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Interview [`IntqvjH], strenuous [`strenjVqs], athlete [`xTlJt], duly [`djHlI], tyranny [`tIr(q)nI]

And that night, coming out of the cannery, he was interviewed by his fellow workmen, who were very angry and incoherently slangy. He failed to comprehend the motive behind their action. The action itself was strenuous. When he refused to ease down his pace and bleated about freedom of contract, independent Americanism, and the dignity of toil, they proceeded to spoil his pace-making ability. It was a fierce battle, for Drummond was a large man and an athlete, but the crowd finally jumped on his ribs, walked on his face, and stamped on his fingers, so that it was only after lying in bed for a week that he was able to get up and look for another job. All of which is duly narrated in that first book of his, in the chapter entitled "The Tyranny of Labor."

A little later, in another department of the Wilmax Cannery (немного позже, в другом цехе консервного завода Уилмекса), lumping as a fruit-distributor among the women (работая как распределитель фруктов среди женщин; to lump — работать грузчиком; woman — женщина), he essayed to carry two boxes of fruit at a time (он попробовал носить две коробки фруктов за раз), and was promptly reproached by the other fruit-lumpers (и был немедленно выбранен другими грузчиками фруктов). It was palpable malingering (это было явное отлынивание); but he was there, he decided, not to change conditions (но он был там, решил он, не чтобы менять условия), but to observe (но чтобы наблюдать). So he lumped one box thereafter (так что он нес по одной коробке с тех пор), and so well did he study the art of shirking (и так хорошо он изучил искусство увиливания) that he wrote a special chapter on it (что он написал специальную главу об этом; to write — писать), with the last several paragraphs devoted to tentative generalizations (с последними несколькими абзацами, посвященными предварительным выводам).

fruit [frHt], among [q`mAN], women [`wImIn], observe [qb`zWv], thereafter [Deq`rRftq], special [`speS(q)l]

A little later, in another department of the Wilmax Cannery, lumping as a fruit-distributor among the women, he essayed to carry two boxes of fruit at a time, and was promptly reproached by the other fruit-lumpers. It was palpable malingering; but he was there, he decided, not to change conditions, but to observe. So he lumped one box thereafter, and so well did he study the art of shirking that he wrote a special chapter on it, with the last several paragraphs devoted to tentative generalizations.

In those six months he worked at many jobs (в эти шесть месяцев он работал на многих работах) and developed into a very good imitation of a genuine worker (и развился в = стал очень хорошим подражанием настоящему рабочему). He was a natural linguist (он был прирожденный лингвист), and he kept notebooks, making a scientific study of the workers' slang or argot (и он вел записные книжки, проводя научное изучение рабочего сленга или арго; to keep — держать, хранить), until he could talk quite intelligibly (пока не смог разговаривать вполне внятно). This language also enabled him more intimately to follow their mental processes (этот язык также позволил ему более непосредственно следить за их умственным процессом), and thereby to gather much data for a projected chapter in some future book (и тем самым собрать много данных для задуманной главы в какой-нибудь будущей книге) which he planned to entitle «Synthesis of Working-Class Psychology.» (которую он планировал назвать «Очерк психологии рабочего класса»)

month [mAnT], develop [dI`velqp], genuine [`GenjVIn], argot [`RgqV]

In those six months he worked at many jobs and developed into a very good imitation of a genuine worker. He was a natural linguist, and he kept notebooks, making a scientific study of the workers' slang or argot, until he could talk quite intelligibly. This language also enabled him more intimately to follow their mental processes, and thereby to gather much data for a projected chapter in some future book which he planned to entitle "Synthesis of Working-Class Psychology."

Before he arose to the surface from that first plunge into the underworld (прежде чем он выплыл на поверхность после этого первого погружения на дно; to arise — подняться) he discovered that he was a good actor (он обнаружил, что он хороший актер) and demonstrated the plasticity of his nature (и продемонстрировал гибкость своей натуры). He was himself astonished at his own fluidity (он был сам поражен собственной текучести; fluid — жидкий, текучий /термин, объединяющий жидкие и газообразные вещества/). Once having mastered the language (однажды овладев языком) and conquered numerous fastidious qualms (и победив многочисленные брезгливые приступы малодушия), he found that he could flow into any nook of working-class life (он обнаружил, что может проникнуть в любой уголок жизни рабочего класса; to find — найти, обнаружить) and fit it so snugly as to feel comfortably at home (и подойти ему так уютно, чтобы чувствовать себя удобно, как дома). As he said, in the preface to his second book, "The Toiler," (как он выразился в предисловии к своей второй книге, «Труженик») he endeavored really to know the working people (он действительно жаждал узнать рабочий люд), and the only possible way to achieve this (и единственным возможным путем достичь этого) was to work beside them (было работать подле него), eat their food (есть их еду), sleep in their beds (спать в их постелях), be amused with their amusements (забавляться их забавами), think their thoughts (думать их мысли), and feel their feelings (и испытывать их чувства).

