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3 курс 1 семестр МС 2012-13 (методична розробка...doc
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3 Complete the sentences using future continuous or future perfect:

1 By this time next week I .....................................(finish) all my exams. 2 This time next Saturday morning we ............................ (fly) to Spain. 3 What ............................(you/do) at this time next year? 4 Do you think we ............................(read) books on computer in the future? 5 They ...........................(invent) a robot which does all the housework by 2050. 6 ................................... (you / do) your homework by six o'clock tonight?

4 Read the conversation and choose the correct form of the future. Practise the dialogue in pairs:


By the way, I forgot to tell you. We will have moved / will be moving into our new house on Friday. They've just finished building it.


That's great. But aren't you forgetting that we'll be going / we'll have gone to the class end-of-term party on Friday?


Don't worry. I’ll still be able /1’ll still have been able to go to the party.


But you won't be finishing / won't have finished moving in by then. Look, I'll come / I'll have come and help you sort out your room next week if you like!


That's a very kind offer, but I think you'll be regretting / you'll regret it! You haven't seen all the junk I'm taking with me.


Well, you'll have / you’ll be having to have a throw-out session before you leave your old house.


That's easier said than done!

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form:

1 This May we… (know) each other for two years. 2 By 2050 man… (probably /colonise) the planet Mars. 3 Shall I call you later on? – Yes, but not after 9 p.m. I… (watch) the football match on TV. 4 Peter is 16 years old today. This time next year he… (be able to) to drive a car. 5 …Jordan… (be) home by 7 o'clock? – No, he won't. He… (still / play) basketball at school. 6 We're moving next month. By that time the builders… (finish) our new house. 7 The director is making a new film. He… (work) on it for six months.

17 Macroeconomics and microeconomics


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Economics as a science consists of two disciplines: macroeconomics and microeconomics.

Macroeconomics is the study of large economic systems, such as those of whole countries or areas of the world. It tries to explain broad aggregates and their interactions “top down”, that is, using a simplified form of general-equilibrium theory. Such aggregates include national income and output, the unemployment rate, and price inflation and subaggregates like total consumption and investment spending and their components. It also studies effects of monetary policy and fiscal policy.

Macroeconomic analysis also considers factors affecting the long-term level and growth of national income. Such factors include capital accumulation, technological change and labour force growth.

Microeconomics is the branch of economics that studies individual producers, consumers, or markets or the decisions and choices made by individual businesses, families, etc. about spending or earning money, for example the choice to charge a particular price for goods.

Microeconomics also studies how government activities such as regulations and taxes affect individual markets. Besides microeconomics tries to understand what factors affect the prices, wages and earnings.

1 What is microeconomics? 2 What is macroeconomics? 3 What factors are taken into consideration when macroeconomic analysis is performed? 4 What is the main difference between the two disciplines?

Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Economists have two ways of looking at economics and the economy. One is macro approach, and the other is the micro.


2. Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole. In particular, it studies the overall values of output, unemployment and inflation.


3. Equilibrium is a situation in which the amount of particular goods or services that people want to buy (demand) at a particular price equals the amount that businesses want to supply (supply).
