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Inclined [In`klaInd], bellicose [`belIkqVs], betray [bI`treI], flirtatious [flW`teISqs], badinage [`bxdInRz]

Also, Bill Totts was a trifle inclined to later hours, and at times, in saloons, to be good-naturedly bellicose with other workmen. Then, too, at Sunday picnics or when coming home from the show, either arm betrayed a practiced familiarity in stealing around girls' waists, while he displayed a wit keen and delightful in the flirtatious badinage that was expected of a good fellow in his class.

So thoroughly was Bill Totts himself (так основательно был Билл Тоттс самим собой), so thoroughly a workman (так совершенно /он был/ рабочим), a genuine denizen of South of the Slot (настоящим жителем южной /стороны/ от Трещины), that he was as class-conscious as the average of his kind (что он был так же классово сознателен, как средний = любой его рода), and his hatred for a scab even exceeded (и его ненависть к штрейкбрехеру даже превышала; scab — струп /на язве/; короста, корка /на ране/; парша; чесотка; штрейкбрехер) that of the average loyal union man (ту = ненависть среднего лояльного члена профсоюза; union — союз, здесь: профсоюз). During the Water Front Strike (во время Прибрежной Забастовки; water front — береговая линия), Freddie Drummond was somehow able to stand apart from the unique combination (Фредди Драммонд был как-то способен стоять в стороне от уникального сочетания), and, coldly critical (и, /будучи/ холодно критичным = оценивающим), watch Bill Totts hilariously slug scab long-shoremen (наблюдать, как Билл Тоттс уморительно поколачивает штрейкбрехеров-портовых грузчиков: «наблюдал его колотить»). For Bill Totts was a dues-paying member of the Longshoremen Union (ведь Билл Тоттс был платящим взносы членом профсоюза портовых грузчиков; dues — взносы) and had a right to be indignant with the usurpers of his job (и имел право быть негодующим = негодовать на захватчиков его работы). "Big" Bill Totts was so very big (Большой Билл Тоттс был такой большой; very — очень), and so very able (и такой ловкий), that it was "Big" Bill to the front (что именно Большого Билла выставляли вперед: «это был он вперед») when trouble was brewing (когда неприятности назревали).

thoroughly [`TArqlI], genuine [`GenjVIn], average [`xv(q)rIG], unique [jH`nJk], hilariously [hI`leqrIqslI], union [`jHnjqn], usurper [jH`zWpq], trouble [trAbl], brew [brH]

So thoroughly was Bill Totts himself, so thoroughly a workman, a genuine denizen of South of the Slot, that he was as class-conscious as the average of his kind, and his hatred for a scab even exceeded that of the average loyal union man. During the Water Front Strike, Freddie Drummond was somehow able to stand apart from the unique combination, and, coldly critical, watch Bill Totts hilariously slug scab long-shoremen. For Bill Totts was a dues-paying member of the Longshoremen Union and had a right to be indignant with the usurpers of his job. "Big" Bill Totts was so very big, and so very able, that it was "Big" Bill to the front when trouble was brewing.

From acting outraged feelings (от /того, чтобы/ изображать оскорбленные чувства), Freddie Drummond, in the role of his other self (Фредди Драммонд в роли своего другого себя), came to experience genuine outrage (пришел /к тому, чтобы/ испытывать подлинную ярость), and it was only when he returned to the classic atmosphere of the university (и только когда он возвращался к классической атмосфере университета) that he was able, sanely and conservatively (он был способен разумно и консервативно), to generalize upon his underworld experiences (делать выводы из своих опытов на дне) and put them down on paper as a trained sociologist should (и записывать их на бумагу, как и должен выученный социолог; to put down — записывать: «класть вниз»; trained — выученный, вышколенный; обученный; тренированный). That Bill Totts lacked the perspective to raise him above class-consciousness (/то/, что Билл Тоттс не имел перспективы, чтобы поднять его над классовым сознанием = не мог смотреть на проблему шире), Freddie Drummond clearly saw (Фредди Драммонд ясно видел). But Bill Totts could not see it (но Билл Тоттс не мог видеть этого). When he saw a scab taking his job away (когда он видел, что штрейкбрехер забирает его работу: «видел забирать»), he saw red at the same time (он приходил в бешенство в тот же момент: «видел красное»), and little else did he see (и мало что еще он видел).

outraged [`aVtreIGd], else [els]

From acting outraged feelings, Freddie Drummond, in the role of his other self, came to experience genuine outrage, and it was only when he returned to the classic atmosphere of the university that he was able, sanely and conservatively, to generalize upon his underworld experiences and put them down on paper as a trained sociologist should. That Bill Totts lacked the perspective to raise him above class-consciousness, Freddie Drummond clearly saw. But Bill Totts could not see it. When he saw a scab taking his job away, he saw red at the same time, and little else did he see.

