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Ex.9. Fill in the missing prepositions. The Euro

The euro is the unit … currency … the European Union. It has real practical advantage. … example, it is easy to compare prices … the same goods … different member states. It is easier to spot the bargains … other countries and to buy there, … mail order or … shopping … the Internet.

Another benefit is obvious when you travel … the EU as you do not have to keep changing money and paying the charges.

Europe’s economy is now built … a single market and the single market will work much better … a single currency.

(of (2), for (2), in (2), on (2), through (2), around, with)

Ex.10. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. See how you translate the words “advantage” and “disadvantage”.

  1. The greater experience of our company gives us an advantage over our competitors.

  2. The high cost of living is a disadvantage to living in a big city.

  3. Our product is cheaper than the other, so we have an advantage.

  4. I will take advantage of my business trip to London to see the beautiful sights.

  5. Many of the disadvantages of the project were quite clear.

  6. She had all the advantages in life, such as wealthy parents and first-rate education.

  7. This contract has many advantages.

  8. The salesperson took advantage of me by charging me too much.

  9. His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage when he attends international conferences.

  10. He always takes full advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.

Exercises in Comprehension Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

  1. When was the single European currency launched?

  2. Why is the euro attractive to international investors?

  3. Does a single European currency have any benefits?

  4. How does the euro make commerce within the EU easier?

  5. What provides for lower transaction cost?

  6. What does the single currency make more obvious in different countries of the Euro zone?

  7. What costs does the euro reduce?

  8. What will increase employment in the EU?

Ex.2. Sum up what you remember about the single European currency. Grammar Revision

Comparatives: other points

  • We use double comparatives (…er and ….er, more and more…) to say that something is changing

The euro is getting stronger and stronger.

He is working more and more slowly.

  • We use the … the with comparatives to say that one thing depends on another thing

The earlier we start, the sooner we will finish the project.

  • We use as … as to say that things are equal or unequal

The euro has become as popular as the dollar.

This currency is not as strong as that one.

Ex.1. Complete the sentences using as … as.

  1. Your proposal is interesting but mine is more interesting. Your proposal isn’t ______.

  2. You read a lot about the euro but I read more. You didn’t read _______.

  3. The last contract was more profitable than this one. This contract isn’t _______.

  4. Supermarkets are more convenient than small shops. Small shops aren’t _______.

  5. This transaction is less expensive that that one. This transaction isn’t _______.

  6. The restaurant was cheaper than we expected. The restaurant wasn’t _______.

  7. We have bought less currency than we need. We haven’t bought _______.

  8. The financial statement was easier to make than we expected. The financial statement wasn’t _______.

  9. Our results are worse than we forecasted. Our results aren’t _______.

  10. Their products are reliable but ours are more reliable. Their products aren’t ________.