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Unit 1 STUDENT.docx
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Speaking Springboard

29. Answer the following questions developing the issue.

Language Focus

30. Look through the text for appropriate prepositions or adverbs to fill in the blanks.

1.File-sharing websites are sure to enhance internet piracy … a massive scale. 2. My elder sister is so lonely that I shall probably end … bringing her to live with us. 3. Personalised learning has put the teachers and pupils … the same wavelength. 4. He struggled to stand … …the challenge in the way great champions should. 5. In the pre-industrial society most people were engaged … agriculture. 6. Stop beating … the bush. Get straight … the point. 7. He claimed that gambling was an emotional prop … family uncertainty. 8. Although tough in business matters, she has always been surprisingly fragile … the face … family uncertainty. 9. It is a politically sensitive matter, there can be no room … error. 10. If you’re serious about knocking your midriff … shape, there’s only one solution … it: diet and exercise. 11. She held the hand over her forehead to imply a headache, or something … that effect. 12. Can an exhausted team rise … the challenge of a newly arrived one on Friday?

31. Core vocabulary. Look up synonyms and synonymous expressions to the underlined words in the dictionary. Give Russian equivalents to the words and word combinations. Translate the sentences into Russian.

32. Translate into English. Make use of different grammar and vocabulary structures while translating. Pay attention to a variety of Russian equivalents used to render the idea of the sentence.

involve, involvement

1. Jane was on a diet which involves eating nothing but fruit. 2. A lot of politicians were involved in this scandal. 3. He is not the sort of guy to get involved with. 4. Our offer is one week, seven islands, up to 50 yachts and 500 people on a tour involving sailing by day and parties by night. 5. During questioning by the police, Rogers denied any involvement in the robbery.

Words frequently used with involved:

Adverbs: actively, closely, directly, heavily

1. Украденные машина зачастую становятся участниками аварий. 2. Не втягивай других в свои безумные планы. 3. На новой должности мне придется иногда ездить в командировки. 4. Реализация плана повлечет за собой большие расходы. 5. Эта проблема требует активного участия местных властей.

to cause, cause

1. Her irresponsible behaviour has caused a great deal of anxiety to/for her family. 2. He apologizes for causing you any embarrassment. 3. Suddenly there was a power cut, which caused the whole computer system to shut down. 4. Long transport delays at the airports were caused by strikes and staff shortages. 5. Ice on the road was the cause of the accident. 6. Harry has good cause to be pleased with himself, as he’s just passed his exams. 7. The patient’s condition is giving cause for concern.

Words frequently used with cause: alarm, concern, confusion, damage, distress, embarrassment, harm, problem, trouble

1. Если это дело не дойдет до суда, это вызовет общественный протест. 2. Причиной заторов является большое количество транспорта на дорогах. 3. Собака, выбежавшая на дорогу, заставила велосипедиста резко вывернуть руль (to swerve). 4. Отец Питера имеет все основания гордиться сыном. 5. Дети иногда доставляют родителям неприятности.

to face, a face

1. She faced the host and introduced herself. 2. He faced the biggest challenge in his career. 3. Although he didn’t feel very confident, he put on a brave face and accepted the challenge. 4. You should face up to things, not just pretending that nothing has happened. 5. I’d better get home and face the music – I should have never taken Dad’s car in the first place. 6. On the face of it, it seems a perfect idea, but we must wait and see it turns out well. 7. In the face of a serious danger, she managed to keep her presence of mind.

1. Нужно признать тот, факт, что мы не можем позволить себе эту поездку. 2. Я повернул лицо к солнцу. 3. Сотрудники сохранили спокойствие, несмотря на печальные новости. 4. Он избегал встречи с начальником, после того, как выставил себя таким дураком. 5. На первый взгляд он кажется идеальной кандидатурой для этой должности.

tend, tendency

1. We Brits tend to think of the United States as a low-tax country. 2. Women don’t tend to be as aggressive as men at self-promotion. 3. I think the management will tend towards stricter control. 4. Many studies show that hiring managers have a tendency to hire in their own likeness. 5. Recently there has been a tendency for couples to stay at home in the evening.

1. Весной здесь часто идут дожди. 2. Она обычно раздражается, когда не соглашаются с ее предложениями. 3. Я стараюсь покупать обувь и сумки, выдержанные в классическом строгом стиле. 4. Я весьма неуравновешенный человек, могу прийти в ярость от пустяка.

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