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Question 23: Architecture and Places of Interest in London



  • No particular architectural style. It is, however, mainly brick built often decorated with carvings and white plaster mouldings.

  • Few structures have survived after the Great Fire - Tower of London, Westminster Abbey. A majority of buildings in London date from the Edwardian or Victorian periods

  • Wren's late 17th century churches Royal Exchange, Bank of England, Old Bailey

  • Lloyd's building, Canary Wharf and the BT Tower in Fitzrovia, London City Hall

Westminster Abbey

A gothic building.

Crowning place of the British monarchs.

Here are tombs and memorials of English monarchs and outstanding people.

St. Paul’s Cathedral

The creator – Ch. Wren

Built on the place of Old Norma church destroyed by the Great Fire in 1666.

A huge dome and “the Whispering Gallery”

The Tower of London

Founded in 11th cent. by William the Conqueror

It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and a royal treasury.

Now – the Museum of arms and armour.


The Ceremony of key

The Palace of Westminster

The old building was destroyed by the fire in 1834, the new one was built in 1840. the Queen Victoria opened the 1st Parliament in 1849.

The Houses of Parliament harmonize in style (gothic) with Westminster Abbey.

The northern tower is known as Big Ben

Hyde Park

Henry VIII’s place of hunting

A place of boating (the Serpentine lake)

A place of political meetings and rock concerts

Kensington Park

Regent’s Park

Richmond Park

Trafalgar square

Nelson’s monument

London Eye


The observatory

The prime meridian

The Millennium Dome

Question 24: The British as They are Seen by Other Nations


The British are supposed to be snobbish, unsociable, boring, and hypocritical.

An unusual geographical position (natural isolation) produced the certain spirit.

And the British tend to regard their own community as the center of the world.

The Britons see themselves as tolerant, decent, modest. They are proud of their genius of compromise and fair play.

And the foreign observers also admit British politeness. And also the feature which is indisputable is that the British people are profoundly conservative by temperament. They prefer their glorious past to the uncertainty of the future.






The Victorian values (Margaret Thatcher)

Work hard

Improve yourself

Live within your income

Give hand to neighbor

Respect yourself

Be a good member of society

Be pride of your country

Other features:

Love for gardens, dogs, horses.

Love for countryside

A nation of flower-growers



Greatest tea-drinkers

Sense of humor

Practical, own-to-earth ppl.

Foreign observers admit the British coldness. Do not communicate with strangers, and do not show their emotions openly. But when you get to know them closer they turn out to be rather friendly and warm-hearted ppl.

Arthur Kolstler: “a hybrid between an ostrich and the lion: keeping his head in the sand as long as possible but when force to confront the reality, capable of heroic deeds.