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8 Human Resources


job title

define (v)

personal assistant






назва професії



керівництво, влада

керівник, адміністратор, службовець

робоча сила

інспектор; керівник персоналу (на підприємстві); контролер

on the payroll


monthly-paid /

weekly-paid /

hourly-paid staff

white-collar worker

manual worker

blue-collar worker


в штатному складі (підприємства)

платіжна відомість

персонал, який отримує заробітну платню щомісячно / щотижнево / погодинно


робітник фізичної праці


колега, співробітник

"Human Resources" means people, plus the skills and experience they bring to an organization. Job titles such as "Accounts Manager" or "Personal Assistant" define what people do.

An employer is a person or company that provides job. Boss is an informal word meaning "someone in authority", for example an employer or owner of a company, or simply someone in a superior position.

The person who runs a specific part of an organization is called a manager. An executive is usually a

manager at quite a high level. People at the head of an organization, as it was already mentioned, are senior executives, top executives or top managers. Someone who is in charge of making sure a job is well done e.g. on the factory floor, or in retailing, is sometimes called a supervisor.

People working for a company are referred to as its workforce, employees, staff or personnel and are on its payroll.

Payroll is the list of all the people employed by a company, and the amount of money paid to each of them. The payroll is usually divided into monthly-paid staff, weekly-paid staff and hourly-paid staff.

Professionals or people with office jobs are white-collar workers, while manual workers in factories, on building sites, etc. are called blue-collar workers. Someone who works with you in your job is a colleague (sometimes called a co-worker).

1 What does "Human Resources" mean? 2 Who is an employer? 3 Who is an executive? 4 Who is at the head of an organization? 5 Whom do we call "boss"? 6 What is workforce? 7 Where do white-collar workers work? 8 What do blue-collar workers do? 9 What is a supervisor in charge of? 10 What is a payroll? 11 What is a payroll usually divided into? 12 What do managers usually run?

1 Match words that have a similar meaning:

specific manual provide workforce colleague define authority owner

give co-worker definite physical possessor personnel specify power

2 Match the words and phrases in the box with the correct definition:

1) a person who works for another person or an organization in return for wages; 2) a person who is employed to control, organize and direct part or all of a business or organization; 3) (informal) a person who is responsible for the work of a company, a department or at least one other person; 4) a person with authority who watches others work to

make sure a job is done properly; 5) a list of all the people employed by a company, and the amount of money paid to each of them; 6) the (official) power to give orders, make decisions, etc.; 7) a person that you work with in a profession or business; 8) an employee who does unskilled work, usually in a factory; 9) a person who works in an office; 10) all the employees in an office or factory; 11) a manager in a company who has the power to spend money, hire and fire employees.