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Unit 13 Theme: Customs. Traditions and Holidays in Great Britain Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at Customs. Traditions and Holidays in Great Britain

Students should know the rule of Direct and Indirect Speech.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during three lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Customs. Traditions and Holidays in Great Britain”. Discuss in groups customs and traditions of the country. Speak about the most interesting holidays of Great Britain.

Grammar: Introduce and practice Direct and Indirect Speech.

Who are the British?

Most people in Britain are English, Scottish or Welsh, but in some British cities you can meet people of many different nationalities. There is one London street, less than 300 meters long, with businesses run by Arabs, Greeks, Indians, Italians, Jamaicans, Nigerians, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, as well as British.

But is Britain a cosmopolitan society? It really depends on where you go. There are large areas of Britain untouched by immigration. In 1991, 5.5 per cent of the 57 million populations described themselves as belonging to an ethnic minority of Caribbean, African or Asian origin. However, in Scotland, Wales, the north and south-west of England only 1 per cent of the population belongs to an ethnic minority. Most members of ethnic minorities live in the South-East. In Greater London, they represent 20 per cent of the population.

London's immigrants come from inside and outside Europe. There are almost the same numbers of Irish immigrants (3.8 per cent of the population) as Black Caribbean immigrants (4.4 per cent of the population). Many so-called "immigrants" are born in Britain: more than 36,000 Londoners born in Britain describe themselves as "Black British" instead of "African" or "Afro-Caribbean".

A tradition of immigration. People have been coming to Britain for centuries: some to get a better life, some to escape natural disasters, some as political or religious refugees. Many Irish people came to England in 1845 to escape famine, but usually they came to find work. Most of the roads, railways and canals built in the nineteenth century were made by Irish workers.

The greatest wave of immigration was in the 1950s and 1960s. This happened not only in Britain, but also throughout Western Europe. Many companies needed people for unskilled or semi-skilled jobs. Britain advertised, particularly in the English-speaking islands of the Caribbean, for people to come to Britain and work. Other people came from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Hong Kong. Many people came to Britain in the 1950s to work in hospitals, on the buses or for the railways.

Topical vocabulary


to depend on

Зависеть от


to belong







Меньшинство, несовершеннолетие





political refugees

Политическое убежище








to scatter



to proud of

Гордиться чем-либо, кем-либо





to retain




Доза, прием



Горн, печь


to denude

Лишать, отбирать











to boast


Ex.1. Read and summarize the text.

Ex.2. Suggest the Russian equivalents.

different nationalities, run by, untouched by immigration, instead of, to get a better life, to escape natural disasters, religious refugees, were made by Irish workers, unskilled or semi-skilled jobs, from small scattered beginnings, how to shape metal, proud of their craft, passed on their knowledge and experience from father to son, delightful residential suburbs, retain vestiges of the woods, he may perhaps be forgiven for thinking.

Ex.3. Find in the text the opposites to the following.

Familiar nationalities, small areas, from inside, experienced jobs, to lose, to gather, tiny.

Ex.4. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.

  1. In some British cities you can meet … different nationalities.

  2. There are large areas … untouched by immigration.

  3. Most members of … live in the South-East.

  4. In Greater London, they represent … of the population.

  5. People have been coming to Britain to get a better life, some to escape … , some as political or …. refugees.

  6. The … of immigration was in the 1950s and 1960s.

  7. The people of Sheffield are fortunate also in their homes, …. of their widespread city .

  8. They still retain vestiges … which grow dose to the hamlet by the Sheaf.

Ex.5. Answer the questions.

Where did most people of Britain come from?

Is Britain a cosmopolitan society, isn’t it?

What ethnic minority do the population in Scotland and Wales belong to?

Why have people been coming to Britain for?

When was the greatest wave of immigration in Britain?

What river flows through the modern city?

Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech.

Indirect Speech is formed according to the Rule of Sequence of Tenses. The Verbs most commonly used to introduce the reported speech are: to tell, to say, to add, to notice, to explain, to inform, to remind, etc. Note: to say smth. (to smb); to tell smb.smth.

