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Латыгина Базовый курс економики на англ.doc
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Ex.9. Fill in the missing prepositions and adverbs. Mortgage

A mortgage is a type … finance used … individuals to purchase property. A loan is made … a building society, bank or insurance company, covering a proportion … the purchase price … that property to be paid … over a set period … time (often 25 years). The institutions making that loan retain ownership … the property as security … the loan until the loan is repaid.

(of (5), by (2), back, for)

Exercises in Comprehension Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Whom do modern banks offer their services?

  2. Does the service menu of banks remain unchanged?

  3. What does the credit card enable the holder?

  4. What is a loan?

  5. What is a mortgage?

  6. What is an overdraft?

  7. What is the difference between a loan and an overdraft?

  8. What other services except credit facilities do banks offer to their customers?

  9. What is direct debit?

  10. What kind of arrangement is a standing order?

  11. What is meant by “a foreign exchange service”?

  12. What new services have appeared in the banks as a result of their diversification?

Ex.2. Sum up what you remember about modern banking services. Grammar Revision

Comparison of Adverbs

  • Most comparative and superlative adverbs are made with more and most

– Can you type more quickly?

I am typing the most quickly.

  • Adverbs that have the same form as adjectives (e.g. early, fast, hard, late, long, near, etc.) have comparatives and superlatives with -er and –est.

– Can you type faster?

I am typing the fastest.

  • Irregular forms

well better best

badly worse worst

far farther/further farthest/furtherst

much/many more most

little less least

Ex.1. Divide the adverbs in the box into groups according to how the comparative and the superlative are formed:

early, easily, fast, hard, slowly, late, soon, well, badly, high, low, direct, little, straight, often, loud, far, near, fluently, carefully.

Ex.2. Complete these sentences, using the correct form (comparative or superlative) of the adverbs in brackets.

  1. If you don’t walk (fast), you’ll be late.

  2. She works (fast) of all the secretaries in her company.

  3. You could do it (well) with my computer.

  4. We could have found the proper solution (easily) with your help.

  5. My car is very economical, it uses (little) petrol.

  6. You are late again. We expected you to be here (early).

  7. We’ve got (little) time than we thought.

  8. They responded to our call (quickly) than we expected.

  9. As far as I know Tom works (hard) of all in the company.

  10. You can buy them (cheap) at Brown’s.

  11. Can you go out (quietly) next time?

  12. You should look through the financial statement (attentively).

  13. She resumed her way (slowly).

  14. The banks close (early) here than they do in Ukraine.

  15. The company did (well) than analysts had been expecting.

Speech and Discussion

Ex.1. Describe one of your local banks. Speak about: location, number of customers, opening hours, services offered, number of employees, its role in the community.

Ex.2. Make a list of the different services that banks in Ukraine provide for the public. Which of them seem the most important to you and why?

Ex.3. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms. Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them:

  1. I have my fingers crossed that I’ll sign the contract today.

  2. I know we should make her do more of the work, but I’d rather let sleeping dogs lie.

  3. We worked like dogs to finish the job on time.

  4. We worked for months on that project, and when it was stopped, all that time and effort went down the drain.

  5. She decides what will be done; she is in the driver’s seat.

Ex.4. Comment on the following:

“A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.”

(Bob Hope)

lesson 4

Text: The Euro

Grammar: Comparatives: other points

Terms to remember:

single currency

єдина валюта

the European Union (the EU)

Європейський союз




притягальний; привабливий


перевага; користь, вигода; прибуток




очевидний; ясний, зрозумілий

abolish (v)

скасувати; усувати

transaction cost

вартість угоди


прозорий; очевидний

transfer of funds

переказ грошей (грошових коштів)

purchasing power

купівельна спроможність

