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3 курс 1 семестр МС 2012-13 (методична розробка...doc
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2 Put numbers in the brackets to show the order in which each action happened:

  1. I went to bed ( ) after I'd had a bath ( ) and brushed my teeth ( ).

  2. When I arrived at John's house ( ), he had made a cake ( ) and done the washing-up ( ).

  3. When I arrived at John's house ( ), he made us a cup of tea ( ).

  4. My stomach-ache disappeared ( ) after I'd taken some medicine ( ).

  5. When we got to the theatre ( ), the play had started ( ) and all the seats had been taken ( ).

  6. Paul had supper ( ), then went to sit in his living room ( ). He felt miserable ( ). It had been an awful day( )

  7. Paul sat in his armchair ( ) and thought about the day ( ). He had got up late ( ), and then in the evening, his girlfriend had left him ( ). He decided it was time for bed ( ).

3 Put the verbs in brackets one in the Past Simple and one in the Past Perfect:

1 He _________ (die) after he _________ (be) ill for a long time.

2 They _________ (thank) her for everything she _________ (do).

3 When I got to the office, I _________ (realize) that I _________ (forget) to lock the front door.

4 When they _________ (finish) their work, they _________ (go) home.

5 I _________ (call) you at 8.00, but you _______ just _______ (go) out.

6 I took my family to Paris last year. I _______ (be) there as a student, so I _______ (know) my way around.

7 When І _________ (listen) to the news, I _________ (go) to bed.

4 Open the brackets using Past Perfect or Past Simple:

1. On my way to college I (realize) that I (leave) my report at home. 2. All my friends (be) glad to hear that I (pass) all the exams successfully. 3. By the time we (come) to see him, he (return) home. 4. During the holidays my friend (visit) the village where he (live) in his childhood. 5. When they (enter) the hall, the performance already (begin). 6. Where you (work) before you (enter) the institute? 7. She (think) that Gerry and Lisa (quarrel). 8. Suddenly he (remember) that he (not ring) her up in the morning. 9. By the time the train (reach) the city, he (make) friends with many passengers. 10. He (study) Spanish before he (enter) the university.

5 Translate into English using the Past Perfect Tense:

1. Представник фірми вже підписав контракт, коли вони припинили постачання сировини. 2. Ми вже відправили звіт компанії, коли вона помітила деякі помилки. 3. Персонал компанії вже обрав нового президента, коли він зателефонував. 4. До того як ми з'єднали наші компанії, цей бізнес був збитковим. 5. До кінця минулого року вони вже створили декілька спільних підприємств. 6. До кінця вересня ціни зросли вдвічі. 7. Він запізнився на конференцію, тому що не встиг на перший автобус. 8. Вона вже завершила підготовку до щорічного звіту, коли менеджер викликав її у свій офіс. 9. Ми вже розпочали роботу над нашим спільним проектом, коли він залишив компанію. 10. Його бізнес став дуже прибутковим після того, як він запросив нового консультанта.