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Enjoyable English.doc
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2. Agree or disagree with the statements.

1. Mr. Hawk went shopping with his wife because he wanted to buy some new clothes.

2. They dropped in at several shops.

3. They dropped in at the Department Store to buy a coat for Mrs. Hawk.

4. They bought the suit after a short argument.

3. Choose the right answer to the questions from those given below:

1. Why did the Hawks go shopping?

a) it was a special shopping round

b) it was a usual shopping round

c) they wanted new clothes

2. Where did they go first?

a) to Selfridge’s

b) to the butcher’s

c) to the greengrocery

3. What did they buy at the grocery?

a) bread and biscuits

b) vegetables

c) sugar and salt

4. What kind of suit did Mr. Hawk need in his wife’s view?

a) a suit for everyday wear

b) a festive one

c) a white summer suit

5. How many suits did Mr. Hawk try on?

a) one

b) two

c) several

6. How much was Mr. Hawk’s wife ready to pay for the suit?

a) a big sum of money

b) she wanted a cheap one

c) she wanted one for a moderate price

7. When did they choose the right suit?

a) as soon as a new selection of goods arrived

b) after a hot argument

c) when the department was reopened

8. Why did they buy that particular suit?

a) it was cheap

b) it fitted him perfectly

c) his wife was interested in it

4. Imagine that the Hawks are your friends. Ask them about their shopping:


What did you buy before you went to Selfridge’s?










buy it?


bought it?

5. Retell the story as if you were Mr. Hawk / Mrs. Hawk.

6. Work with a partner.

a) Imagine that you and your friend dropped in at the shopping center to buy clothes for yourselves. Act out a similar dialogue changing the underlined words.

You: I want to buy a new blouse. What do you think of this one?

Friend: I don’t like the style. Try on another one.


It’s a bit loose/tight/of a bad quality.

It doesn’t suit you.

It’s too expensive/cheap.

I don’t like the colour.

b) Ask your partner about his/her last shopping.

c) You are having a party this evening. Discuss with your friend a list of things you need to buy. Think of where you can buy them.

7. Look at these expressions. Which of them can a customer or a shop assistant say?

Can you show me…?

What size do you take?

Would you like … or…..?

I’m interested in…

What colour do you prefer?

I’d like to see…?

I’d like to buy/look at …

What can I do for you?

I’m looking for…

Make up a short dialogue using the expressions above.

8. Read the dialogue.

Michael: Excuse me.

Shop assistant: Can I help you?

Michael: Do you have Newsweek magazine?

Shop assistant: Yes, it’s right over there.

Michael: Oh, yes, I see it. Could you tell me how much it is?

Shop assistant: It’s three dollars. Anything else?

Michael: Could I have two packs of gum?

Shop assistant: All right. Newsweek magazine and two packs of gum. That’ll be five dollars and eighteen cents, please.

Michael: Thanks a lot.

Make up a similar dialogue. Ask about these items:


a) You want to buy a birthday present for your friend. But you know it’ll be difficult to surprise him/her. He/she has almost everything. Think of something original.

b) You are travelling around France. Think of a souvenir you want to buy in a tourist shop.


Types of restaurants

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