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english ПідручникДизайн 2012.docx
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III Make up a plan of the text.

IV Translate the paragraphs in italics in a written form.

V Render the text in brief in a written form.

VI Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1. How did the war influence fashion?

2. What was the dress code at the theatre?

3. What were women doing during that time?

4. Military style was reflected in fashion, wasn’t it?

5. How did “dress for all occasions” look like?

6. What was the so-called war crinoline like?

7. Many new fashion houses appeared during the war, didn’t they?

8. What was more popular: dress or pants?

9. What was necessary for fashion industry?

VII Practise reading the dialogue with your partner.


A. You work for AdCam, a famous advertising agency based in the U.K. Could you give me ideas for the following advertising campaigns?

B. Firstly, I’d like to speak about a chain of fashion boutiques. The boutiques are located in the central part of the city, they specialize in designer clothes.

A. Will they offer a wide range of Ukrainian brands?

B. Sure, our goal is to improve sales and attract new customers. But the main point I’ll be talking about is a new chain of clothes shops for people with low income. The shops are located in residential areas.

A. And what do you know about a new packaging material?

B. The material is eco-friendly. It is a bit more expensive than polyethylene.

A. What is it made of?

B. It is made of a mixture of cotton, acrylic and polyester.

A. Fine, thank you very much for your attention and your time.

B. Please, don’t worry! Everything will be all right.

VIII Give the main idea of the dialogue in your own words.

IX Make up your own dialogues using the key-words and expressions from the unit.


I Mind the following words:

1. city-state місто-держава

2. craftsman майстер

3. to enrich збагачувати

4. luxurious розкішний

5. merchant купець

II Listen to the text. Decide if the statements are true or false:

1. Linen production in England was very important and allowed for creation of rich fabrics.

2. Powerful European kingdoms had a great impact on fashion.

3. Tailors of that time were not so skilled as they are now.

4. The monarchs were the only persons who could afford rich fabrics.

5. One of the ways displaying the power of kings and queens was clothing.

III Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

1. What role did the textile industry play in the sphere of fashion?

2. How did monarchs treat fashion?


I Revise the vocabulary minimum of Unit 2 to be checked up.

II Match the words:

  1. розкішний a tailor

  2. пряжка b shawl

  3. кравець c trendsetter

  4. хрестовий похід d sewing

  5. шаль e increase

  6. законодавець моди f significant

  7. пошиття g trade

  8. збільшувати h luxurious

  9. значний i buckle

  10. торгівля j crusade

III Match the words in the left column with their definitions:

  1. clothes a. a sewing line joining two pieces of a material

  2. substitute b. a material made of wool, cotton, etc. used for making garments

  3. creative c. things to wear on the body

  4. seam d. producing original ideas

  5. cloth e. use something instead of another thing


fasion history

part II


I Listen and remember the following words:

1. dressmaker швачка

2. to reflect відображати

3. to simplify спрощувати

4. introduction впровадження

5. silhouette силует

6. impact вплив

7. pattern викрійка, лекало

8. to allow for брати до уваги

9. mass-produced серійного (масового) виробництва

10. ready-to-wear готовий (одяг)

II Read and remember the following phrases:

1. to such an extent that – до такої міри, що

2. power loom (weaving machine) – ткацький верстат

3. for the centuries to come – на віки

4. to experience liberty – відчувати свободу

5. at the dawn – на початку

III Read and translate the following text:

Fashion Evolution

Men and women wore very different clothes at the beginning of the eighteenth century than they did at the end. The skill of dressmakers had developed to such an extent that it caused more attention was paid to details and ornaments. Despite the growing skills of tailors dress became simpler. Great changes reflected the political and cultural life during the century including the American and French Revolutions. Throughout Europe and the newly created United States of America people’s attitude about dress changed. No longer the monarchs were the only trendsetters of fashion. Later toward the end of the century clothing styles began to simplify.

During the nineteenth century dress changed a lot. The change was influenced by the introduction of machines to the construction of clothing. Sewing machines, power looms or weaving machines and other inventions increased the productivity of clothing manufacture. While the styles for men at the end of the century laid the foundation that would influence men’s clothing for the centuries to come, the styles for women did not. Women’s fashion began to be influenced by fashion designers, the first being Charles Frederick Worth. And in the coming century women would experience much more liberty and a variety of new styles would emerge to reflect this.

The period of World War I was one of great transitions in the world of fashion. Not only styles for women were changed in their basic silhouette but the very system through which new styles were introduced and popularized also changed. Paris was the center of the world fashion but more and more people got their fashion ideas from magazines. Social changes especially the increasing liberation of women and the coming of war also had a great impact on fashion.

At the dawn of the twentieth century Paris was the center of the fashion world. Clothing designers from Paris introduced clothing at seasonal shows and sold clothes to the wealthiest people in Europe and the United States. Increasingly, however, these fashions began to reach more and more people. Publishers began to sell pattern books of fashionable clothes that allowed people to make the clothes at home if they were good sewers. Soon department stores which were becoming popular throughout the West also began to sew and sell dresses modelled on the latest Paris fashions.

The introduction of the sewing machine combined with the factory system allowed for the mass production of clothing. Men’s clothing was the first to be mass-produced in a variety of different sizes. This form of clothing was called ready-to-wear. By the first years of the twentieth century ready-to-wear clothing was available to women too.

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