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Question 14: Political Parties of the uk


Historically there were 2 parties – Tories - Whigs.

They appeared in the XVII century.

The Tories

The Whigs




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Until the end of 19th century they were the only elected to Parliament


Trade Union

1945 – First election

Motto: British people are community

The Conservative (Tory) Party

monopolists and landowners

Controls business, industry, commerce.

Believes in private enterprise.

The word “tory” means an Irish highwayman


Individuals have an absolute right to liberty.

Foundation of freedom is ownership, independence, opportunity.

Every citizen has responsibilities to the

neighbors, nation.

Government should establish a climate in which enterprise can flourish.

The Liberal (Whig) Party

Trading and manufacturing classes.

Motto: Civil and religious liberty.

For many times won a majority at Parliament.

Tories called Whigs preachers, who could go on for 5 hours preaching moralizing sermons.

Question 15: Capital of the uk


London contains four World Heritage Sites:

the Tower of London;

the historic settlement of Greenwich;

the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew;

and the site comprising the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church.

The etymology of London remains a mystery.

Proper name Lud (furious)

Latin - “Lond” - a wild forest

Celtic – Llyn (lake) and Dun (fortress)

Old european “Plowonida” ( an overflown river)

NB: The Big Smog (the great smog)

In July 2007, it had an official population of 7,556,900 within the boundaries of Greater London (1600 km2 )

Roman Londinium

Anglo-Saxon settlement called Lundenwic


Tower of London

Plague & The Great Fire of London

  1. Local government

  2. National government

  3. Geography

  4. The London Underground

  5. The Docklands Light

  6. Buses

The City

Small area east of the center, the site of the original Roman town – the oldest place.

The administration is run Lord Mayor, elected annually

It is one of the biggest banking centers – Threadneedle street.

The central criminal court The Old Bailey.

The West End

Between the streets the Mall and Oxford street.

Regent Street, Bond Street

Entertainment centers – Soho, Picadilly Circus.

The East End

industry developed east from the City.

A person who is born in the E.E. is called a cockney.

The cockney dialect

A change of vowels - E.g. Late = Light [lait]

Dropping Hs - E.g. He [i:]