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3 курс 1 семестр МС 2012-13 (методична розробка...doc
1.54 Mб

1 Match words that have a similar meaning:

receive motivate pay income compensation perquisite share generous

earnings obtain stimulate big payment reimbursement perk stock

2 The words in the box frequently occur after "pay". Find combinations that mean:

1) the day when employees receive their wages or salary; 2) an envelope containing money earned by an employee; 3) a salary or wage given in a check; 4) a public telephone that you put money in to use; 5) a list of all the people employed by a company and the amount of money paid to each of them; 6) a cashier; 7) a piece of paper, given to an employee with his or her weekly or monthly wages, that shows the amount of pay given and

any deductions made.

3 Match the words and phrases in the box with the correct definition:

1) a percentage paid on amount of money; 2) money (in the form of wages or a salary or profit) received from work done; 3) payment for services given; 4) a payment made to someone for providing a service or goods. The amount is usually a percentage of the total value of the deal; 5) an amount paid for a professional service or

advice; 6) money or goods received in addition to a salary; 7) a right offered to employees, to buy shares in

the company where they work at a cheap price; 8) a compensation package for an executive leaving a company; 9) a sum of money paid to shareholders as their part of the company's profit; 10) a person who provides advice for pay.

4 Choose the correct word from the box to complete the gaps. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

golden goodbye, the benefits, a perk, fee, a commission, remuneration, interest, dividends, salary, payment

1 Will you accept € 100 as ... for the work? 2 She is much better off since her ... increase. 3 These shares should pay high .... 4 These gas shares earn a lot of.... 5 She receives excellent... for her work. 6 The bank charges ... for exchanging foreign currency. 7 How much is your lawyer's ...? 8 He was offered a company car as .... 9 ... we consider most important are non-contributory pensions, company cars and healthcare. 10 A € 750,000 ... to Mr. Brown, 68, retiring chairman of the tobacco company was pushed through at the company's annual meeting.

5 Fill in the missing prepositions: (to, in (2), with, at (2), of (3), from, for (2), on)

Fringe benefit

Fringe benefit is a reward ... an employee's labour which is not based ... money, but which takes an alternative form. Increased holiday entitlement, a subsidized canteen, free or cut-price products, or private health care insurance, are examples ... such non-financial rewards. It is increasingly recognized that money is only one element that motivates the workforce, so the use ... non-monetary incentives is becoming more common, ... shop-floor level, trade unions are increasingly including non-financial elements ... their negotiations ... management. ... management level, the "perks" ... company cars, sizeable expense accounts ... travelling, and other non-salary incentives, are an important element ... attracting executives ... one post... another.