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13 Executive Pay


rent on properties


annual salary







fringe benefits/perks


benefits package

(тут) процентний прибуток; відсоток

дохід від нерухомого майна

дохід; заробіток

річний оклад (службовців)

заробітна платня (робітників)

винагорода; оплата; компенсація

комісійна винагорода, комісійні

кількість, загальна сума

гонорар; винагорода; плата


додаткові пільги

щедрий; великий; значний

пакет пільг

medical insurance

share option

contribute to

advantageous price

golden goodbye /

golden handshake /

golden parachute

медична страховка

опціон на акції (пільга, яку іноді отримують працівники компанії, що надає їм право купувати акції компанії зі знижкою по відношенню до ринкової ціни)

робити внесок; сприяти

вигідна ціна

велика компенсаційна сума грошей та різні привілеї посадовій особі, що іде у відставку; велика одноразова виплата директору, менедже-ру, що йдуть у відставку, або робітнику, якого звільняють

Pay is seen as one of the most important forces in motivating the workforce.

The money a person receives, including salary, dividends, interest and rent on properties is called income. White-collar workers and professionals usually get a salary which is paid monthly, while blue-collar workers receive a weekly payment called wages.

Remuneration is a general term meaning "payment for work". In some jobs (in sales for example), the employee receives a commission, which is a percentage of the amount he or she has sold. A fee is money paid for the professional services of people such as lawyers or consultants.

Benefits add to the value of job. Apart from salary, an executive's compensation package can include bonuses and fringe benefits or perks. Many companies operate a bonus system for white-collar and blue-collar workers. Bonuses (extra payments) are usually paid against certain work done.

Fringe benefits or perks are extras received by an employee in addition to wages or salary. In managerial position these are usually generous, and are negotiated when a job offer is being made.

A benefits package may include: a company pension scheme, private medical insurance, company car, share options. A company pension scheme is a private pension plan which the employer contributes to. Share options give the employee the chance to buy shares in the company at an advantageous price.

There is also a compensation package for an executive leaving a company. It is also known as a golden goodbye, golden handshake or golden parachute.

1 What is one of the most important forces in motivating the workforce? 2 What is income? 3 What does a white-collar worker receive for his/her work? 4 What does a blue-collar worker receive for his/her work? 5 Where do employees receive a commission? 6 What is a fee paid for? 7 What are fringe benefits? 8 What may a benefits package include? 9 What is a golden handshake? 10 What are bonuses usually paid for?