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3 курс 1 семестр МС 2012-13 (методична розробка...doc
1.54 Mб

3 Choose the correct word from the box to complete the gaps. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

laid off, dismissal, the sack, relocation, closure, redundancy, dismissed, retirement, retired, to resign, resigned, voluntary redundancy

1 She decided to take ... rather than a cut in pay. 2 She has ... from her post as marketing manager. 3 He was asked ... when the fraud was discovered. 4 He ... from the bank after 30 years service. 5 The usual age of... is 60. 6 The bank clerk was ... for dishonesty. 7 Over 500 steel workers face .... 8 A slump in business has led to the ... of many factories. 9 The merger will result in .... 10 If he is late again he will get.... 11 The employee protested against the reason for his .... 12 The company has ... a section of its employees.

4 Fill in the missing prepositions: (to, down, in (3), within, according to, of (4), with, for)


Redundancy is the situation that results when an employee's contract ... employment is ended because that job no longer exists or is no longer needed. A factory might close ..., which would make all the workforce redundant, or, ... a factory, a new machine might make a particular job no longer necessary. Workers who are made redundant have a right to receive compensation ... the form ... a lump-sum payment which varies ... the length ... service ... the employee. Many companies ... fact negotiate ... trade unions to give more than the minimum legal requirement ... compensation, especially if they are asking ... workers to accept voluntary redundancy as opposed ... compulsory redundancy.

Grammar: Майбутній доконаний час – Future Perfect

Simple: will have + V3 / Ved

Continuous: will have been + Ving




I will have worked etc

will you have worked? etc

she will not have worked etc

Future Perfect пов’язує майбутню подію з визначеним часом у майбутньому.

Майбутній доконаний час виражає дію, яку буде завершено до певного моменту в майбутньому.

Ми не знаємо напевне, коли саме станеться дія, нам лише відомо, що вона закінчиться до певного часу.

The builder says he'll have finished the roof by Friday.Будівельник каже, що закінчить дах до п’ятниці.

She won't have completed the job until tomorrow night. – Вона не завершить роботу до завтрашнього вечора.

Цей час можна назвати «минуле в майбутньому». Ми використовуємо майбутній доконаний тривалий час, щоб сказати, як довго щось буде тривати до певного моменту в майбутньому.

Next Christmas Ill have been teaching for twenty years. – Наступного Різдва виповниться двадцять років, як я викладаю (я викладатиму (вже) двадцять років).