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english ПідручникДизайн 2012.docx
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III Make up a plan of the text.

IV Translate the paragraph in italics in a written form.

V Render the text in brief in a written form.

VI Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

  1. Why do flowers have various different meanings in different cultures?

  2. What flowers are used to remember fallen soldiers in Ukraine?

  3. What usually determines the choice of flowers?

  4. What special meanings of colours can you remember?

  5. Do meanings of colours coincide when being used in different areas of design? Explain your answer.

  6. What flowers are presented for various occasions? Give examples.

  7. How can flowers be used in interior design?

  8. What can flowers communicate?

  9. What specific meaning of flowers do you know?

  10. What differences in colour choice exist in different cultures?

VII Practise reading the dialogue with your partner:

  • What are you thinking about, Jill? I tried to address you several times, but in vain…

  • Oh, sorry, I’ve been thinking about the gift for my friend’s birthday and I can’t imagine what to present…

  • Then it’s better to present flowers, they have always been the most romantic gift of nature and mankind. Besides, you can express your attitude to your friend by means of flowers.

  • Is it really possible?

  • Surely, it is. Most people do not consider flower meaning before gifting flowers. But it is impossible for any person to be completely unaware of flower meanings.

  • Exactly! Red rose is known to stand for romantic love, isn’t it? But other flowers perhaps also have their meanings…

  • They do. Aster, for example, symbolizes patience, elegance and daintiness. Carnation means pride and beauty. A red carnation symbolizes love, pride and admiration; a pink carnation symbolizes the love of a woman or a mother; a purple carnation symbolizes capriciousness; a yellow carnation symbolizes disdain, rejection or disappointment; while a white carnation symbolizes innocence and pure love. A striped carnation conveys refusal.

  • How interesting! For me, carnations have always been associated with funerals…

  • Now you see you were mistaken.

  • If flowers have so different meanings, there must be some division into flowers for men and for women.

  • Though not often associated with men's gifts, flowers are growing in popularity as birthday, anniversary or congratulatory gifts for men. But to be sure which types are appropriate or male savvy, it’s better to check out their meanings.

  • I would choose gladiolus as a male flower. It is so manful!

  • You have perfect flower flair. Gladiolus symbolizes strength of character, faithfulness and honour. The Gladiolus flower signifies remembrance. It is sometimes called the sword lily and would be a great option as a gift for a man.

VIII Give the main idea of the dialogue in your own words.

IX Make up your own dialogues using the key words and expressions from the unit.


I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

    1. bloom цвітіння, квітка

    2. twig гілочка, лозина, гілка, вітка

    3. scalene нерівносторонній

    4. to delineate схематично змальовувати (те, що має бути створене), робити нарис; накидати, обкреслювати

    5. spirit дух, духовний початок, душа

    6. overtone натяк, нотка, підтекст

    7. priest священник, жрець, служитель культу

    8. nobility дворянство, родова знать

    9. prescribed встановлений, прийнятий, укорінений

    10. upright вертикальний, прямий, прямовисний

    11. stem ствол, стебло

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