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Unit III





Belarus is my homeland. It's the place where I was born and live now. Belarus is situated nearly in the centre of Europe, it borders on Poland in the west, on the Baltic States - Lithuania and Latvia - in the north-west, on Russia in the north and east and on the Ukraine in the south. Belarus occupies the territory of 207.6 thousand square kilometres, it ranks 13th in Europe. The population of our country is about 10 million with more than 100 nationality groups. The share of the rural population is 31%. About 3 million Belarusians and their descendants live outside Belarus, mostly in Russia, Ukraine, the USA, Poland, and Latvia.

Belarus has a very long and rich history. It is believed that the formation of the Belarusian nation dates back to the 13th century when the Belarusian language and culture began to take shape. But according to some written documents the Belarusian statehood started to be formed as early as the 10 th century when prince Rogvold started his reign on Polotsk lands. From the 13th to the 16th centuries the territory of contemporary Belarus was the centre of polyethnic state - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was one of the largest and most powerful slates in Eastern Europe. Then the Belarusian territory was a part of the Rzecz Pospolita. During that period the Belarusian culture and language were greatly influenced by the Polish. In the 18th century Belarus was under the Russian rule. Soon after the October revolution Belarus became a member of the USSR. In general, the history of our country was very difficult and dramatic; it proclaimed its sovereignty only at the end of the 20th century-in 1991.

According to the Constitution, Belarus is a presidential republic. The head of the state and the highest executive power is the President elected for a 5-year .term. The executive power is also performed by the Council of Ministers headed by the Premier. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President. The Parliament – the National Assembly – is a representative and legislative body of the republic. It consists of two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic. The House of Representatives is formed on the universal, free, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. The Council of the Republic is the chamber of territorial representation. The judicial power in the republic belongs to courts. Control over constitutionality of regulatory acts in the state is exercised by the Constitutional Court.

With its numerous rivers and lakes, meadows and forests which cover one third of the country, Belarus is a unique formation with hundreds of remarkable species of plants and animals. Belavezhskaya Puscha is the biggest and the most beautiful national park of the country. Rare bisons - aurochses - live here. Beresinski reserve, Pripyatski national park and many other territories are unique places where infinite nature is saved untouched.

The climate of the republic is moderately continental. The breathing of the Baltic Sea is constantly felt here and even during the coldest winter months the temperature may rise well above zero.

The mineral resources of the country meet the needs of the national economy in peat, potassium salts, building materials, underground fresh and mineral waters. But Belarus is poor in petroleum, gas, coal and metal, so they are the main items of Belarusian imports.

In spite of some serious economic problems that our country has faced over the recent years, Belarus can be named one of the most economically advanced regions among the countries, united in the CIS. Thanks to its good geographical position, advanced network of transport and communications, skilled workforce the Belarusian industry is achieving a high level. Belarus has succeeded in industrial development of such branches as motor industry, manufacture of tractors and agricultural engineering, machine tool industry and electro-technical industry, production of mineral fertilizers, wood-working and oil-refining. Such enterprises as MAZ, BelAZ, "Belaruskaly", "Azot", tractors "Belarus", TV-sets "Horizont" and "Vitiaz", watches and clocks "Luch", refrigerators "Atlant" are well-known both in our republic and abroad.

Belarus used to be called the land of bogs. Today a few million acres of land have been reclaimed for arable farming. The chief crops are potatoes, flax, rye and various fodder grasses. Belarusian flax products are among the main items of export and are well-known abroad.

Belarus possesses great scientific potential. The first step in the development of Belarusian science was made in 1921 when the BSU was opened, eight years later – the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus which consists of more than 40 institutions. Nowadays the achievements of Belarusian scientists in different fields have gained international recognition.

Answer the questions:

  1. Is Belarus your homeland?

  2. Is it a place where you were born and live now?

  3. What countries does Belarus border on?

  4. What is the population of Belarus?

  5. The formation of the Belarusian nation dates back to the 13th century, doesn’t it?

  6. When was the Belarusian statehood formed?

  7. Who is the president of the Republic of Belarus?

  8. How many Chambers does the Belarusian Parliament have?

  9. Minsk is the capital of Belarus, isn’t it?

  10. What is the structure of population in Belarus?

  11. What is the biggest and the most beautiful national park of the country?

  12. What mineral resources of the country do you know?

  13. What are the main industries successful developing in the Republic of Belarus?

  14. Are you proud to be a citizen of the Republic of Belarus?

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