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english ПідручникДизайн 2012.docx
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VIII Make up your own dialogues using the key words and expressions from the unit.


I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

1. enhance збільшувати, посилити

2. complement доповнювати, укомплектовувати

3. derive походити

4. handicraft ручна робота

II Listen to the text. Decide if the statements are true or false:

  1. Accessories and art placed on or around furniture can destroy and complement the furniture selection.

  2. Furniture and accessories don’t work together in defining the style.

  3. Interiors are enriched by the addition of both functional and decorative accessories.

  4. Accessories should include items of personal value of the client or company.

  5. Decorative accessories provide no other value than the pleasure derived from looking at them.

III Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

1. How do furniture and accessories work together?

2. Can accessories be a powerful tool in establishing the design theme and why?


I Revise the vocabulary minimum of Unit 8 to be checked up.

II Match the words and word-combinations:

1. to convey a. зроблено

2. hand-produced b. передавати, виражати

3. fashion show c. фон

4. ground plan d. технічний директор (менеджер)

5. technical director e. показ мод

6. set f. новий проект

7. props g. форма

8. scenic elevation h. художнє оформлення сцени

9. shape i. реквізити

10. redraft j. декорація

III Match the definitions:

1 costume design a. creation of theatrical as well as film or television scenery

2 performance b. costume which helps actors to portray characters’ age, gender role, profession, social class, personality and even information about the historical period, geographic location and time of day as well as the season or weather of the theatrical performance

3 scenic design c. ‘look’ or physical appearance of the stage for a play whether in rehearsal or performance. It reflects the way that the stage is composed artistically in regard to props, actors, shapes and colours

4 stage picture d. design of the appearance of characters in a theatre or cinema performance. This usually involves designing or choosing clothing, footwear, hats and head dresses for the actors to wear, but it may also include designing masks, makeup or other unusual forms

5 theatrical costume e. 1) act of performing or the state of being performed; 2) act or style of performing a work or role before an audience; 3) presentation, especially a theatrical one, before an audience

Unit 10



I Listen and remember the following words:

  1. cushion подушка

  2. furnishing обстановка

  3. settee диван

  4. bolster валик (диванний)

  5. gingham тканина (картата чи у смужку)

  6. lampshade – абажур

  7. embossing гофрирування

  8. parchment пергаментний папір

  9. frilly з оборками

II Read and remember the following phrases:

  1. a great pile – велика кількість

  2. settee bed – канапе

  3. sheer curtains – легкі штори

  4. roller blinds – ролети

  5. sill-length curtains – штори до підвіконня

  6. night-time setting – сумерки

  7. bold colour – яскравий колір

III Read and translate the following text:

Creative Interiors

Every apartment can be harmonized by using various furnishings to create the desired look.

Cushions were perhaps the earliest form of “furniture” used by man and initially would probably have been made from straw or dried leaves covered with a skin or fur. Since then, cushions in all shapes and sizes have adorned chairs, settees beds and they are still used on the floor to sit on.

Cushions serve both a practical and a decorative purpose in a room as they can soften the angular lines of modern furniture, add colour and excitement to a neutral scheme or give an impression of ease and luxury. Even if a bed or sofa does not actually need cushions, a great pile of them is somewhat comforting and satisfying.

There are enormous varieties of cushion shapes: square, rectangular, round, heart-shaped, kite-shaped and bolster-shaped – and they can be made from almost every fabric imaginable. Floor cushions really need heavy-duty fabrics but the other shapes can be made with cotton, lace, satin, velvet, tapestry, gingham, patchwork; it all depends where the cushions are to be used and whether they are going to be purely decorative or receive a lot wear.

Basic curtains can be trimmed in various ways to produce different styles – smart and sophisticated, frilly and feminine, grand and theatrical. Provided it drapes or folds well, almost any material can be used for curtains. A fabric must complement the colour scheme of the room, but such things as the fabric weight and whether it is resistant to fading should also be considered. To prevent fabric fading the curtains can be lined, or sheer curtains or roller blinds can be used to act as a sunscreen and bear the brunt of strong sunlight. Fabric weight is important too – a thick fabric used for sill-length curtains could look bulky and stiff, whereas used for floor-length curtains it would hang better and add importance to the window.

Lampshades are essential functional items and they are very important in a furnishing scheme as they are also decorative and the light they dispense could make a vital difference to a night-time setting. The style of a lamp should therefore blend with the other furnishings, so the choice of lamp base and the colour and texture of the lampshades are all important.

Parchment and silk have been used for many years for lampshades and they still look right in traditional settings.

A tablecloth is a piece of cloth used to cover a table. This piece of home furnishings is creatively designed and adorned with laces, embroidery, embossing etc.

Tablecloths are produced in various ways, designs, and patterns. The demand for tablecloths is on the rise, as it is widely used for both functional and decorative purpose. Tablecloths are also used for protecting the table from scratches and stains. Damask and lace constructions are the most used for tablecloths.

Stylishly created tablecloths can go well with any kind of interiors and are available in modern and traditional designs. Bold colours, patterns are used for formal and casual setups.

A variety of man-made and natural materials are used for manufacturing high quality and durable tablecloths. Some of the widely used fabrics are: cotton, silk, linen, rayon, polyester.

Floor coverings have been made from various textile fibres for thousands of years. Throughout civilization, carpets and rugs have formed a part of different cultures, countries and civilizations. Priceless carpets and rugs made over hundreds of years ago in the East are exhibited in museums today.

Rugs and carpets serve as a colourful foundation for all the decorative plan and colour scheme for various rooms, schools, office buildings, hospitals, hotels etc.

The terms 'rug' and 'carpet' are often used synonymously, but the form or the size in which these coverings are manufactured differs. Rugs may vary in shape and size. Rugs and carpets are manufactured according to certain size standards.

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