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Материалы для итогового контроля (10 топиков)

1. We don’t need no education or do we?

2. Nazarbayev University Has Grand Educational Vision for Kazakhstan.

3. Your most exciting sporting moments

4. Living without TV.

5. My last travelling.

6. Visiting a theatre.

7. Astana is the capital of KZ.

8. My favourite holiday.

9. Customs and traditions of Great Britain.

10. Customs and traditions of the USA.

8. Каталог электронных ресурсов:

1. МОН РК // www.edu.gov.kz

2. Articles & Research Papers // http://iteslj.org/Articles/

3. Audio and video clips to help you improve your English // http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/multimedia/index.shtml

4. AudioEnglish net: on-line Dictionary // http://www.audioenglish.net/dictionary/

5. Centre for Independent Language Learning // http://elc.polyu.edu.hk/cill/default4.htm

6. Daily life in Britain // http://www.woodlandsjunior

7. English as 2nd Language // http://esl.about.com/od/englishforbusinesswork

8. English club // http://www.englishclub.com/

9. English Grammar // http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/toc.cfm

10. English Language Tests and Games // http://www.edufind.com/english/englishtests/index.CFM

11. English teaching and learning resources // http://www.eslgold.com

12. ESL Desk - Learn English as a Second Language // http://www.esldesk.com/index.htm

13. English Wordgames / http://www.learn-english-today.com/wordgames.html

14. Games, handouts, and worksheets for English study and teaching // http://eslgrammar.

15. Learn English Basics // http://www.learnenglish.de/basics/numbers.htm

16. Learning English through movies // http://www.lingual.net/lingualproductitems/

17. Math printables / http://www.edhelper.com/math.htmProfessional jokes // http://www.workjoke.com/projoke42.htm

18. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab http://www.esl-lab.com/

19. Reasourses for English as 2nd Language http://www.usingenglish.com/

20. Video exercises / http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/eslvideo/index.html

21. Virtual language centre / http://www.edict.com.hk/vlc/default.htm

22. Центральная научная библиотека МОН РК // http://www.library.kz

23. Learning English // http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/english/index.pl

24. Writing a Summary: Guidelines // http://glory.gc.maricopa.edu/~mdesoto/101on


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