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Question 18: Education in the uk


The system of education is determined by the National Education Acts.

The basic features:

  • There are wide variations between diff-t parts of the country.

  • Education mirrors the country’s social system – it is selective and class-divided.

  • In 1988 was adopted the National Curriculum which sets out in detail the subjects children must study and levels of achievement they must reach

Stages of education:



Preliminary education


Nursery school or Kindergarten

Primary education


Infant school


Elementary school


Junior school

Secondary education


Secondary school


Sixth form college

Higher education


College of higher education or Polytechnic


University & Post-graduate education

  1. System of marking

  2. Preliminary and primary education

  3. Secondary School

  • 11+ Exam

  • Grammar Sch

  • Technical Sch

  • Secondary Modern Sch

  • Comprehensive Sch

  • GCSE or GCE O-level.

GCE A-level

  1. School life

  2. Post-School and Higher Education

  3. B.A, M.A., Ph.D.

  4. Oxbridge

Question 19: British Culture (Anglo-Saxon – Enlightenment)


Anglo-Saxon (5-7th cent.)

As Anglo-Saxons arrived from the Northern Europe  the West Germanic language.

This period is dominated by the pagan believes (Scandinavian Gods)

Tuesco – the God of Darkness

Woden - the God of War

Thor - the God of Thunder

Freia - the Goddess of Prosperity

Anglo-Saxons didn’t have written language, but they had letters called runes. And songs and stories had to be memorized. “Beowulf”.

In the 7th century the Anglo-Saxons were converted to Christianity  religious works.

Latin was adopted as the language of the court and science. Chronicles

Medieval (7-13th cent.)

Culture was greatly influenced by Christianity. Venerable Bede

In architecture prevailed cathedral and gothic style

In paintings – icons and faces of canonized people.

In sculpture – scenes from the Holy Bible

In theatre – mysteries, miracles, moralites

The word was perceived as smth material that had great power  sermons

The most important science – theology, the aim – to comprehend the God-creator.

Numbers were of great importance

In literature besides clerical genres romances got the popularity.

Sir Malory’s “Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table”

Ballads, fables.

William Langland and Geoffrey Chaucer “Canterbury Tales”.

Renaissance (14-16th cent.)

The War of Roses the Tudors became the ruling family. The period of absolute monarchy.

Folk literature flourished

With the Queen Elisabeth coming to the throne England saw great economic and social changes, development of science and art. This period is characterized by development of bourgeois society. The national culture was on the rise.

At the core of the culture was a man

The world was perceived as the sphere for the application of the human abilities.

The essence of the art – the search for truth. Humanism.

Drama was divided in comedies and tragedies. The first playhouse was “The theatre”.

The Robin Hood”. Sir Thomas More “The Utopia”. William Shakespeare.

Enlightenment (17-18th cent.)

17th cent. was a hard time, political situation was complicated Charles I was beheaded, England  republicmonarchy

The period of intensive industrial development  capitalism

Further development of science and culture.

Painting began to develop.

Country faced the problem of education.

Enlightenment: central subject of research was a man and his nature. Scholars believed in reason and natural goodness of a man They believed in educational power of art - through books, plays, pictures tried to teach ppl.

Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding, Robert Burns.