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Латыгина Базовый курс економики на англ.doc
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Ex.7. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match them with the correct definition from the list below:

  1. the business of running or working in a bank;

  2. the most important bank in a country because it issues and manages currency and helps to carry out the government’s financial policy;

  3. a bank that provides many different services for its customers, e.g. providing bank accounts and credit cards, arranging loans, etc.;

  4. a bank that specializes in raising capital for industry. It advises companies on flotations, manages investment portfolios;

  5. a bank that provides finance for companies, especially by buying stocks and securities and selling them in smaller units to the public;

  6. a financial institution that specializes in providing services such as savings accounts;

  7. an organization that holds money, important documents and other valuables in safe keeping, and lends money at interest;

  8. a sum of money paid into a bank or savings account;

  9. an account with a bank for personal savings;

  10. something lent, usually money, on the condition it will be paid back after an agreed period with interest;

  11. the central banking system of the USA;

  12. offering company shares for sale to the public or on a stock exchange for the first time.

Ex.8. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. She opened her … with the Midland Bank last year.

  2. She works in … .

  3. Her monthly salary was paid into the … .

  4. I made a … at the bank this morning.

  5. I applied at the bank for a … at 7% interest.

  6. Lloyd’s is one of the major … banks in the UK.

  7. The firm has taken advice from a … bank on the flotation.

  8. I put $600 in my … account last year and earned 5 percent annual interest.

  9. The company has had a difficult time since its … in 2001.

  10. The company decided to increase its … and bought shares in Smith. Ltd.

  11. A … card allows you to buy goods and pay for them later.

Portfolio; flotation; savings; merchant; commercial; loan; deposit; bank; banking; account, credit.

Ex.9. Fill in the missing prepositions.

The central bank … the UK has a number … important functions … the economy. It is the government’s bank, which means that it issues and refunds government loans and securities and looks … the National Debt. It is the only bank allowed to issue bank notes … England and Wales. It implements the monetary policy … the government … its control … the money supply and interest rates. It also controls the provision … international exchange … trading. It is a publicly owned organization, largely controlled … the Treasury.

(of (4), in (2), after, through, over, for, by)

Ex.10. These words are often confused

to make – to do

Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the words above. Make your own sentences to show that you understand the difference in their meaning.

  1. What have you been _____ ? Your hands are dirty.

  2. I have _____ an arrangement with the Personnel Manager.

  3. He likes _____ nothing.

  4. Let’s ______ a plan.

  5. Could you _____ the shopping for me?

  6. I must ______ the accounts now.

  7. ______ a copy of this letter, please.

  8. I’ll ______ my best to help you sign this contract.

  9. We haven’t _______ a decision yet.

  10. Merchant banks ______ business with companies.

  11. He ______ accounting.

  12. Our company _______ computers.

  13. The businessman ________ contact with a new customer.

  14. I ______ what the boss wanted.

  15. She _____ a good salary as an auditor.

  16. That company _______ a big profit.