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My Future Profession

Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for school-leavers. Many roads are open to us. Of course, it is not easy to make the right choice of a job. As for me I chose my specialization according to my interests. I have been interested in biology since my childhood. My mother is a biologist and I know how interesting her work is.

To be a good biologist I think you should have investigating, analyzing skills; you should be good at recognizing elements, relationships, structures; you should be able to systematize and organize material obtained.


I suppose biology on the whole and botany in particular are perspective for me. I believe I possess the majority of the skills required to be a botanist.

Botany is the science that deals with plants. It is divided into several subordinate sciences, such as:

systematic botany, which deals with classification of plants according to their relationship;

morphology, which deals with functions of plant organs;

plant geography which deals with distribution of plants;

genetics, which deals with inheritance and variation;

applied botany, which includes agriculture, horticulture, forestry, pharmacognocy, bacteriology, plant pathology, etc.

Botany is a very dynamic and developing science. A lot of questions still remain uncertain.

So I hope I have some possibilities to find my own way and to contribute to the developing of this incredibly interesting science.


Since ancient times people lived in harmony with environment. But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase. The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer, disappearance of some species of animals, birds, plants is a sign of ecological crisis.

That is the reason why I chose the profession of an ecologist. In my opinion this job is socially important. Ecologists have to solve a lot of problems that still exist in our republic. For example, the by-products of the large Belarusian enterprises pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain.

Ecologists must do their best to prevent terrible catastrophes such as Chernobyl tragedy.

The profession of an ecologist gives a lot of opportunities to help people in trouble.

I personally think that this profession is the most important and perspective. To satisfy my ambition I entered the Biology Faculty of the Belarussian State University and hope to be useful for my country.


While choosing my future profession I took a lot of factors into consideration: salary, job-satisfaction, prestige, opportunities to travel, etc. As for me, the most important criterion is job-satisfaction, that’s why I have chosen the profession of a biochemist. My uncle occupies this profession. He told me a lot about biochemistry. As fas as I know biochemistry is one of the youngest branches of biology. It is a young branch of chemistry too.

Biochemistry may be defined as the chemistry of living organisms, from the most primitive to very complicated ones.

The research in biochemistry may be considered in three aspects. The first is a study of the composition of organisms. It is the essence of static biochemistry.

The second aspect deals with all the complex transformations in living organisms. This is research in dynamic biochemistry.

The aim of the third aspect is to elucidate the biological or physiological importance of chemical reactions in organisms. This is functional biochemistry.

Biochemistry is a quickly developing science. A profession of a biochemist is very specific and responsible. I am interested in structure, properties and conversion of amino acids.I hope to make my own contribution in the development of biochemistry.

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