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2. He is always listened to with great attention.

Его всегда слушают с большим вниманием.

1. His new novel is much talked about, isn’t it? 2. I wonder why he is always laughed at. 3. Your report is highly spoken of. 4. The children are well looked after. 5. This article is often referred to. 6. Tell him he is waited for. 7. New taxation laws are widely commented on in press. 8. Our arguments are listened to with great attention. 9. This problem is only briefly touched upon in the paper. 10. Who is sent for when somebody is ill?

Exercise 18. Change the following sentences into the Passive. Mind the repositions.

Model: We always listen to Pr. Brown with great interest.

Pr. Brown is always listened to with great interest.

1. They always laugh at him. 2. My grandmother looks after my little son. 3. Every morning I look through the newspapers. 4. Nobody usually objects to my plans. 5. They all speak of him very well. 6. He throws away all his old note-books at the end of the year. 7. People always laugh at his jokes. 8. They always wait for me after the lessons. 9. Students often refer to these books. 10. They send for a doctor when somebody is ill. 11. The driver looks well after his car. 12. No one looks after this little boy. He is always dirty. 13. He takes great care of his teeth. 14. They comment on his discovery in all today’s papers. 15. They don’t touch upon such problems at their meetings. 16. I always rely on my old friends.

Exercise 19. Complete the sentences with the required prepositions.

1. They read all the books that are much talked ... . 2. My suggestions are always objected ... . 3. He is spoken ... with warmth. 4. His information is always relied ... . 5. When something goes wrong with the TV-set, a repairman is sent ... . 6. The relationship of the secretary with her boss is much commented ... by the employees. 7. This news is much waited ... . by everyone. 8. Educational problems are always touched ... in every debate. 9. His silly jokes are never laughed ... . 10. Their sudden marriage is much talked ... . 11. The garden is looked ... by two gardeners. 12. The reader is constantly referred back ... the introduction. 13. The mail is looked ... by the secretary in the morning. 14. This radio programme is listened ... by housewives. 15. My car is taken good care ... at the garage. 16. When the child falls ill, the doctor is sent ... at once.

Exercise 20. Translate into English. Mind the prepositions.

1. Его никогда никто не слушает. 2. На эту статью все ссылаются. 3. Об этой пьесе сейчас много говорят. 4. За детьми очень хорошо присматривают в детском саду. 5. Можно ли положиться на его слова? 6. Почту обычно просматривают утром. 7. О ней говорят с восхищением. 8. Над его внешним видом всегда смеются. 9. Речь президента сегодня комментируется во всех газетах. 10. Этой проблемы никогда не касаются в местных газетах. 11. За ним всегда посылают, если возникают проблемы. 12. Студенты ждут профессора Петрова в аудитории № 20. 13. Мисс Браун заботится о наших гостях. 14. Почему на эту статью никогда не ссылаются? 15. Профессор Грин очень хороший лектор, его всегда очень внимательно слушают. 16. Обычно на его поведение не обращают внимания.

Exercise 21. Read the text and translate it into Russian. Put questions to the sentences in the Passive Voice. Retell the text.

In large universities in the USA elementary science courses are taught by groups of staff members. Each series of lectures is presented by a different lecturer. The lecturers are chosen according to the areas of a field in which they have done research. The lectures are presented in large auditoriums, and they are often attended by as many as 200 students. In addition to listening to lectures, the students are required to attend quiz sessions which are supervised by assistants. In the quiz sessions the lectures are discussed and text readings are assigned. Quizzes are given regularly once a week, and the quiz grades are recorded and averaged at the end of the semester.

Exercise 22. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, active or passive.

1. We (open) the window after every lesson to air the room. 2. At what age children (send) to school in England? 3. All the characters (describe) very well in this novel. 4. His parents (give) him no pocket money. 5. He always (praise) when he does his work well? 6. In New Zealand both men and women (play) hockey all the year round. 7. We (receive) a lot of books and magazines from abroad. 8. All kinds of books and magazines (receive) from England every day. 9. Her love (not to win) very easily, but I’ll do my best to win it. 10. The book (recommend) for children? 11. At the International Congresses English, French and German (speak) mostly. 12. What (see) from the top of the hill? 13. Today Australia mainly (import) machines and computers from the USA. 14. Soup (eat) usually with bread. 15. People (drink) a great deal of tea in England. 16. This old song (not to sing) nowadays. 17. Most of the Earth’s surface (cover) by water. 18. Heat and light (give) to us by the sun. 19. John (break) the window the other day. 20. Our school often (visit) by teachers from foreign countries.

Exercise 23. Translate into English using the verbs in the Present Simple Passive.

1. Его спрашивают на уроках каждый день. 2. Старые документы хранятся в этом ящике. 3. Наши тетради обычно проверяются преподавателем дома. 4. Пассажирам здесь не разрешается гулять. 5. Этим учебником пользуются все студенты. 6. На страницах журнала обсуждается много интересных вопросов. 7. Какой иностранный язык преподают в вашем институте? 8. В нашем университете часто демонстрируются зарубежные фильмы. 9. Что производится на этой фабрике? 10. Нам не разрешается выносить книги из читального зала. 11. В каком часу закрывается банк? 12. Сегодня ожидается много гостей. 13. Ему часто присылают письма. 14. Почту доставляют сюда самолетом? 15. Где хранятся документы? Кем подписываются документы? 16. Сколько вам здесь платят? 17. На каком языке говорят в Австралии?  На английском. 18. Студентам медицинских институтов преподают латинский язык. 19. В этом зале проводят большие собрания. 20. Такие вопросы часто задают на экзамене.


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