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Планы ответов на экзаменационные вопросы по дисциплине «лингвострановедение и страноведение» Question 1: Early History (Celts – Danes)


  1. Separation from the mainland at the end of the Ice Age about 10.000 years BC - nomadic groups of hunters and fishermen.

  2. A group of Neolitic ppl from the Iberian Peninsula came in 3000 BC. The Beaker ppl.

  3. The Celts arrived around 700 BC, presumably from Eastern Europe or Southern Russia.

-They were partly civilized

-They were polytheistic

-Some kinds of trees were sacred

-The society was governed by priests Druids. (Stonehenge)

- They were rather cruel and in worshipping too.

  1. The Romans came in 55 BC (up to 410 AD). The Romans landed and fought with the Britons.

  • They made and fortified the ports.

  • They built the fortress Londinium on the place of little harbor Lyn-din .

  • The built roads

  • B rought urban civilization

So Britain was governed by governors from Rome and it remained a roman province.

The last serious resistance of the Celts in the south came in AD 61, when Boadicea, queen of the Iceni, of East Anglia, led her people in revolt. Hadrian wall.

5. The Anglo-Saxon Period - 4th century.

  • At that time the country was divided into several kingdoms suffering from feudal wars for supremacy.

  • Anglo-Saxons lived in villages round each was a ditch (ров), and earthen wall, wooden fence for defence.

  • The first king was Offa of Mercia (757-796).

  • The important innovation – “Witan” or Royal council.

  • They were pagan.

  • The poem Beowulf , the Sutton Hoo treasure

Saxon Kingdoms.

6. Conversion to Christianity

- During the later years of Roman occupation, Christianity had become established all over the country,

- Anglo-Saxon believed in older Germanic gods

- the Christianity survived only through the Celtic Church.

- in 597 the Pope Gregory sent St.Augustine to re-establish the Christian religion, in 660.

- Canterbury in Kent – religious center.

- Edwin and Venerable Bede.

Question 2: Early History (Danes – Normans)



1. In the 8th century pirates from Scandinavia and Denmark began raiding the eastern shores of Britain.

2. To resist the enemies the kingdoms were united. Egbert, the king of Wessex, the strongest kingdom, bacame the first king of England.

3. To protect the country Alfred the Great gathered a big army and gave battles.

4. Danelaw Cnut (Canute), King of the Vikings, became the ruler of the whole of England, Viking Scotland and Scandinavia.

5. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

6. Edward the Confessor.


7. XIth century - William, Duke of Normandy was promised the throne of England.

8. The battle at Hastings on 14 October 1066.

9. The native English aristocracy was replaced by a French aristocracy.

10. Feudalism in England.

11. National language.