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Вариант 2

I. Заполните пропуски и письменно переведите предложения:

1. They rarely drive to ____ office. They live near it.

a) their b) them c) theirs d) they

2. Of the three shirts I like the blue one ___.

a) best b) better c) most d) good

3. There aren’t ____ jobs for young people.

a) much b) little c) a few d) many

4. One shelf – two ___ .

a) shelfs b) shelf c) shelfes d) shelves

5. The manager’s office is __ the second floor.

a) on b) between c) in d) at

6. There ___ no much oil in the tank two hours ago.

a) were b) are c) was d) is

7. You will have to buy ___ for dinner.

a) anything b) something c) nothing d) somebody

II. Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужном времени. При определении времени обращайте внимание на маркеры (cм. Приложение 4) Запишите перевод предложения.

1. It was the poorest room I ever (to see).

2. When I came, he (to have) breakfast.

3. We can’t dance as my father (to work) in the study. He (to prepare) a report.

4. What this man (to do) here?

5. Look, the typist (to talk) all the time, she already (to miss) several words.

III. Перепишите предложения, поставив нужный модальный глагол или его эквивалент: can, must, to have to, to be to, should, to be able to. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. You … listen to the music but not very loudly.

2. I will … to speak Spanish in few months.

3. I … to stay at home this week.

4. You … take the medicine.

5. She … not do so much work about the house.

IV. Прочитайте предложения, запишите только те из них, которые употреблены в Passive Voice. Запишите перевод выбранных предложений.

1. The Spanish government offered Columbus three ships.

2. We request the passengers leaving for London to register.

3. The morning mail was looked through by the secretary.

4. The work had been finished by evening.

5. Has he been sent for?

V. Ответьте письменно полным предложением на следующие вопросы:

1. Which city was the first national capital of the USA?

2. What parts is Scotland divided into?

3. How many official languages are there in Canada? Name them.

VI. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык. Передайте содержание текста по-английски письменно, выделив основную мысль каждого абзаца. Используйте вводные слова и выражения (см. Приложение 5). Запишите перевод своего пересказа. Задайте письменно 3 вопроса по содержанию текста.

New York

New York is one of the largest cities in the world. It was founded three hundred years ago at the mouth1 of the Hudson River. The centre of New York is Manhattan Island. In 1626 it was bought from the Indians for a handful of trinkets2 that cost four dollars. Today Manhattan is the centre of business finance. Numerous skyscrapers house3 banks and offices American business. Broadway begins here, the Stock Exchange4 is located here, too. Very few people live in Manhattan, though majority work here. Numerous bridges link Manhattan with the opposite shores.

New York is inhabited by people of almost all nationalities and races. It is called "modern Babylon"5. At the turn of the twentieth century a lot of people came to the USA from different countries of the world. They entered the USA through New York, the Gateway of America.

New York is one of the leading manufacturing cities in the world. The most important industries are those producing paper products, vehicles, glass, chemicals, machinery. New York has a heavy traffic. The sea encircles many of the city areas and the ships go over or under New York traffic routes.


1. at the mouth of – в устье (реки)

2. for a handful of trinkets – за горсть безделушек

3. to house smth – размещать что- либо

4. The Stock Exchange – Фондовая биржа

5. "Modern Babylon" – современный Вавилон

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