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3 курс 1 семестр МС 2012-13 (методична розробка...doc
1.54 Mб

I. Give English equivalents of the following:

згідно з законом зростання оптимальних витрат; важлива особливість ринкового механізму; кількість наявних ресурсів обмежена; відмовлятися від можливості; бути змушеним робити вибір; випускати кінцевий товар; задовольняти бажання; розподіляти ресурси

II. Fill in the gaps with available resources; inputs; final goods; market prices; production; output

1 Factors of production are the ... – land, labour and capital we use to produce final goods and services (...). 2 Unfortunately the quantity of ... is limited. 3 Production possibilities are the alternative combinations of ... and services. 4 Over time the quantity of resources available for ... has also increased. 5 Market mechanism is the use of ... and sales to signal desired outputs.

III. Answer the questions:

1 What is «the economy»? 2 What do you need to produce the textbook and what are these inputs called? 3 Why do we have to choose among goods? 4 How is economics often defined? 5 What do we call the law according to which we must give up everincreasing quantities of other goods and services to get more of a particular good? 6 What are the essentials of the market mechanism?

IV. Translate into English:

1 Економічна наука вивчає виробництво та споживання. 2 Чинники виробництва – це земля, трудо-ві ресурси, основний капітал (обладнання та будівлі), якими ми користуємося для виробництва това-рів і послуг. 3 Ми не можемо виготовляти все, що бажаємо, і в кількостях, які нам потрібні, оскільки ресурси завжди обмежені. 4 Обмеженість ресурсів ставить нас перед вибором. 5 Економічна наука займається питаннями розміщення ресурсів, яких немає в достатній кількості, та тим, як їх краще ви-користовувати. 6 Нам доводиться відмовлятися від випуску певного виду товару, щоб забезпечити випуск іншого. 7 Головним у ринковому механізмі є чинник цін, який впливає на розширення або скорочення виробництва. 8 Якщо товаровиробники бачитимуть, що продаж певного виду товару і ціни на нього зростають, вони збільшуватимуть випуск цього товару.

Grammar: Future Continuous vs Future Perfect

• We use the Future Continuous to talk about:

*actions or events that will be in progress at a specific time in the future:

This time next week I'll be flying to London. – В цей час наступного тижня я летітиму до Лондона.

*something that will definitely happen in the future, because it is already planned or because it is part of a normal routine:

We'll all be using the net in ten years' time. Ми усі користуватимемося Інтернетом за десять років.

• We use the Future Perfect is used to talk about actions or events that will be finished before a certain time in the future: I'll have written the report by Monday. – Я допишу звіт до понеділка.

Ex.1. Choose the correct variant:

1 I won't have time to solve this problem tomorrow because I'll be working / I'll have worked all morning. 2 The interviewers will be finishing / will have finished the selection of the best candidates for this job by six o'clock. 3 Don't come to the office at eight because we won't have arrived / we won't be arriving by then. 4 This time next week I'll be taking / I’ll have taken my entrance exams. 5 By the time I retire I'll be working / I'll have worked here for thirty years. 6 Will you be using / will you have used your computer this evening? 7 I expect the meeting will be starting / will have started by the time we get to the conference hall. 8 We won't have finished / won't be finishing this work by the end of the month. 9 By the time we get to the stadium, the game will be starting / will have started. 10 We'll have held / we'll be holding our annual meeting soon, so we can make a decision then.

Ex.2. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1 Wait for me. I.................. ready in a moment. (be) 2 In ten years time I expect I....................... in this company. (work) 3 By the time we reach office, the rain ...................... (stop) 4 He ..................... the employment contract by the end of this week. (sign) 5 The representatives of the company ..................... my friend from 3 to 5 tomorrow. (interview) 6 I'll give him your message. I can do it easily because I .................. him tomorrow. (see) 7 This time next Sunday I....................... in a London cafe reading a newspaper. (sit) 8 I....................... this article by tomorrow morning. (finish) 9 By next summer the company ...................... new offices in Kyiv. (open) 10 By the end of the month 2,000 visitors ....................... this exhibition. (see) 11 By the end of the year the company ....................... all our debts. (pay off) 12 You ....................... to your boss at the meeting tomorrow? (speak) 13 I wonder what I........................ this time next year. (do) 14 – I’m going to Netherlands next week. - You are lucky. The tulips just....................... out. (come)

Ex.3. Make sentences and questions using the Future Continuous:

1) I'm going to watch TV from 9 until 10 o'clock this evening. So at 9.30 I.....................................................

2) Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at 4 pm tomorrow I ................

................................ 3) Jim’s going to study from 7 o'clock until 10 o'clock this evening. So at 8.30 this evening he............................................... 4) We’re going to clean the flat tomorrow. It’ll take from 9 until 11 o'clock. So at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning........................................................ 5) You want to borrow your friend's bicycle this evening. (you / use / your bicycle this evening?) …………..……………………………

6) You want your friend to give Tom a' message this afternoon. (you / see / Tom this afternoon?) …………

……………….…7) You want to use your friend's notebook tomorrow evening. (you / use / your notebook

tomorrow evening?) ……………………………………………… 8) You friend is going shopping. You want him / her to buy some stamps for you at the post office. (you / pass / the post office when you're in town?) ………………………………………….

Ex.4. Make sentences using the Future Perfect:

1) Hurry up! The film starts at 7.30 and it’s already 7.20. And it’ll take us 20 minutes to get to the cinema. When we get there, the film (already/begin) ………………………………. 2) Jim always goes to bed at 10 o'clock. Tom’s going to visit him at 10.30. When Tom arrives, Jim (go/to bed). ............................................

3) Sam is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much. Before the end of his holiday, he (spend/all his money) ………………………4) Chuck came to Britain from the US nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years since he arrived. Next Monday he (be/here/exactly three years)...