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Interference [Intq`fIqr(q)ns], refrain [rI`freIn], invariably [In`veqrIqblI], projecting [prq`GektIn], admire [qd`maIq]

This compelled the interference of the referee, who tore them apart, always assisted by Sandel, who had not yet learned to rest. He could not refrain from using those glorious flying arms and writhing muscles of his, and when the other rushed into a clinch, striking shoulder against ribs, and with head resting under Sandel's left arm, Sandel almost invariably swung his right behind his own back and into the projecting face. It was a clever stroke, much admired by the audience, but it was not dangerous, and was, therefore, just that much wasted strength. But Sandel was tireless and unaware of limitations, and King grinned and doggedly endured.

Sandel developed a fierce right to the body (Сэндел развил = начал использовать яростный удар правой по корпусу), which made it appear (что производило впечатление: «заставляло казаться») that King was taking an enormous amount of punishment (что Кинг получал сильную взбучку: «брал огромное количество взбучки»), and it was only the old ringsters who appreciated the deft touch of King's left glove to the other's biceps (и только старые завсегдатаи ринга оценили ловкое прикосновение левой перчатки Кинга к бицепсу другого = его противника) just before the impact of the blow (прямо перед ударом; impact — воздействие, удар). It was true, the blow landed each time (это правда, удар достигал /цели/ каждый раз); but each time it was robbed of its power by that touch on the biceps (но каждый раз он был лишен мощи этим прикосновением к бицепсу). In the ninth round, three times inside a minute (в девятом раунде, три раза за одну минуту), King's right hooked its twisted arch to the jaw (правая рука Кинга била своей изогнутой дугой в челюсть); and three times Sandel's body, heavy as it was (и три раза тело Сэндела, как бы тяжело оно ни было), was levelled to the mat (было обрушено: «уравнено» на мат). Each time he took the nine seconds allowed him and rose to his feet (каждый раз он брал девять секунд, отпущенные ему, и вставал на ноги; to rise — встать), shaken and jarred, but still strong (сотрясенный и оглушенный, но все еще сильный). He had lost much of his speed (он утратил большýю часть своей скорости; to lose — терять), and he wasted less effort (и тратил меньше усилий). He was fighting grimly (он дрался мрачно); but he continued to draw upon his chief asset (но он продолжал опираться на свое главное богатство; asset — имущество /часто об одном предмете/; разг. ценное качество; ценный вклад), which was Youth (которое было Юностью).

develop [dI`velqp], fierce [fIqs], enormous [I`nLmqs], appreciate [q`prJSIeIt], biceps [`baIseps], allow [q`laV], chief [CJf], asset [`xset]

Sandel developed a fierce right to the body, which made it appear that King was taking an enormous amount of punishment, and it was only the old ringsters who appreciated the deft touch of King's left glove to the other's biceps just before the impact of the blow. It was true, the blow landed each time; but each time it was robbed of its power by that touch on the biceps. In the ninth round, three times inside a minute, King's right hooked its twisted arch to the jaw; and three times Sandel's body, heavy as it was, was levelled to the mat. Each time he took the nine seconds allowed him and rose to his feet, shaken and jarred, but still strong. He had lost much of his speed, and he wasted less effort. He was fighting grimly; but he continued to draw upon his chief asset, which was Youth.

King's chief asset was experience (главным богатством Кинга был опыт). As his vitality had dimmed and his vigor abated (когда его энергия потускнела и его бодрость ослабла), he had replaced them with cunning (он заменил их хитростью), with wisdom born of the long fights (мудростью, рожденной в долгих боях) and with a careful shepherding of strength (и тщательным присмотром за силой = за расходом сил; shepherd — пастух, чабан; to shepherd пасти /стадо овец/). Not alone had he learned never to make a superfluous movement (он не только научился никогда не делать лишнего движения), but he had learned how to seduce an opponent into throwing his strength away (но он научился, как соблазнять противника расточать свою силу). Again and again (снова и снова), by feint of foot and hand and body (ложным выпадом ноги, руки и тела) he continued to inveigle Sandel into leaping back (он продолжал заманивать Сэндела в то, чтобы отпрыгивать назад), ducking, or countering (уворачиваться или наносить ответные удары). King rested (Кинг отдыхал), but he never permitted Sandel to rest (но он ни разу не позволил отдохнуть Сэнделу). It was the strategy of Age (это была стратегия Старости).

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