surface [`sWfqs], discover [dIs`kAvq], nature [`neICq], conquer [`kONkq], numerous [`njHm(q)rqs], qualm [kwRm], preface [`prefqs], endeavor [In`devq], amused [q`mjHzd], thought [TLt]

Before he arose to the surface from that first plunge into the underworld he discovered that he was a good actor and demonstrated the plasticity of his nature. He was himself astonished at his own fluidity. Once having mastered the language and conquered numerous fastidious qualms, he found that he could flow into any nook of working-class life and fit it so snugly as to feel comfortably at home. As he said, in the preface to his second book, "The Toiler," he endeavored really to know the working people, and the only possible way to achieve this was to work beside them, eat their food, sleep in their beds, be amused with their amusements, think their thoughts, and feel their feelings.

He was not a deep thinker (он не был глубоким мыслителем). He had no faith in new theories (у него не было веры в новые теории). All his norms and criteria were conventional (все его нормы и критерии были шаблонными). His Thesis, on the French Revolution, was noteworthy in college annals (его диссертация о Французской революции была примечательна в анналах колледжа), not merely for its painstaking and voluminous accuracy (не просто своей кропотливой и пространной тщательностью), but for the fact that it was the driest (но тем фактом, что это был самый сухой), deadest, most formal (самый мертвый, самый формальный), and most orthodox screed ever written on the subject (и самый ортодоксальный фолиант, когда-либо написанный на эту тему). He was a very reserved man (он был очень скрытным человеком), and his natural inhibition was large in quantity (и его естественная зажатость была большой количественно) and steel-like in quality (и стальной — качественно). He had but few friends (у него было лишь немного друзей). He was too undemonstrative (он был слишком сдержанным), too frigid (слишком холодным). He had no vices (у него не было пороков), nor had anyone ever discovered any temptations (и никто никогда не замечал никаких искушений; nor — и не). Tobacco he detested (табак он презирал), beer he abhorred (пива он не выносил), and he was never known to drink anything stronger (и его никогда не видели пьющим что-либо крепче: «он никогда не было знаем пить что-либо крепче»; to know — знать) than an occasional light wine at dinner (чем иногда легкое вино за ужином).

theory [`TIqrI], criterion /ед.ч./ [kraI`tIqrIqn], criteria /мн.ч./ [kraI`tIqrIq], thesis [`TJsIs], merely [`mIqlI], reserved [rI`zWvd], quality [`kwOlqtI], few [fjH], frigid [`frIGId], beer [bIq], abhor [qb`hL], occasional [q`keIZ(q)nql]

He was not a deep thinker. He had no faith in new theories. All his norms and criteria were conventional. His Thesis, on the French Revolution, was noteworthy in college annals, not merely for its painstaking and voluminous accuracy, but for the fact that it was the driest, deadest, most formal, and most orthodox screed ever written on the subject. He was a very reserved man, and his natural inhibition was large in quantity and steel-like in quality. He had but few friends. He was too undemonstrative, too frigid. He had no vices, nor had anyone ever discovered any temptations. Tobacco he detested, beer he abhorred, and he was never known to drink anything stronger than an occasional light wine at dinner.

