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according to – в соответствии с

investigating skills – исследовательские способности

recognize – узнавать

analyze – анализировать

relationship – связь

be able – суметь, смочь

obtain – получать, добывать

on the whole – в целом

in particular – в частности

majority – большинство

require – требовать

deal with – иметь дело, рассматривать

distribution – распространение

inheritance – наследственность

horticulture – садоводство, огородничество

forestry – лесоводство

remain – оставаться

contribute – содействовать; делать вклад

incredibly – невероятно, потрясающе

ancient- древний

interference – вмешательство

increase – увеличивать

pollution – загрязнение

destruction – разрушение

layer – слой

disappearance – исчезновение

species – вид (биол.)

exist – существовать

enterprise – предприятие

prevent – предотвращать; не допускать

satisfy – удовлетворить

take into consideration – принять во внимание

salary – зарплата

define – определять

composition – состав; составная часть

essence – сущность

transformation – превращение, преобразование

elucidate – объяснить; пролить свет

conversion – превращение; переход

make contribution – сделать вклад

Answer the questions.

  1. Why is finishing school important for school-leavers?

  2. How did you choose your specialization?

  3. What does it mean to be a good biologist?

  4. How can you define the science of botany?

  5. What subordinate sciences is botany divided into?

  6. Why do you think botany is an incredibly interesting science?

  7. Did people always live in harmony with environment?

  8. What is a sign of ecological crisis?

  9. Why is the profession of an ecologist socially important?

  10. What ecological problems do people in Belarus have?

  11. What did you do to satisfy your ambition?

  12. What factors did you take into consideration while choosing a profession?

  13. Why did you choose the profession of a biochemist?

  14. What does biochemistry study?

  15. How is research in biochemistry carried out?

  16. Why is the profession of a biochemist specific?

  17. What are you interested in?

  18. Do you think your hopes will become true?

Ex. 1. Put the parts of the sentences in the right order.

  1. easy of course, it is not, of a job, the right choice, to make

  2. you should, I think, to be a biologist, investigating, have, analyzing skills; recognizing, you should, structures, relationships, be good at, elements; systematize, organize, obtained, material, you should, be able to

  3. biology, botany, on the whole, in particular, I suppose, for me, perspective, and, are

  4. in our republic, still exist, have to solve, Ecologists, a lot of problems that

  5. to help people, gives, the profession of an ecologist, in trouble

  6. prestige, salary, I took, job-satisfaction, a lot of factors, to travel, opportunities, into consideration

  7. the most primitive, very complicated, from, to, ones, biochemistry, as, of, the chemistry, may be defined, living organisms

Reading material


Study the meaning and pronunciation of the words:

majority (n) [mq′GPrItI] – большинство

seed (n) [si:d] – семя

enclose (v) [In′klouz] – окружать, заключать

cone-bearing (a) [koun bFqriN] – шишконосный

pine (n) [paIn] - сосна

larch (n) [la:tS] – лиственница

alga (algae) (n) [′xlgq] [′xlGi:] – водоросль

fungus (fungi) (n) [fANgqs] [fANgaI] – гриб (грибы)

moss (n) [mPs] - мох

liverworts (n) [′lIvqwWts] – кустистые мхи

fern (n) [fWn] – папоротник

horsetail (n) [hO:steIl] – хвощ

seaweed (n) [′sI:wI:d] – морская водоросль

freshwater (a) [freSw′P:tq] – пресноводный

tissue (n) [tisju] – ткань

surrounding (a) [sq′raundIN] – окружающий

occur (v) [q′kq:] – встречаться, происходить

motile (a) [′moutil] - подвижный


There are two classes of Flowering Plants. In the great majority the seeds are enclosed within a fruit. The cone-bearing trees, on the other hand, such as the Pine and Larch, bear seeds that are not enclosed in a fruit-case.

The Non-flowering Plants are grouped in four classes: Algae, Fungi, Mosses and Liverworts, Ferns and Horsetails.

To the Algae belong all the seaweeds and simple freshwater plants. Although they range in structure none have the highly differentiated tissues of the higher plants. Generally speaking, Algae live in water and take food and air from the surrounding water. Many seaweeds are brown and some of the most beautiful are red, but in all chlorophyll is present, the green colour being merely masked. When a branch of Bladderwrack is boiled in fresh water the brown colouring matter is dissolved and the branch becomes bright green. Both asexual and sexual methods of reproduction occur in different members of the class; in the latter case the egg is fertilized by motile spermatozoids.

Say whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. In all flowering plants seeds are always enclosed in a fruit-case.

  2. Cone-bearing trees are non-flowering plants.

  3. Algae take food and air from the surrounding water.

  4. Algae live only in seas and oceans.

  5. Brown and red seaweeds don’t contain chlorophyll.

  6. Algae reproduce either sexually or asexually.


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