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The future perfect passive


This text

will have been translated

by Peter

by 3.

This text

will not have been translated

by Peter

by 3.

This text

will have been translated

by Peter

by 3,

won’t it?


will have been translated

by Peter

by 3?

What text

will have been translated

by Peter

by 3?


this text

have been translated

by Peter

by 3?



this text

have been translated


By what time


this text

have been translated

by Peter?

Exercise 1. Read the following sentences. Note the use of the Future Perfect Passive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. We are sure that the club will have been built by the autumn. 2. The factory will have been completed by the end of the month. 3. The car will have been repaired by Saturday. 4. The work will have been finished before you come back. 5. The documents will have been typed by the time the boss returns. 6. By the year 2000, many actresses who are famous today, will have been forgotten. 7. The experiment will have been finished by twelve. 8. Most of this work will have been done by the end of the week. 9. The report will have been finished by lunch time. 10. All the business letters will have been answered by noon.

Exercise 2. Change the sentences into the Future Perfect Passive.

Model: - The office will be built in a few months.(by September)

- The office will have been built by September.

1. The tests will be checked in an hour.(by the end of the next lesson) 2. The book will be published soon.(by the end of the year) 3. The suit-cases will be packed after dinner.(by the time the taxi arrive) 4. The invitation cards will be sent on Sunday.(by Sunday) 5. The telephone will be repaired on Tuesday.(by Tuesday) 6. The work will be done tomorrow.(by tomorrow) 7. The papers will be signed at 5 o’clock.(by 5 o’clock) 8. The computer will be tested in a few days.(by the end of the working day) 9. The letters will be typed today. (before you come back) 10. The problem will be discussed on Wednesday.(by Wednesday) 11. The roof of the house will be painted in the evening.(by the evening) 12. Everything will be arranged in time.(before the boss comes) 13. The newspapers will be delivered at 9.(by 9) 14. The flat will be tidied up at the weekend.(before the parents arrive) 15. The research will be finished next year.(by the end of the year) 16. The table will be laid in the afternoon.(before the guests arrive)

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect Passive.

1. The construction of the bridge (finish) before winter comes. 2. The school (build) by September. 3. When you come here in summer, their house (repair). 4. The article (translate) by the time you return. 5. We can’t get there in time. By the time we get there the papers (destroy). 6. The letter (write) long before the postman comes. 7. The newspaper (bring) long before I leave home. 8. By the time Mother comes, the flat (turn out). 9. All new candidates for the post (interview) by the weekend. 10. By next summer the new road (construct). 11. The telephone (install) in our flat by the end of the year. 12. The new five-star hotel (finish) by the beginning of the tourist season. 13. The results of the final test (announce) before the students leave for holidays. 14. Mr Nelson (operate on) by the end of the week. 15. I am sure John (find) a good job by the time he graduates from the University. 16. The Browns (sell) their old house by the end of the month.

Exercise 4. Translate into English using the Future Perfect Passive.

1. Я полагаю, что письмо будет получено к тому времени, и тебе незачем беспокоиться. 2. К началу учебного года в нашем районе будет открыта еще одна школа. 3. Работа будет закончена к концу месяца. 4. К тому времени как вы вернетесь, экперимент будет завершен. 5. Письма будут напечатаны до того, как вы вернетесь. 6. Приходите в пять часов. К тому времени все документы будут подписаны. 7. Все приглашения будут разосланы к концу недели. 8. Телеграмма будет доставлена к 11 часам. 9. Дом отремонтируют до того, как вы вернетесь из отпуска. 10. Думаю, что новый корпус не построят к новому учебному году. 11. Интересно, будет ли опубликована эта брошюра до того, как откроется конференция. 12. Телеграмму только что отправили, так что вряд ли она будет доставлена к концу рабочего дня.


Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past or Future Perfect Passive.

1. His last book just (publish). 2. I didn’t know that he (not to invite). 3. The results of the elections (announce) by the time we come to town. 4. The room looks nice. It (clean). 5. When I returned to the town, my old school (pull down). 6. I just (advise) to keep to a diet. 7. Our TV set (repair) by May, 21st. 8. The road (build) before I came here. 9. Mary is proud. Her work (praise). 10. The delegates (give) the copies of all the reports before they leave home. 11. I couldn’t open the box as it (lock) by someone. 12. All the machines (test), and the results (write down) and (file). 13. I thought you (tell) the news. 14. A new business centre (open) at the hotel before the beginning of the international dental conference. 15. I (wake) by the noise in the street. 16. I had a letter from my sister some days ago. She wrote she (accept) to college.

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