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english ПідручникДизайн 2012.docx
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IV Answer the questions:

1. How does graphic design present information?

2. What crafts does graphic design embrace?

3. What does graphic design refer to?

4. What do you know about the history of graphic design?

5. What is the essence of graphic design?

6. There are some elements of design. What are they?

7. Do you know the principles of design? Name them.

8. What are the steps of a graphic designer’s work?

V Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. Their designs have much in common, there is … between them.

2. … is the sale of goods and services.

3. A graphic designer should keep up to the times and use … .

4. … as form, texture, line, value, shape and colour compose the basic vocabulary of ….

VI Find the English equivalents to the words:

застосовувати, потребувати, охоплювати, поступовий, блискучий, експонат, виразність, складати, вивчення, покращувати.

VII Make up sentences with the terms:

image development, mass production, page layout, advertising art, visual design, design solutions, fine art.

VIII Give definitions to the words:

multimedia, imaging, advertising, layout, visual, typography, grid.

IX Translate the sentences into English:

1. Графічний дизайнер повинен володіти багатьма навичками, серед яких – оформлення сторінки.

2. Термін “графічний дизайнер” з’явився у 20 столітті.

3. Такі елементи як колір, форма, зовнішній вигляд, величина, лінія (контур), текстура мають велике значення для графічного дизайну.

4. Ми часто плутаємо поняття реклами, графічного дизайну та образотворчого мистецтва тому, що іноді між ними майже нема різниці.

5. Процес дизайну починається з замовника, а закінчується завершеною продукцією.

6. Більша частина роботи дизайнера потребує дослідницької роботи та планування.

7. Кожен професіонал знає такі принципи дизайну як ритм, баланс, виразність та єдність.

X Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

graphic design, to embrace, principles, elements, design theory, imagery, page layout, essence, advertising art, to incorporate, grid, visual design.

Text B

I Read and remember:

1. spontaneous спонтанний

2. to claim заявляти

3. innate природній

4. most advanced yet acceptable найсучасніший, проте прийнятний

5. associate партнер

6. in terms of з точки зору

7. to take into account брати до уваги

8. to be in tune with відповідати чомусь

II Read the text and define the main idea of it: Raymond Loewy. The Father of Industrial Design

‘It all must start with an inspired, spontaneous idea’.

‘The main goal is not to complicate the already difficult life of the consumer’.

‘Between two products equal in price, function and quality, the one with the most attractive exterior will win’.

‘I can claim to have made the daily life of the 20th century more beautiful’.

Raymond Loewy (1893-1986), a brilliant designer and, without doubt, the most versatile representative of this discipline, became a design legend in his own lifetime. He was the most influential protagonist of industrial design that North America has ever known and has had a significant impact on the tastes and lifestyles of several generations. Loewy’s design philosophy still has an influence on the industrial design world today.

After a brief but promising career as a fashion illustrator Raymond Loewy dedicated his talent to the field of industrial design. Loewy's creative genius was innate and his effect on the industry was immediate. He literally revolutionized the industry working as a consultant for more than 200 companies and creating product designs for everything from cigarette packs and refrigerators to cars and spacecrafts. Loewy lived by his own famous MAYA principle – Most Advanced Yet Acceptable.

A popular lecturer as well, Loewy spoke at institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia University and others. He founded three design companies: Raymond Loewy and Associates, New York; Raymond Loewy International, London; and Company of Industrial Design, Paris.

Loewy was the first person to understand design as a marketing factor: ‘if you have two products which do not differ in terms of price, function and quality, it is the product’s attractive external appearance which wins the race’. Raymond Loewy used these pragmatic words to outline his perception of design and this was certainly the secret of his success.

Many of the products that Loewy designed are still familiar to us today. These include the ‘Studebaker’, a symbol of American cars and the ‘Frigidaire’, the legendary refrigerator. Loewy created the trademarks of the 20th century’s technical progress. For example, the Shell logo, the Coca Cola bottle, the Exxon and BP symbols all carry his signature. Raymond Loewy also designed the packet of the famous American cigarette brand, ‘Lucky Strike’ and this is the one that is still used today.

For Loewy it was not design alone that was definitive. He believed that the job of a designer was more complex than that. He investigated the market as well as inquiring into the wishes and needs of the customer. In addition to design he gave equal rights to the requirements for user friendliness, ease of use, production costs and retail price.

Loewy’s principle of creating beauty through function and simplicity is still in tune with the requirements of industrial production today. His work still influences designer and consumer decisions.

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