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Вариант 3

I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:

1. Meet ___ the muster station..

a) after b) between c) on d) in

2. ___ fish or chicken?

a) Do want b) Do you want c) Want you d) You do want

3. ___ safety gear do you need?

a) What b) That c) Whom d) Who

4. ___ he visit that port last month?

a) has b) did c) would d) is

5. ___ what’s being said?

a) You understanding b) Understand you

c) Can you understand d) Understanding

6. Before departure all 0 non-seagoing visitors___ the vessel.

a) to leave b) leaves c) must left d) must leave

7. If there is a problem, ___ sure you inform the Captain.

a) made b) make c) making d) makes

II. Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами и переведите текст:

1____, clean it with a petrol-moistened cloth. If the terminals are dirty, clean them with 2 ___ . If brushes are worn, 3 ____. If the grooves on the commutator is clogged, use a small file

4 _____ them .

a) If the commutator is dirty

b) to clean

c) replace them

d) a pin

III. Какие реплики вы бы употребили, если бы вы были собеседником в диалоге:

А: Where does your vessel usually operate?


A: Did you use English when you worked on board?


A: Where do you work on board?


A: Which lifesaving equipment must be on board of each vessel?


A: Where was your muster station?

IV. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.

Crew’s Duties

In order to carry its cargo from one port to another over great distances, a ship must operate continuously throughout the twenty-four hours, for many days in succession (подряд), and its crew must be organized accordingly. Two factors are involved: first, the division of the day and night into suitable periods of time, the second, the allocation of duties to each member of the crew.

Each officer has his special responsibilities. The Captain (Master) is in command of the ship and its cargo. It is his responsibility to ensure the safety navigation of the vessel, the lives and safety of all on board, the care and delivery of the cargo. Under him the crew members are divided into the deck, engine and catering departments, the Chief Mate, the Chief Engineer and Chief Steward respectively being in charge of these different types of work.

The Chief Mate allocates duties to the crew in the deck department, who on the one hand carry out routine activities such as rust-prevention and maintenance of cargo gear and life-saving appliances and on the other hand, watchkeeping activities such as manning the wheel (управление рулем).

Time on boardship is divided into four-hour periods called “watches”. The passage of time is marked by strokes on the ship’s bell. The call “one bell” is used when calling the next watch fifteen minutes before they are due to turn up.

V. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.

High voltages are desirable for the economic transmission of a given amount of electric power. Take, for example, the transmission of 1000 kW. If the transmission voltage is 100 volts the current must be 10,000 amperes, but if the transmission voltage is 10,000 volts the current is only 100 amperes. The cross-section of the cables transmitting the power is determined by the current to be carried, and so in the former case the cables would need to be very much larger than in the latter case. It is true that the high-voltage cable would need to have more insulation, but even so, it would be very much cheaper than the larger low-voltage cable. A high voltage is therefore essential for the economic transmission of electric power.

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