Tom said, ”My brother is learning to drive.” (The Present Continuous Tense)

Tom said that his brother was learning to rive ( The Past Continuous Tense)

Marat said, “Sometimes I go home by tram.” (The Present Indefinite Tense)

Marat said that sometimes he went home by tram. (The Past Indefinite Tense)

The teacher told John, “You didn’t write exercise two” (The Past Indefinite Tense)

The teacher told John that he hadn’t written exercise two. (The Past Perfect Tense)

Bob Said, “My uncle has just arrived from Paris.” (The Present Perfect Tense)

Bob said that his uncle had just arrived from Paris. (The Past Perfect Tense)

If the reporting verb is in the present, the tenses that follow are usually the same as those used in the original statement.

An order or request in indirect speech is expressed by the infinitive. The verbs most commonly used to introduce indirect orders are: to tell, to order, to command. Requests are usually introduced by the verb to ask. More emotional forms are: to beg, to implore, to urge.

My teacher said to me:Remember these grammar rules! ” My teacher told me to remember these grammar rules.

Ex.6. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. Jack told his father, "I hope to pass the examination". 2. Henry said to me, "The teacher is listening to us". 3. Bob said to Tom, "I made no mistakes in the last dictation". 4. I told the policeman, "I saw the thief in the garden". 5. He said, "I have not read many English books". 6. Jack's father said to him, "You have not cleaned your shoes". 7. Mary said, "I do not want to wear my old dress". 8. My mother said to me, "I feel very tired and I have a headache".

Ex. 7.Choose the correct word from those in brackets.

1. My grandmother always ... me about her childhood.(says/ tells)

2. “Don’t do that! ” she ... them. (said/told)

3. Did she ... you where she had put my books? (say/tell)

4. When I was introduced to the actor he ... a few words about to me. (said/


5. That little boy is very bad. He ... a lot of lies.( says/tells)

6. She ... to me she didn’t know what to do. (said/told)

7. He often ... things like that. (says/tells)

Ex. 8. Change the following sentences into Direct Speech.

1. My sister said that she had not got a watch. 2. The teacher told his students that he was pleased with their work. 3. I told him that I had not seen his brother for a long time. 4. I told my mother that Henry was studying medicine at the university. 5. She told the grocer that he did not want any sugar. 6. We told the teacher that we did not understand his questions. 7. I told the taxi - driver that he was driving too fast. 8. He said that her children were playing in the garden.

Ex. 9. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. Mary said to her brother, "Take the letter to the Post Office, please". 2. The teacher said to Tom, "Collect the exercise-books and put them on my table". 3. The old man said to the little girl, "Do not run across the street". 4. The teacher said to the pupils, "Learn the poem by heart". 5. I said to my friend, "Meet me outside the cinema at 6 o' clock".

Ex.10. Translate the sentence from Russian into English.

1. Я попросил Джека дать мне его словарь. 2. Кондуктор сказал пассажирам не выскакивать из автобуса на ходу. 3. Учитель попросил студента стереть с доски. 4. Он напоминал мне отправить письмо. 5. Отец запретил детям входить в его кабинет. 6. Инспектор предупредил нас, что здесь стоянка запрещена. 7. Гид посоветовал нам заглянуть и в этот небольшой музей.

Ex. 11. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses.

1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked.

→ She asked ……. 2. "How are you?" Martin asked us.

→ Martin asked us ……… 3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?"

→ He asked ………. 4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. → The mother asked her daughter ……….

5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend. → She asked her boyfriend ……..

6. "What are they doing?" she asked.

→ She wanted to know ……. 7. "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me. → He wanted to know …………

8.The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?" → The teacher wanted to know ………

10. "How do you know that?" she asked me. → She asked me ……… 11. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me. → My friend asked me ……….

Ex.12. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note whether the sentence is a request, a statement or a question.

1.He said, "I like this song."

→ He said ……..

2."Where is your sister?" she asked me.

→ She asked me ………. 3."I don't speak Italian," she said.

→ She said ……….. 4."Say hello to Jim," they said.

→ They asked me ……… 5."The film began at seven o'clock," he said.

→ He said ……….. 6."Don't play on the grass, boys," she said. → She told the boys …………

7."Where have you spent your money?" she asked him. → She asked him …………

8."I never make mistakes," he said.

→ He said ………… 9."Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know. → He wanted to know …………..

10."Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience. → The stuntman advised the audience ……………

Задания на СРО:

Dogrammarex. 293-296onp.65 (Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика английского языка. Санкт Петербург, 2003)