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3 Put the verb in brackets in either the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple:

E.g. I had (have) an awful hangover because I had drunk (drink) too much the night before.

a) I cooked a chicken curry for some friends, but I __________ (not find) out until the next day that I ________ (give) them all food poisoning. b) Sandra ________ (ring) her friend Dawn to ask about her holiday. Dawn ________ just ________ (return) from a cruise in the Caribbean. c) Since he was a little boy, Mark__________ (want) to go to Oxford University and study to become a doctor. Imagine his delight when he ________ (do) really well in all his exams! His childhood dream ________ (come) true. d) Keith ________ (have) a very difficult week. On Monday a water pipe________ (burst) and flooded the kitchen, on Thursday the central heating ________ (break) down, and on Friday his wife ________ (leave) him. e) Kenneth and Diana ________ (go) to Brighton for their holiday last year. They ________ (be) there the year before and they ________ (have) an awful time, so I can't understand why they ________ (decide) to go back again. f) Rachel ________ (be) a successful model before she________ (become) a teacher. She ________ (earn) a lot of money, but then she ________ (give) it all up for the classroom. g) Paul ________ (eat) so much chocolate pudding that his trousers ________ (not fit) him anymore. h) When I ________ (come) downstairs this morning, I couldn't believe my eyes. The children ________ (do) all the washing-up, and they ________ (make) breakfast for me.

4 Complete these sentences. Use past tenses only and add any other words that are necessary:

1 Two years ago, while she… (work/Paris/grandfather/die). 2 As soon as I… (feed/cat/do/homework). 3 First I… (shower/then/dressed). 4 Since I was a child I…always… (want/Australia/finally/go/last year). 5 As he… (post/letter/realize/not put/stamp) 6 By the time he… (finish/speak/most/audience/fall asleep). 7 Once I… (tell him/truth/feel better). 8 Until I … (try water skiing/not believe/how difficult/be).

5 Open the brackets using either Past Simple, Past Continuous, or Past Perfect:

1. He (not tell) me that he (receive) a telegram from her. 2. I (ask) him if he (know) where she (live). I (say) I (not know) her address. 3. I (ask) him where he (put) my letter. 4. He (tell) us that they (spend) all the money. 5. She (come) to see us just at the time when we (have) dinner. It (be) the first time I (see) her. 6. He (leave) the house before I (have) time to ask him anything. 7. After spending several days in Paris he (feel) lonely and (want) to return home. 8. I (think) he already (go) home. 9. He (speak) a language we never (hear) before. 10. He (tell) me he (learn) it from the newspaper. 11. He (enter) the room, (take) something from the desk and (go) out. 12 At this time yesterday I (talk) to my friend over the phone.

10 Applying For a Job: Interviewing





offer (v)

accept / turn down

appoint (v)

employment contract

особа, яка проходить співбесіду



поручитель; той, хто дає рекомендацію


приймати / відхиляти

призначати, затверджувати

трудовий контракт

sign (v)

working conditions


in advance

research (v)

implement (v)


training course




умови праці

заробітна платня


вивчати, досліджувати

виконувати, здійснювати

переміщати, переселяти

курс навчання

сильні сторони

недолік, уразливе місце

An interview is a formal meeting between a candidate and people from the company. In this situation, the candidate is the interviewee and the representatives of the company are the interviewers. After an interview, the interviewers will check the references of promising candidates by writing to their referees: previous employers or teachers that candidates have named in their applications. If the references are OK, the interviewers ask candidates to come back for more interviews. Finally, they offer the job to someone. The candidate will then accept it or turn it down.

When the person has been officially appointed (given the job), an employment contract is signed, agreeing the working conditions and salary.

If you are an interviewee you should do the following in advance:

* research the organization

* read the job description carefully

* think about the questions you may be asked, and plan your responses

* be ready to talk about your career, both past and future

* be prepared to explain why you think you are suitable for the job

Below are some questions that are frequently asked in job interviews:

* Why do you want to join this company?

* What do you think you can bring to this job?

* What changes would you implement if you got this job?

* How would you feel about relocating to another city (working in a very small team? training courses?)

* Could you tell us something about your responsibilities in your last job? (about your experience of

dealing with difficult client? about your long term goals?

* What would you say are your strengths/weaknesses?

* What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?

* How do you see yourself developing personally?

1 What is a job interview? 2 Who interviews the candidates? 3 What will the interviewers follow up after the interview? 4 What document is signed when the person has been officially appointed? 5 What does an employment contract agree? 6 What should an interviewee do in advance?