It was Freddie Drummond, irreproachably clothed and comported (это Фредди Драммонд, безупречно одетый и / безупречно/ ведущий себя), seated at his study desk (сидящий за своим столом в кабинете; study — кабинет) or facing his class in "Sociology 17," (или обращенный к своей аудитории в «Социологии-17»; to face — стоять к чему-то лицом) who saw Bill Totts, and all around Bill Totts (видел Билла Тоттса и все вокруг Билла Тоттса), and all around the whole scab and union-labor problem (и все вокруг всей этой проблемы штрейкбрехеров и членов профсоюзов) and its relation to the economic welfare of the United States in the struggle for the world market (и отношение этого к экономическому благосостоянию Соединенных Штатов в борьбе за мировой рынок). Bill Totts really wasn't able to see beyond the next meal (Билл Тоттс на самом деле не был способен смотреть дальше следующей еды) and the prize-fight the following night at the Gaiety Athletic Club (и боя на деньги следующим вечером в Развлекательном атлетическом клубе).

study [`stAdI], welfare [`welfeq], beyond [bI`Ond]

It was Freddie Drummond, irreproachably clothed and comported, seated at his study desk or facing his class in "Sociology 17," who saw Bill Totts, and all around Bill Totts, and all around the whole scab and union-labor problem and its relation to the economic welfare of the United States in the struggle for the world market. Bill Totts really wasn't able to see beyond the next meal and the prize-fight the following night at the Gaiety Athletic Club.

It was while gathering material for "Women and Work" (именно собирая материал для /книги/ «Женщины и труд»: «это было пока собирая») that Freddie received his first warning of the danger he was in (Фредди получил свое первое предупреждение об опасности, в которой он находился). He was too successful at living in both worlds (он был слишком успешен в /том, чтобы/ жить в обоих мирах). This strange dualism he had developed (этот странный дуализм, /который/ он развил) was after all very unstable (был в конце концов очень нестабильным), and, as he sat in his study and meditated (и, сидя в кабинете и размышляя: «пока он сидел…»), he saw that it could not endure (он видел, что это не может выдержать = долго продолжаться). It was really a transition stage (это на самом деле был переходный период), and if he persisted (и если он будет упорствовать) he saw that he would inevitably have to drop one world or the other (он видел, что ему неизбежно придется бросить один мир или другой; to have to — быть вынужденным). He could not continue in both (он не мог продолжать в обоих).

receive [rI`sJv], warning [`wLnIN], danger [`deInGq], successful [sqk`sesf(q)l], both [bqVT], endure [In`djVq]

It was while gathering material for "Women and Work" that Freddie received his first warning of the danger he was in. He was too successful at living in both worlds. This strange dualism he had developed was after all very unstable, and, as he sat in his study and meditated, he saw that it could not endure. It was really a transition stage, and if he persisted he saw that he would inevitably have to drop one world or the other. He could not continue in both.

And as he looked at the row of volumes (и когда он посмотрел на ряд томов) that graced the upper shelf of his revolving book-case (которые украшали верхнюю полку его вращающегося книжного шкафа), his volumes, beginning with his Thesis and ending with "Women and Work," (его томов, начиная с его диссертации и заканчивая «Женщинами и трудом») he decided that that was the world (он решил, что это тот мир) he would hold to (за /который/ он будет держаться) and stick by (и /которому он/ будет верен; to stick by — быть верным чему-то). Bill Totts had served his purpose (Билл Тоттс сослужил свою службу), but he had become a too dangerous accomplice (но он стал слишком опасным пособником). Bill Totts would have to cease (Билл Тоттс должен был прекратиться).

row [rqV], volume [`vOljHm], serve [sWv], purpose [`pWpqs], accomplice [q`kAmplIs]

And as he looked at the row of volumes that graced the upper shelf of his revolving book-case, his volumes, beginning with his Thesis and ending with "Women and Work," he decided that that was the world he would hold to and stick by. Bill Totts had served his purpose, but he had become a too dangerous accomplice. Bill Totts would have to cease.

Freddie Drummond's fright was due to Mary Condon (испуг Фредди Драммонда был обязан /своим появлением/ Мэри Кондон), President of the International Glove Workers' Union No. 974 (президенту Международного профсоюза перчаточников № 974; glove — перчатка). He had seen her, first, from the spectators' gallery (он увидел ее впервые с галереи для зрителей), at the annual convention of the Northwest Federation of Labor (на ежегодной конвенции Северо-западной федерации рабочих), and he had seen her through Bill Totts' eyes (и он увидел ее через глаза Билла Тоттса), and that individual had been most favorably impressed by her (и этот человек был крайне благоприятно впечатлен ею = она произвела такое впечатление). She was not Freddie Drummond's sort at all (она совершенно не была во вкусе Фредди Драммонда: «не была его сортом совсем»). What if she were a royal-bodied woman (ну и что с того, что она была женщиной с королевским телом), graceful and sinewy as a panther (грациозная и сильная, как пантера; sinewy — мускулистый, сильный, физически хорошо развитый; sinew — сухожилие), with amazing black eyes that could fill with fire or laughter-love (с потрясающими глазами, которые могли наполняться огнем или любовью-смехом = насмешливой симпатией; to amaze — изумлять, поражать, удивлять), as the mood might dictate (как настроение приказывало)? He detested women with a too exuberant vitality (он не выносил женщин со слишком буйной энергичностью) and a lack of ... well, of inhibition (и недостатком… ну, скованности).

