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Вариант 3

I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:

1. The __ is made of silicon and electronic components.

a) papers b) device c) force d) regulations

2. It is known that much is being done in the world today for the ___ of non-traditional renewable sources of energy.

a) working b) decreasing c) development d) circulating

3. Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current (AC) ___ power systems.

a) electric b) solar c) heating d) geothermal

4. ____ they finished the work?

a) do b) will c) have d) were

5. ____ you read books on your specialty?

a) do b) are c) does d) were

6. She ___ with him last week.

a) has spoken b) speaks c) spoke d) have spoken

7. He ____ to school six days a week.

a) go b) was going c) goes d) is going

8. If I stayed at home I ___ the book.

a) will read b) would read c) would have read d) had read

9. If he ___ here tomorrow I shall bring him a magazine.

a) comes b) come c) came d) is coming

10. I was about to step out in front of the oncoming truck when somebody yelled me to look ___ .

a) out b) after c) for d) at

II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия (Participle I и Participle II).

1. When unloading the ship we found a few broken cases.

2. The figures mentioned in his report were published in a scientific journal.

3. Having obtained the necessary results they stopped their experiments.

4. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful than before.

5. Packing our things quickly, we hurried to the station.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов с перфектным инфинитивом.

1. She may have already written the letter to her parents.

2. She must have already written the letter to her parents.

3. She can’t have already written the letter.

4. She should have already written the letter.

5. She needn’t have written the letter to him.

IV. Задайте письменно 4 типа вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный) к предложению. Переведите вопросы на русский язык.

The energy of the sun represents practically unlimited source.

V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.

Solar Light by Night

Most people living in towns consider it a usual thing that streets are lit at night. But street lights need a power supply (источник энергии) therefore distant areas with no source of electricity remain in darkness until the sun comes up again.

With new appliances now offered by several British firms, many distant places could be lit with solar-powered street lights. It may seem strange that the lamps can use the power of the sun which shines by day when the lamps are needed at night, but they work by using energy accumulated during the day from the solar panel. The solar panel produces electricity which charges a battery. When the sun goes down the battery power is used for lighting. Each lamp has its own panel so the system can be used for one individual light or a number of them.

In the South Arabia a motorway tunnel miles from any power supply is lit day and night by solar-powered devices. The solar panels provide power during the day and charge batteries which accumulate enough power to light the tunnel at night. The generation of electricity by batteries is still expensive but the advantage of sun-powered lamps is that they can bring light to areas distant from any other power supply.

There is one more advantage of solar power: not only it is unlimited, but also its use does not pollute the environment. That is why it is very important to develop devices which make it possible to transform solar power into mechanical or electrical forms of power.

VI. Прочитайте рассказ. Передайте в письменной форме его содержание на английском языке, используя косвенную речь. Запишите перевод своего изложения. Используйте глаголы: to explain (объяснять), to suggest (предлагать), to remark (отмечать), to notice (заметить), to order (приказывать), it turned out (оказалось), to mention (упоминать).

Einstein for a Day

Albert Einstein, one of the world’s brilliant and respected scientists, is best known for formulating the theory of relativity. But it is not widely known that he had a fine sense of humor.

There is an amusing story about Einstein’s visiting universities in a car driven by a chauffeur, giving lectures on relativity. One day the chauffeur said: “Mr. Einstein, I have heard you give this lecture about 30 times. I know it by heart, and I am sure I could give it myself.”

“Well I’ll give you a chance,” said Einstein. “They won’t recognize me at school. When we get there, I’ll put on your cap and you introduce yourself as me and give a lecture.”

The chauffeur gave Einstein’s lecture without making a single mistake. On finishing, he started to leave, but one of the professors stopped him to ask a difficult question. The chauffeur thought fast. “That problem is so trivial,” he said, “to show how simple it is, I am going to ask my chauffeur to come up here and answer your question.”

VII. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык деловое письмо.

Satex S.P.A.

Via di Pietra Papa, 001 Rome, Italy

Phone: 769910 Fax (06) 681 5473

21 February

Mr. L. Cranr, Chief Buyer

B.Cottwold & Co.Ltd.

34 Newell Street

Birmingham B3 3EL

United Kingdom

Dear Mr. Crane,

We are pleased to receive your enquiry1, and to hear that you liked our range2 of sweaters.

There would be no trouble3 in supplying you from our wide selection of garments4 which we make for all age groups. We can offer you a 5 % discount.

We sent you our summer catalogue and price-list quoting prices c.i.f.5 London. We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products6 in England as have other retailers7, and we hope we can reach an agreement on the prices.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,



1. enquiry – запрос

2. range – ассортимент

3. There would be no trouble – нам не составит труда

4. garments – одежда, образцы одежды

5. quoting prices c.i.f – цены по условиям c.i.f (cost, insurance, freight)

6. you will find a ready sale for our products – вы найдете покупателей нашей готовой продукции

7. retailer – продавец в розницу

VIII. Напишите на английском языке письмо-заказ. Закажите амперметр, резиновый изоляционный коврик (insulating rubber rug), катушки, 50 метров термоустойчивого водонепроницаемого кабеля (thermoplastic moisture-proof cable). Запишите перевод письма.

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