repaired quickly. 6. You should not be surprised at it. 7. That building is dangerous. It ought to be knocked down before it falls down. 8. The door must be kept shut. 9. All spirits must be declared at the Customs. 10. Can this work be done in two days? 11. She can be seen in the library every day. 12. This topic shouldn’t be touched upon in front of the children. 13. The police are looking for a missing boy. He can’t be found anywhere. 14. Library books must not be kept longer than a fortnight. 15. These sentences can be understood without a dictionary. 16. This result can be improved.

Exercise 2. Transform these sentences according to the model. Translate them into Russian.

Model: - He must complete the report next month.

- The report must be completed next month.

1. He can finish this translation tonight. 2. You may buy a guide-book of St. Petersburg in Moscow. 3. The boss may sign the letter after lunch. 4.They should settle the problem as soon as possible. 5. You should teach foreign languages to children. 6. You must write the answers on the left side of the paper. 7. I can arrange everything on time, I assure you. 8. They may publish his new novel in January. 9. You must not throw your things about. 10. You can’t wash this dress; you must dry-clean it. 11. You need not type this letter. 12. You may leave your hats and coats in the cloakroom. 13. A machine could do this much more easily. 14. You mustn’t move this man; he is too ill. You’ll have to leave him here. 15. The Board of Directors must discuss this question. 16. The sellers are to deliver the goods at the end of May.

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. Bicycles must not (leave) in the hall. 2. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examinations. 3. This work can (do) in a week. 4. Dogs must (keep) on leads in the garden. 5. The hotel will have (sell). 6. I knew that the painting was wet and must not (touch). 7. I think our rooms at the hotel should (book) well in advance. 8. The payment for the computers is (make) by the end of the year. 9. It’s a serious problem. I don’t know how it can (solve). 10. A mystery is something that can’t (explain). 11. Their opinion must (take) into consideration. 12. A leader should be a man who can (respect). 13. These mistakes must (correct). 13. Can it (do) today? 14. The goods must (ship) not later than May. 15. The books may (put) on the upper shelf. 16. This question can (answer) without any difficulty.

Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: active or passive.

1. I can (do) the work in two days. 2. It’s a secret, and no one else must (tell). 3. No words can (describe) it; it must (see). 4. She can’t (take care) of the children, she is a child herself. 5. This work is easy. It can (do) by a child. 6. I can’t find my hat. Somebody must (take) it by mistake. 7. His behaviour cannot (explain). 8. Empty bottles shouldn’t (throw away). 9. (I don’t want to be late.) We should (leave) earlier. 10. I wouldn’t leave your car unlocked. It might (steal). 11. The situation is serious. Something must (do) before it’s too late. 12. Our neighbours ought to (paint) their garage. 13. Do you think that less money should (spend) on armament? 14. You can (improve) your health with more exercise. 15. The injured man couldn’t walk and had to (carry). 16. I have (return) these books to the library.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Эти учебники также могут быть использованы. 2. Следует закрыть окно. В комнате прохладно. 3. Детей нужно учить иностранным языкам в раннем возрасте. 4. Много замечательных картин русских художников можно увидеть в Третьяковской галерее. 5. Билеты на самолет нужно заказывать заранее. 6. Обед должен быть приготовлен вовремя. 7. Это можно легко понять. 8. Правила уличного движения должны всегда соблюдаться. 9. Мясо надо подавать с овощами. 10. Это правило нужно запомнить. 11. Его можно было видеть в саду в любую погоду. 12. Книги должны быть возвращены в библиотеку сегодня. 13. Ему следует позаботиться о своих родителях. 14. Эта статья не может быть переведена так скоро. 15. Письмо нужно переписать еще раз. 16. Это стихотворение придется выучить наизусть. 17. Эта книга должна быть прочитана всеми студентами нашей группы. 18. Этот текст можно перевести за полчаса. 19. Его можно тоже пригласить. 20. Это упражнение может быть сделано без труда.

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