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Unit 1 STUDENT.docx
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Vocabulary Practice

38. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations in the text.

  1. являться неотъемлемой частью чего-либо; 2. начинать осознавать; 3. одержать победу, взять вверх; 4. не позволить командовать собой; 5. как само собой разумеющееся; 6. создавать дружественные связи; 7. (быть) настроенным на получение конкретной информации; 8. ставить чувства превыше всего; 9. выслушивать самые сокровенные тайны; 10. особая, конкретная проблема; 11. долгое и всестороннее обсуждение;

39. Find the words and word combinations which mean the same in the text.

  1. the fact of being either male or female; 2. someone’s position in a profession, society, the level of importance; 3. the situation in which a person has more influence or power; 4. a state when someone is weak or easy to be hurt physically or mentally; 5. too willing to obey other people, subordinate; 6. general or widespread agreement; 7. having little or no adverse or harmful effect, harmless; 8. to have the same feelings towards somebody that they have for you; 9. supporting a social system in which everyone has equal status and the same opportunities; 10. to exclude or banish (a person) from a particular group or society

Text Analysis and Development

40. What do the following phrases from the text imply? Paraphrase and explain.

  1. Men seek to establish status and dominance, to preserve their independence.

  2. Men cringe at the prospect of discussing anything personal.

  3. Men prefer discussion of facts to dissection of feelings.

  4. Men have a gut-level resistance to doing what someone expects them to do.

  5. In men's hierarchical world, driving round until he finds the way himself is a reasonable thing to do.

  6. Women read things into the most innocuous comment.

  7. Women, craving closeness and intimacy, pool their problems with friends.

  8. They also tend to frame requests and suggestions, which on the face of it may lack an efficiently direct approach.

  9. Women's communicating is more egalitarian, consensus-building.

  10. The female mode doesn’t prevent excellence, it prevents displaying it.

41. Answer the questions to the text.

Para 1

What is the optimum way to bridge gender communication gaps?

Para 2

How do men apply their communication skills?

Para 3

How is men’s friendship cemented?

Para 4

What is a man’s typical reaction to others’ problems?

Para 5

Why are men more proficient in public speaking and less efficient in conversation?

Para 6

Why are men predominantly concerned with the exchange of facts rather than emotional context of the conversation?

Para 7

Why are men reluctant to render assistance when asked?

Para 8

Do men ask for directions if they lose way while driving? Why?

Para 9

How do men treat indirect requests?

Para 10

Why are men reticent about their weaknesses?

Para 11

What is the role of consensus in women’s communicating strategies?

Para 12

Do women put facts at the head of their priority list?

Para 13

What is the nature of women’s complaining?

Para 14

How do women respond to men’s quick solutions to their ‘unique’ problems?

Para 15

What are the origins of women’s indirect approach to requests and suggestions?

Para 16

Why do women avoid boasting?

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