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Латыгина Базовый курс економики на англ.doc
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Ex.1. Choose the correct variant.

  1. I won’t have time to solve this problem tomorrow because I’ll be working/ I’ll have worked all morning.

  2. The interviewers will be finishing/will have finished the selection of the best candidates for this job by 6 o’clock.

  3. Don’t come to the office at eight because we won’t have arrived/we won’t be arriving by then.

  4. This time next week I’ll be taking /I’ll have taken my entrance exams.

  5. By the time I retire I’ll be working/ I’ll have worked here for thirty years.

  6. Will you be using/will you have used your computer this evening?

  7. I expect the meeting will be starting/will have started by the time we get to the conference hall.

  8. We won’t have finished/ won’t be finishing this work by the end of the month.

  9. By the time we get to the stadium, the game will be starting/will have started.

  10. We’ll have held/we’ll be holding our annual meeting soon, so we can make a decision then.

  11. We will make/will have made the last payment by the end of the month?

  12. This time next week I'll attend/I'll be attending a seminar in London.

Ex.2. Complete these sentences using the correct form to express future meaning of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Wait for me. I … ready in a moment. (be)

  2. In ten years time I expect I … in this company. (work)

  3. By the time we reach office, the rain …. (stop)

  4. He … the employment contract by the end of this week. (sign)

  5. The representatives of the company … my friend from 3 to 5 tomorrow. (interview)

  6. I’ll give him your message. I can do it easily because I … him tomorrow. (see)

  7. This time next Sunday I … in a London cafe reading a newspaper. (sit)

  8. I … this article by tomorrow morning. (finish)

  9. By next summer the company … new offices in Kyiv. (open)

  10. By the end of the month 2, 000 visitors … this exhibition. (see)

  11. By the end of the year the company … all our debts. (pay off)

  12. You … to your boss at the meeting tomorrow? (speak)

  13. I wonder what I … this time next year. (do)

  14. – I am going to Netherlands next week.

– You are lucky. The tulips just … out. (come)

Speech and Discussion

Ex.1. Imagine you have to interview a candidate for a vacant position. Draw up a list of questions you would like to ask each person applying for this job. After the interview discuss the candidate with your partner. Would you employ him/her? Why? Why not?

Ex.2.Describe a job that you would or would not like to have and explain what skills and type of personality are required for it.

Ex.3. Discuss with your groupmates which of the following factors would be important to consider while choosing a company to work for:

Size of a company, attitude towards staff, recruitment process, location, reputation of a company, salary, management structure, working conditions, job security, career opportunities.

Ex.4. You are a jobseeker and you are interested in a particular post. How do you imagine your future interview?

Ex.5. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms. Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them.

  1. There is monkey business with tax money going on in this region.

  2. We’ve been working for 10 hours and we are tired; let’s call it a day.

  3. He makes a killing selling umbrellas when it rains.

  4. The advertising agency won’t accept cheques any more, only hard cash.

  5. I got the news at first hand, so I know it’s true.

Ex.6. Comment on the following proverbs and sayings. Do they have equivalents in Ukrainian? Think of situations where you could use them.

Pride comes before a fall.

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Ex.7. Read the joke:


A woman was being interviewed for a job. “You understand that before we can offer you position, you must take a short test.”

“Of course,” she answered

“Well, how much is two plus two.”


A second applicant entered the room. After a short interview, the recruiter asked,” Are you ready for the test?”


“Well, how much is two plus two?”

The applicant answered, “whatever the boss says it is.”

The second applicant got the job.

lesson 5

Text: Executive Pay

Grammar: When and if sentences

Terms to remember:


процентний прибуток; відсоток; частка (в чомусь); інтерес, зацікавленість

rent on properties

дохід від нерухомого майна


прибуток; дохід; заробіток

annual salary

річний оклад (службовців)


заробітна платня (робітників)


винагорода; оплата; компенсація


комісійна винагорода, комісійні


кількість, загальна сума


гонорар; винагорода; плата

compensation package

загальна сума оплати праці



fringe benefits/perks

додаткові пільги


щедрий,; великий; значний

benefits package

пакет пільг

medical insurance

медична страховка

pension plan

програма пенсійного забезпечення

share option

опціон на акції (пільга, яку іноді отримують працівники компанії. Вона надає їм право купувати акції компанії зі знижкою по відношенню до ринкової ціни.

contribute to (v)

робити внесок; сприяти (чомусь)

at an advantageous price

за вигідною ціною

golden goodbye/golden handshake/golden parachute

золоте прощання /золотий парашут (велика компенсаційна сума грошей та різні привілеї посадовій особі, що іде у відставку; велика одноразова виплата директору, менеджеру, що йдуть у відставку, або працівнику, який залишає компанію)