due [djH], sinewy [`sInjHI], exuberant [Ig`zjHb(q)r(q)nt]

Freddie Drummond's fright was due to Mary Condon, President of the International Glove Workers' Union No. 974. He had seen her, first, from the spectators' gallery, at the annual convention of the Northwest Federation of Labor, and he had seen her through Bill Totts' eyes, and that individual had been most favorably impressed by her. She was not Freddie Drummond's sort at all. What if she were a royal-bodied woman, graceful and sinewy as a panther, with amazing black eyes that could fill with fire or laughter-love, as the mood might dictate? He detested women with a too exuberant vitality and a lack of ... well, of inhibition.

Freddie Drummond accepted the doctrine of evolution (Фредди Драммонд принял учение об эволюции) because it was quite universally accepted by college men (потому что оно было повсеместно принято людьми из колледжей), and he flatly believed that man had climbed up the ladder of life (и он скучно верил, что человек вскарабкался вверх по лестнице жизни) out of the weltering muck and mess of lower and monstrous organic things (из копошащейся грязи и хаоса низших и чудовищных органических существ). But he was a trifle ashamed of this genealogy (но он был слегка пристыжен такой генеалогией = стыдился), and preferred not to think of it (и предпочитал не думать о ней). Wherefore, probably, he practiced his iron inhibition and preached it to others (почему, возможно, он и практиковал свою железную сдержанность и проповедовал ее другим), and preferred women of his own type (и предпочитал женщин своего собственного типа), who could shake free of this bestial and regrettable ancestral line (которые могли стряхнуть эту звериную и достойную сожаления родословную) and by discipline and control emphasize the wideness of the gulf (и дисциплиной и контролем подчеркнуть ширину пропасти) that separated them from what their dim forbears had been (которая отделяла их от /того/, чем были их темные предки).

accept [qk`sept], climb [klaIm], genealogy [GJnI`xlqGI]

Freddie Drummond accepted the doctrine of evolution because it was quite universally accepted by college men, and he flatly believed that man had climbed up the ladder of life out of the weltering muck and mess of lower and monstrous organic things. But he was a trifle ashamed of this genealogy, and preferred not to think of it. Wherefore, probably, he practiced his iron inhibition and preached it to others, and preferred women of his own type, who could shake free of this bestial and regrettable ancestral line and by discipline and control emphasize the wideness of the gulf that separated them from what their dim forbears had been.

Bill Totts had none of these considerations (Билл Тоттс не имел ни одно из таких соображений). He had liked Mary Condon from the moment (ему понравилась Мэри Кондон с того момента) his eyes first rested on her in the convention hall (/когда/ его глаза впервые остановились на ней в зале собраний), and he had made it a point (и он сделал это /важным/ пунктом/моментом = решил; point — точка; пункт, момент, вопрос; дело), then and there (тогда и там = сразу же, на месте), to find out who she was (разузнать, кто она такая; to find out — выяснить). The next time he met her (следующий раз, /когда/ он встретил ее; to meet — встречать), and quite by accident (и совершенно случайно: «по случаю»), was when he was driving an express wagon for Pat Morrissey (был когда он отвозил срочный груз для Пэта Морриси; wagon — здесь: фургон). It was in a lodging house in Mission Street (это было в меблированных комнатах на Мишн-стрит/Миссионерской улице), where he had been called to take a trunk into storage (куда он был позван, чтобы доставить ящик на склад). The landlady's daughter had called him (хозяйкина дочка позвала его) and led him to the little bedroom (и отвела его в маленькую спальню; to lead — вести), the occupant of which, a glove-maker, had just been removed to hospital (постоялец которой, перчаточник, только что был увезен в больницу; to remove — убрать). But Bill did not know this (но Билл не знал этого). He stooped, up-ended the trunk (он нагнулся, поставил вертикально ящик), which was a large one (который был большим), got it on his shoulder (взвалил его на плечо; to get — здесь: взвалить), and struggled to his feet with his back toward the open door (и с трудом поднялся на ноги, спиной к открытой двери; foot — нога, ступня). At that moment he heard a woman's voice (в этот момент он услышал женский голос; to hear — слышать).

