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english ПідручникДизайн 2012.docx
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IV Answer the questions:

  1. What makes any apartment harmonized?

  2. What purposes do cushions serve in a room?

  3. What are the reasons for choosing fabrics for cushions?

  4. What should be done to prevent curtain fabric fading?

  5. Why are lampshades very important in a furnishing scheme?

  6. What materials are used for lampshades?

  7. What is the primary function of a tablecloth?

  8. What can you say about the floor coverings?

  9. What serves as a foundation for the decorative plan and colour scheme for various rooms?

  10. Is there any difference between the terms ‘rug’ and ‘carpet’?

V Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. There are enormous varieties of cushion shapes … .

2. Basic curtains can be trimmed in various ways to produce different styles … .

3. Lampshades are essential functional items and … .

4. A tablecloth is … .

5. Floor coverings have been made from … .

VI Find the English equivalent to the words:

подушки, покриття для підлоги, ліжко, диван, штори на підкладці, абажур, з оборками, легкі штори, ролети, канапе

VII Make up sentences with the words:

apartment, various furnishings, cushions, decorative purpose, modern furniture, basic curtains, the style of a lamp, tablecloth, floor covering, rugs and carpets

VIII Give the definitions to the words and phrases:

cushion, floor cushion, lampshade, furnishing, tablecloth, floor covering, rug, carpet

IX Translate the sentences into English:

1. Щоб надати кімнаті бажаного вигляду можна використати різні предмети меблів.

2. Подушки в інтер’єрі можна застосувати за практичним або декоративним призначенням.

3. За формою подушки можуть бути квадратними, круглими, у формі серця, тощо.

4. Майже кожну тканину можна використовувати для штор, якщо вона добре драпірується, або спадає фалдами.

5. Скатертини оздоблюються мереживом, вишивкою, гофрируванням.

X Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

apartment, to be harmonized, furnishings, cushions, modern furniture, a bed or sofa, floor coverings, basic curtains, a fabric, lampshades, a table cloth, damask, lace, colours, natural materials, durable, rugs and carpets


I Read and remember:

  1. bed sheet простирадло

  2. pillow case наволочка

  3. sheet простирадло

  4. crib дитяче ліжко

  5. twin двосторонній

  6. dull/double / подвійний

  7. king or queen (size) дуже великого розміру

  8. flocking набитий очісом

  9. resilient пружний

  10. spongy губчатий, м’який

  11. quilt картата ковдра, плед

  12. duvet пуховий (матрац або ковдра)

II Read the text and define the main idea of it:

Textile Items

Bed sheets and pillows cases are important home furnishings items used for domestic and industrial usage. A sheet is a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen or a blend of other yarns and used for covering bed. Pillow cases are also made in different sizes for covering pillows and cushions.

Sheets are widely used as a home furnishing and generally manufactured in two types: flat sheets and fitted sheets. A "fitted" sheet is made and sewn to match the shape of the mattress. Both sheets are made to fit five typical size mattresses: crib, twin, dull/double, queen and king. The style and patterns may vary. These sheet may be woven or knitted from a variety of materials.

A mix of man made and natural materials are used either wholly or blended with other materials for creating durable and long lasting sheets. Some of the popularly used materials are: cotton, linen, silk, acetate, nylon.

A blanket is a rectangular piece of home furnishing that can be divided into quilts, duvets and comforters. Traditionally blankets were made of wool, but nowadays artificial or man-made fibers are used for manufacturing different types of blankets.

Blankets are made from various materials and in different constructions and compositions for providing degrees of warmth, durability and softness. Blankets are usually woven, sometimes knitted or stitch knitted. They can also be needles or made my flocking fibers onto a polyurethane foam base.

A variety of man made and natural fibers are used for manufacturing blankets. These fibers are either used wholly or blended for making high quality blankets. Some of the extensively used materials are: cotton, wool, nylon, acrylic, polyester.

Three types of blankets are made that generally differ in certain characteristics including appearance, texture, warmth, durability, and care. They can generally be categorized into: conventional blankets, polyurethane blankets, thermal blankets.

A conventional blanket is a type of blanket that is usually woven with soft-twist yarns in the filling and higher twist yarns in the warp. The fabric is heavily napped for producing a thick, close and fuzzy surface.

Conventional blankets may be made from: wool, acrylic, polyester, nylon, (blended).

Most conventional blankets are made of pure or blended wool, and are the heaviest. These blankets are however, not the warmest. Acrylic blankets are light in weight and also quite warmer than the woolen ones. Acrylic and polyester blankets are fairly durable. This type of blanket is generally the most durable and long lasting.

Polyurethane blankets are composed of polyurethane foam base covered with fiber flocking, usually nylon and held in position with the help of an acrylic adhesive. The blanket is quite soft, resilient and spongy.

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