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2. Read two dialogues below and find the reasons for re-scheduling

the meetings

Dialogue 1

  • Sheila? Jim MacDuggan. I’d like to re-schedule today’s meeting with Dana. Could you ask her if she’s free tomorrow, same time?

  • Yes, Mr. MacDuggan. I’ll call you back after I talk to her about it.

  • Thanks. Oh, yes, will you please tell her that Mr. Grey unexpectedly came for a short visit today, and I just have to be in the office?

  • Sure.

Dialogue 2

  • Ms. Needham? This is Ella Smith. We have a meeting scheduled for tonight at 7 p.m. I’m sorry I cannot make it. Could we re-schedule, please?

  • Has anything happened, Ela?

  • Well, my supervisor, Mr. Grey, asked me to submit my plan by Monday…

  • I see. Hmm, my schedule is quite hectic all week. How about you call my secretary on Tuesday? She’ll tell you when we can meet.

  • Thank you, Ms. Needham.

3. In pairs, schedule and then re-schedule a meeting to your partner. Explain why you can’t meet. Use the dialogues above. Business Etiquette You Should Know

Complete the sentences with the offering answers. Read the text to check.

  1. Business etiquette is …

  1. genderless b) followed only by women

  1. The man … open the door for a woman.

  1. should b) shouldn’t

  1. Your guiding principle should … be to treat people with respect.

  1. always b) sometimes

  1. You should introduce

  1. a higher-ranking person to a lower-ranking person.

  2. a lower-ranking person to a higher-ranking person.

  1. Handshakes are … in the workplace.

  1. welcome b) forbidden

  1. A man should wear …

  1. suits and shirts of any colour, and loafers.

  2. dark suits and shirts without pockets and laced shoes.

  1. You can come to a meeting a few minutes …

  1. earlier b) later

  1. Asking personal questions is … to the English.

  1. acceptable b) impossible

  1. Giving presents is … of doing business in England.

  1. part b) not part

  1. A business lunch is often conducted in a … and consists of … .

  1. pub … a light meal and a pint of ale

  2. restaurant … a heavy meal and a bottle of wine

According to Hilka Klinkenberg, director of Etiquette International, a business etiquette firm, the basics of professional etiquette are really quite simple. First, understand the difference between business etiquette and social etiquette. Business etiquette is genderless. For example, the traditional chivalrous etiquette of holding the door open for a woman is not necessary in the workplace and can even have the unintended effect of offending her. In the work environment, men and women are peers.

Second, your guiding principle should always be to treat people with consideration and respect. Although this may seem obvious, Klinkenberg cites this basic decency as a frequent casualty in today's workplace.

Here are a few of the specific dos and don'ts of business etiquette you are likely to encounter during your workday.