none [nAn], quite [kwaIt], accident [`xksId(q)nt], daughter [`dLtq], occupant [`Okjqpqnt], remove [rI`mHv], hear [hIq], heard [hWd]

Bill Totts had none of these considerations. He had liked Mary Condon from the moment his eyes first rested on her in the convention hall, and he had made it a point, then and there, to find out who she was. The next time he met her, and quite by accident, was when he was driving an express wagon for Pat Morrissey. It was in a lodging house in Mission Street, where he had been called to take a trunk into storage. The landlady's daughter had called him and led him to the little bedroom, the occupant of which, a glove-maker, had just been removed to hospital. But Bill did not know this. He stooped, up-ended the trunk, which was a large one, got it on his shoulder, and struggled to his feet with his back toward the open door. At that moment he heard a woman's voice.

"Belong to the union?" was the question asked (состоишь в профсоюзе? — был задан вопрос).

"Aw, what's it to you?" he retorted (вам-то что? — огрызнулся он). "Run along now (убирайся поживее), an' git outa my way (прочь с дороги; искаж. get out of my way). I wanta turn round (я хочу развернуться; wanta = want to — хочу)."

The next he knew (следующее, что он узнал = почувствовал; to know — знать), big as he was (каким бы большим он ни был), he was whirled half around and sent reeling backward (его развернули наполовину вокруг и толкнули назад: «пустили катящимся»; to send — послать), the trunk overbalancing him (— а ящик перевешивал его —), till he fetched up with a crash against the wall (пока он не остановился с грохотом о стену = врезался). He started to swear (он начал чертыхаться), but at the same instant found himself looking (но в тот же момент обнаружил себя смотрящим = что смотрит) into Mary Condon's flashing, angry eyes (в сверкающие, гневные глаза Мэри Кондон).

"Of course I b'long to the union," he said (конечно, я состою в профсоюзе, — сказал он; to belong — принадлежать; быть частью /чего-либо/). "I was only kiddin' you (я только поддразнил вас)."

"Where's your card?" she demanded in business-like tones (где ваша карточка? — спросила она деловым тоном).

"In my pocket (в кармане). But I can't git it out now (но я не могу вытащить ее сейчас; git out — искаж. get out — здесь: достать). This trunk's too damn heavy (этот ящик слишком, черт побери, тяжелый). Come on down to the wagon an' I'll show it to you (спускайтесь к фургону, и я покажу ее вам)."

knew [njH], whirl [wWl], eyes [aIz], heavy [`hevI]

"Belong to the union?" was the question asked.

"Aw, what's it to you?" he retorted. "Run along now, an' git outa my way. I wanta turn round."

The next he knew, big as he was, he was whirled half around and sent reeling backward, the trunk overbalancing him, till he fetched up with a crash against the wall. He started to swear, but at the same instant found himself looking into Mary Condon's flashing, angry eyes.

"Of course I b'long to the union," he said. "I was only kiddin' you."

"Where's your card?" she demanded in business-like tones.

"In my pocket. But I can't git it out now. This trunk's too damn heavy. Come on down to the wagon an' I'll show it to you."

"Put that trunk down," was the command (поставь ящик, — был приказ).

"What for (зачем)? I got a card, I'm tellin' you (у меня есть карточка, говорю же вам)."

"Put it down, that's all (поставь его, и все). No scab's going to handle that trunk (ни один не состоящий в профсоюзе рабочий не будет нести этот ящик). You ought to be ashamed of yourself (ты должен стыдиться себя), you big coward (большой трус), scabbing on honest men (— так предавая честных людей). Why don't you join the union and be a man (почему бы тебе не войти в профсоюз и не быть человеком)?"

Mary Condon's color had left her face (краски ушли с лица Мэри Кондон; to leave — покидать), and it was apparent that she was in a rage (и было очевидно, что она в ярости).

"To think of (подумать только —) a big man like you turning traitor to his class (такой здоровый мужик, как ты, становится предателем своего класса). I suppose you're aching to join the militia (я полагаю, ты рвешься войти в милицию = ополчение) for a chance to shoot down union drivers the next strike (ради шанса подстрелить профсоюзных лидеров при следующей забастовке). You may belong to the militia already (может, ты уже в милиции), for that matter (если уж на то пошло). You're the sort (ты как раз такой) —"

"Hold on, now (постойте-ка), that's too much (это уже слишком)!" Bill dropped the trunk to the floor with a bang (Билл сбросил ящик на пол с сильным грохотом), straightened up (выпрямился), and thrust his hand into his inside coat pocket (и сунул руку во внутренний карман куртки; to thrust — сунуть). "I told you I was only kiddin' (я говорил вам, что только пошутил; to tell — сказать). There, look at that (вот, взгляните на это)."

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