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Латыгина Базовый курс економики на англ.doc
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Ex.2. Choose the correct term for each definition.

free trade, free trade area, tariff, trade protectionism, import quota

  1. When there is a limit on the number of products in certain categories that can be imported, a(n) _______ has been established.

  2. In a _______ there exists a market in which nations can trade freely with each other without tariffs or other trade barriers.

  3. An import tax designed to raise the price of imported goods so that domestic products will be more competitive is called a(n) _______.

  4. The use of government regulations to limit the import of goods and services is considered to be _______.

  5. There is _______ when the movement of goods and services among nations takes place without barriers.

Ex.3. Sum up what you remember about:

  • international trade;

  • protectionist measures;

  • free trade.

Ex.4. Translate into English:

  1. Міжнародна торгівля – це обмін товарами та послугами між різними країнами.

  2. Завдяки міжнародній торгівлі країни можуть покращити свій життєвий рівень.

  3. У всіх країнах міжнародна торгівля контролюється державою.

  4. Тарифи, квоти, валютне регулювання – це протекціоністські заходи, які застосовує держава, щоб захистити національного виробника.

  5. В зоні вільної торгівлі не існує торгових обмежень на товари та послуги.

  6. Тариф – це податок на імпортні товари.

  7. Квота – це ліміт на кількість товару, який дозволяється імпортувати в країну протягом конкретного часу.

  8. Протекціоністські заходи підвищують ціни на імпортні товари.

Grammar Revision

The Infinitive

  1. The infinitive has the following forms:

Active Voice




Perfect Progressive

to ask

to be asking

to have asked

to have been asking

Passive Voice

to be asked


to have been asked


  1. The infinitive can be used as:

  • the subject It was hard to raise this question.

  • the predicative The main problem is to get to the office on time.

  • an object She tried to speak calmly.

  • an attribute There was nothing to argue about.

  • an adverbial modifier I have come to see the manager.

  1. Some verbs can be followed by object + infinitive.

I’d like you to pay now.

  1. verbs followed by an object + infinitive with “to”:

advise, allow, ask, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, intend, invite, permit, order, prefer, recommend, remind, tell, want, persuade, like, warn, wish, would like, encourage

My boss always encouraged me to work as hard as I could.

  1. verbs followed by an object + infinitive without “to”:

let, make, feel, see, hear, watch, notice, have and sometimes know and help

Let me explain the rule.

Ex.1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian and state the form and function of the Infinitive.

  1. She was the last to solve the problem.

  2. To do it accurately was the main problem.

  3. This is a prestigious company to work in.

  4. It was kind of your boss to have offered it to you.

  5. Our plan was to finish this work by the end of the month.

  6. I was lucky to have been chosen for this job.

  7. This is a very good hotel to stay in.

  8. There is a lot of work to be done today.

  9. She was the first to be given a rise.

  10. It’s nice to be working right now.

  11. He hopes to be chosen for this position.

  12. Our boss doesn’t like to be interrupted while he is working.

  13. Do you know him well enough to ask him for some money?

  14. I only want to be understood.

  15. All the necessary changes may be made any moment.

  16. I hope to find a job in accounting.

  17. I’m sorry not to have kept my promise.

  18. It was a big mistake for them not to keep him as accountant.