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Vocabulary Practice

24. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations in the text.

  1. природная склонность; 2. невиданными темпами; 3. и тому подобное; 4. почти двести человек; 5. охватывать (о страхе); 6. отвечать, расплачиваться за; 7. сильно расстроиться; 8. несмотря на критику; 9. она контролирует свои жесты и движения; 10. было бы разумно согласиться, что …; 11. заглатывать наживку

25. Find the words and word combinations which mean the same in the text.

1. to show other people that you have good qualities; 2. not to allow yourself to be treated badly; 3. to succeed in doing; achieve a positive result; 4. a feeling of worry or fear; 5. to get rid of smth completely; 6. to improve smth or to make it more valuable; 7. willing to do what you are told without arguing; 8. to get frightened; scared by threats, criticism; 9. being deprived of power or authority; 10. a remedy for all diseases or problems.

Text Analysis and Development

26. What do the following phrases from the text imply? Paraphrase and explain.

1. Mary Foxes is expensively but discreetly dressed: the right suit with the right hemline, low-heeled shoes, high-necked blouse, the minimum of good jewelry.

2. Mary Foxes is role-playing the interruption by a male colleague.

3. You might get frustrated with your feelings running high.

4. The situation requires some self-control, which props you against your reasons and senses quite effectively.

5. The group’s eyes are peeping around in search for acknowledgment.

6. Her experience is not insufficient to sound confident.

7. And when Joe congratulates her on her profundity, she will swallow the good British instinct that might lead her to say, self-effacingly

8. Acknowledging compliments and accepting them if you believe them to be sincere (rather than manipulative buttering-up) is really important.

9. The rest of the group are rearing to criticize her performance.

10. If someone criticises your work, it might be only wise to concede that it is to be knocked into shape.

27. Answer the following questions supporting your choice with the information from the text.

1.What is the article about?

  1. dealing with criticism b. eliminating anxiety c. assertiveness training

  1. What is the main idea of the article?

  1. Assertiveness training involves learning how to project yourself.

  2. Assertiveness training is an effective way to enhance self-confidence and facilitate communication.

  3. Assertiveness training is an optimum tool to confront bullies.

  1. By the end of the course participants will have done all of the following except

  1. get rid of the credibility-robbers in speech

  2. raise awareness of their goals

  3. speak eloquently

  1. Which statement is supported in the article?

  1. Assertiveness training teaches to resist manipulative attempts.

  2. Assertiveness training crystallizes your ability to speak aggressively.

  3. Assertiveness training id insufficient to sound confident and overcome fear.

  1. An assertive person must be able to

  1. to eliminate fear and anxiety.

  2. reroute blood supply from the brain.

  3. prevent the disruption of effective communication.

  1. All compliments

  1. must be rejected.

  2. must be taken critically and treated accordingly.

  3. must be accepted with gratitude.

  1. Making a presentation the speaker should

    1. defend himself. b. engage in eye-contact. c. never repeat the message.

  2. Criticism

    1. might seem similar to personal insult.

    2. will relieve frustration.

    3. must be always defused.

  3. According to the article agreeing with fair criticism

    1. infuriates your critic.

    2. disempowers your critic.

    3. deprives your critic of the chance to intimidate and control you.

  4. Assertiveness training

    1. is a one-cure-all treatment.

    2. stimulates effective communication.

    3. inhibits self-awareness.

28. Translate the summary of the text. Pay attention to organization patterns.


(What is the text about?)

Статья рассказывает о курсе, направленном на развитие уверенности в себе.

Main Idea

(What is the writer’s stance on the issue?)

По мнению автора, данный курс существенно повышает не только личную самооценку, но и эффективность речевого взаимодействия.

Major Details

(How does the writer prove his stance?)

Автор отмечает, что курс, направленный на развитие уверенности в себе, учит слушателей противостоять манипулированию, помогает участникам лучше понять самих себя, четче осознать свои цели, освоить язык жестов и исключить из своей речи слова и фразы, «подрывающие доверие» ко всему высказыванию и самому говорящему.

По окончании курса слушатели лучше справляются со страхом и гневом, которые препятствуют эффективному речевому взаимодействию.

Кроме того, курс способствует формированию правильного отношения к критике.


(Paraphrased main idea)

В завершении автор подчеркивает, что хотя курс, направленный на развитие уверенности в себе, и не может считаться панацеей, он положительно влияет на самооценку слушателей и их речевые компетенции.

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