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Independent locally elected Councils

36 District Councils

Lord Mayor of London

Scotland: 9 regions – 52 districts


Local government in the United States depends on the laws of the various individual states.

Typically each state has at least two separate levels: - counties (parishes or boroughs),

- municipalities.

Some states have their counties divided into townships.

There are several different types of municipal government, generally reflecting the needs of different levels of population densities;

Many rural areas and even some suburban areas of many states have no municipal government below the county level.

County governments are organized local governments authorized in state constitutions and statutes and established to provide general government in an area generally defined as a first-tier geographic division of a state.

Question 43: Russian-American Relations


  1. WWII

  2. Cold War. Mikhail Gorbachev. START I treaty cutting back nuclear warheads was signed by Gorbachev and U.S. president George H.W. Bush.

  3. Post-Cold War Era

- Boris Yeltsin vs George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton

Privatization, "shock therapy"  economic crisis in Russia

In regard to international affairs, Russia largely stayed on the sidelines during this period. It did not attempt to block the 1999 Kosovo War in Serbia

-Vladimir Putin vs George W. Bush

U.S. and Russia began to have more serious disagreements. Under Putin, Russia became more assertive (aggressive) in international affairs than it had been under his predecessor; under Bush, the U.S. took an increasingly unilateral course in its foreign policy

In 2002, Bush withdrew the United States from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in order to move forward with plans for a missile defense system.

-Iraq War

-expansion of NATO into the old Eastern Bloc (Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Georgia)

-Russian-Venezuelan military cooperation

on a new strategic relationship.

-2005 The United States rescues the Russian submarine AS-28 off the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia.

-2005 Russia offers to send a rescue plane to New Orleans to aid the United States in search and -rescue operations after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.

-2007 Russia offers The United States to put missile defences on Azerbaijan.

-Russian aid to the United States

-Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans

-Russian-American rescue of Russian submarine

-General Motors has opened a Car manufacturing plant in St Petersburg

-Bering Strait bridge/tunnel

-Military ties

-War on Terror

-Russian military rescue of American girl

Question 44: Modern Foreign Policy of the usa


The U.S. Secretary of State is the foreign minister and is the official charged with state-to-state diplomacy.

Foreign Policy Agenda - "to create a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community."

US House Committee on Foreign Affairs - "export controls, including nonproliferation of nuclear technology and nuclear hardware; measures to foster commercial intercourse with foreign nations and to safeguard American business abroad; International commodity agreements; international education; and protection of American citizens abroad and expatriation."

In XXI U.S. influence remains strong but is declining in terms of economic output (China, India, Russia, Brazil, UN). Substantial problems remain, such as climate change, nuclear proliferation, and the specter of nuclear terrorism.


-United Kingdom

The United States and Britain share the world's largest foreign direct investment partnership.




-Middle East

The United States has seven major non-NATO allies in the Greater Middle East region. These allies are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Kuwait, Pakistan, and Morocco. Israel and Egypt are leading recipients of foreign aid.

United States has invested several hundred billion dollars in re-building Iraq's infrastructure and military in the aftermath of 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The U.S. has built a non-NATO alliance with Pakistan to assist with the War in Afghanistan and jointly combat terror in the subcontinent.



-Persian Gulf (Oil)



-Military aid

-Missile defense