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english ПідручникДизайн 2012.docx
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III Make up a plan of the text.

IV Translate the paragraph in italics in a written form.

V Render the text in brief in a written form.

VI Work in pairs. Discuss the questions :

  1. When and where did Neoclassicism begin?

  2. What are Neoclassical paintings devoid of ... ?

  3. What is Romanticism?

  4. What is Realism featured by?

  5. Where did modern painting start in?

  6. What do the paintings of Gustave Courbet, Edouard Manet and the Impressionists represent?

  7. What styles arose then?

  8. What do they express?

  9. What influenced the development of modern art?

VII Practice reading the dialogue with your partner:

- What do you think I ought to see first in Lviv?

- The sculptures of Greco-Roman art. They are exhibited in the Lviv Picture Gallery.

- I’d like to see these sculptures. In fact, the Greek torso is provided with the Roman head. Several emperors were known to have done that, installing their portrait heads on the bodies of the Greek or Roman gods.

- But, do you know that pieces of ancient Greek or Roman sculptures were discovered on the façade of the palace that used to belong to Count Lianskoronsky? These sculptures combine the Greek-made torsos and Roman-made heads, and dated from the second century BC- second century AD. They were incorporated into the façade of this palace and now they are exhibited in the Lviv Picture Gallery.

VIII Make up your own dialogues using the key words and expressions from the unit.

Text C

I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

  1. exceptional винятковий

  2. thoroughly ґрунтовно, досконало

  3. spoilt зіпсований, розпещений

  4. features риси (обличчя)

  5. pigeon голуб

  6. to complete завершувати

  7. amazingly дивовижно

  8. lifelike як живий

  9. to disappoint розчаровувати

  10. triangle трикутник

  11. square квадрат

  12. amateur аматор

II Listen to the text. Decide if the statements are true or false:

  1. Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent in a very young age.

  2. His father was an amateur artist.

  3. Pablo often watched his father paint but he was never allowed to help.

  4. Few people realized that he was a genius.

  5. He was always breaking the rules of artistic tradition and shocked the public.

  6. He created over 6000 paintings, drawings and sculptures.

III Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

  1. When did Pablo Picasso learn to draw?

  2. How many drawings, paintings and sculptures did he create?


I Revise the vocabulary minimum of Unit 1 to be checked up.

II Match the words and word-combinations:

1 refinement a) перевага

2 pre-eminence b) вирішальний фактор

3 visual arts c) естетичний досвід

4 features d) візуальне мистецтво

5 defining statement e) риси (обличчя)

6 amateur f) винятковий

7 surviving g) витонченість, удосконалення

8 aesthetic experience h) аматор

9 exceptional I) відродження

10 visual arts j) візуальне мистецтво

III Match the definitions:

1 Neoclassicism a) a style of architecture and decorative art that

flourished throughout Europe from the late 16th

to the early 18th century characterized by

extensive ornamentation works of art

2 Baroque b) late 18th and early 19th century style in architecture, decorative art and fine art based on the imitation of surviving classical models

and types

3 Modernism c)a style of painting that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, in which feelings,

imaginations, and wild natural beauty were considered more important than anything else

4 Romanticism d) artistic and literary movement originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century which sought to express emotions rather than to represent external reality. It is characterized by the use of symbolism, exaggeration and distortion

5 Expressionism e) a style of art that was popular especially from the 1940s to the 1960s, which uses simple shapes and modern artificial materials


fashion history

part I


I Listen and remember the following words:

1. to reveal показувати

2. crusade хрестовий похід

3. emergence поява

4. cutting розкрій

5. sewing пошиття

6. ever-changing що постійно змінюється

7. availability наявність

8. to emphasize надавати особливого значення

9. trendsetter законодавець моди

10. pursuit намагання

II Read and remember the following phrases:

1. professional tailor – професійний кравець

2. matter of necessity – необхідність

3. to drive to extremes – вдаватися до крайнощів

4. fairly dramatically – досить кардинально

5. exquisite design – вишуканий дизайн

III Read and translate the following text:

First Steps in Fashion

The history of fashion reveals not only the importance of changes in appearance but also its historical interpretation.

The turning point in medieval fashion came in the eleventh century. Emerging monarchies in France, England and Spain created courts with real wealth to spend on fashionable clothes. These monarchies sent knights and soldiers on religious crusades to the Middle East and the returning crusaders brought with them ideas and clothes from the developed societies of the Byzantine Empire. These influences brought a revolution in fashion.

The real innovation in medieval fashion was that men’s and women’s clothing began to develop in completely different directions. One of the primary causes of this fashion revolution was the emergence of the professional tailor. Tailors across Europe developed new methods of cutting and sewing.

The Middle Ages was perhaps the last period in European history when clothing was a simple matter of necessity rather than extravagant, ever-changing fashion.

The fifteenth century saw transformations in the nature of costume and culture that are key to our understanding of Western fashion. Until the fifteenth century the clothing customs of most cultures had been determined by tradition, the availability of certain kinds of fabric and the skill of the tailor. During the fifteenth century, however, the nature of European costume began to emphasize fashion.

The sixteenth century was one of the most splendid periods in all of costume history. Some of the larger cultural trends of the time included the rise and spread of books, the expansion of trade and exploration. The increase in power and wealth of national monarchies in France, England and Spain caused the emergence of trendsetters.

Perhaps the greatest fashion trendsetter of the century was Elizabeth I of England who ruled from 1558 to 1603. This powerful female ruler drove fashion to extremes in her pursuit of richness and ornament.

The clothing worn by Europeans during the seventeenth century was influenced by fashion trends as never before. During the course of the century garments went from restrictive to comfortable and back to restrictive again, and excessive ornament was both stripped away and added back to clothing for both men and women. While the wealthy continued to determine the styles the rise of the middle classes also began to have a significant influence on fashion.

By the 1620s styles began to change fairly dramatically. While the garments worn remained the same the overall trend through the mid-century was toward softness and comfort. People continued to value rich materials and exquisite design, and didn’t add ornament for ornament’s sake.

These changes in fashion reflected the rising influence of France with its free sense of style.

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