When a freshman he had been baptized "Ice-Box" (когда /он был/ новичком = первокурсником, его окрестили Морозильником) by his warmer-blooded fellows (его более теплокровные товарищи). As a member of the faculty he was known as "Cold-Storage." (как член факультета он был известен как Холодильник; to store — хранить, сохранять; убирать на хранение) He had but one grief (у него было лишь одно огорчение), and that was "Freddie." (и это было «Фредди») He had earned it when he played full-back on the 'Varsity eleven' (он заработал это, когда играл защитником за студенческую футбольную команду; varsity — университет или студенческая спортивная команда), and his formal soul had never succeeded in living it down (и его формальная душа так и не смогла загладить это). "Freddie" he would ever be (он всегда был «Фредди»), except officially (кроме официальных случаев), and through nightmare vistas he looked into a future (и в кошмарных видениях он заглядывал в будущее) when his world would speak of him as "Old Freddie." (когда его мир = знакомые будут говорить о нем о как о «старине Фредди»)

blood [blAd], grief [grJf], succeed [sqk`sJd], future [`fjHCq]

When a freshman he had been baptized "Ice-Box" by his warmer-blooded fellows. As a member of the faculty he was known as "Cold-Storage." He had but one grief, and that was "Freddie." He had earned it when he played full-back on the 'Varsity eleven', and his formal soul had never succeeded in living it down. "Freddie" he would ever be, except officially, and through nightmare vistas he looked into a future when his world would speak of him as "Old Freddie."

For he was very young to be a Doctor of Sociology (ибо он был очень молод для доктора социологии), only twenty-seven (лишь 27 лет), and he looked younger (и он выглядел моложе). In appearance and atmosphere he was a strapping big college man (по виду и манере он был рослым студентом колледжа), smooth-faced and easy-mannered (чисто выбритый и с непринужденными манерами), clean and simple and wholesome (чистый, простой и здоровый), with a known record of being a splendid athlete (с известной репутацией превосходного атлета) and an implied vast possession of cold culture of the inhibited sort (и предполагаемым обширным владением холодной культуры зажатого типа). He never talked shop out of class and committee rooms (он никогда не говорил о профессиональных делах вне класса или зала заседаний; to talk shop — говорить о делах; shop — магазин), except later on (кроме как в дальнейшем), when his books showered him with distasteful public notice (когда его книги осыпали его тошнотворным вниманием публики; distaste — отвращение; неприязнь) and he yielded to the extent of reading occasional papers (и он сдался до такой степени, /что стал/ читать иногда статьи) before certain literary and economic societies (в некоторых литературных и экономических обществах). He did everything right (он делал все правильно) — too right (слишком правильно); and in dress and comportment was inevitably correct (и в одежде и в поведении был неизменно безупречен; inevitably — неизбежно, неминуемо).

appearance [q`pIqrqns], wholesome [`hqVlsqm], society [sq`saIqtI]

For he was very young to be a Doctor of Sociology, only twenty-seven, and he looked younger. In appearance and atmosphere he was a strapping big college man, smooth-faced and easy-mannered, clean and simple and wholesome, with a known record of being a splendid athlete and an implied vast possession of cold culture of the inhibited sort. He never talked shop out of class and committee rooms, except later on, when his books showered him with distasteful public notice and he yielded to the extent of reading occasional papers before certain literary and economic societies. He did everything right — too right; and in dress and comportment was inevitably correct.

Not that he was a dandy (не то что бы он был денди). Far from it (далеко от того = вовсе нет). He was a college man (он был человеком из колледжа), in dress and carriage as like as a pea (в одежде и осанке похожий, как горошина = как две капли воды) to the type that of late years is being so generously turned out of our institutions of higher learning (на тип /людей/, который в последние годы так щедро выпускается из наших высших учебных заведений). His handshake was satisfyingly strong and stiff (его рукопожатие было приятно сильным и крепким). His blue eyes were coldly blue (его голубые глаза были холодно голубыми) and convincingly sincere (и убедительно искренними). His voice, firm and masculine (его голос, твердый и мужественный), clean and crisp of enunciation (чистый и резкий в произношении = в разговоре), was pleasant to the ear (был приятен уху).

carriage [`kxrIG], sincere [sIn`sIq], enunciation [I"nAnsI`eIS(q)n]

Not that he was a dandy. Far from it. He was a college man, in dress and carriage as like as a pea to the type that of late years is being so generously turned out of our institutions of higher learning. His handshake was satisfyingly strong and stiff. His blue eyes were coldly blue and convincingly sincere. His voice, firm and masculine, clean and crisp of enunciation, was pleasant to the ear.

The one drawback to Freddie Drummond was his inhibition (единственным недостатком Фредди Драммонда была его зажатость). He never unbent (он никогда не расслаблялся; to unbend — расслабляться: «распрямляться»; to bend — сгибать/ся/; гнуть/ся/, изгибать/ся/). In his football days (в его футбольные дни), the higher the tension of the game (чем выше /было/ напряжение игры), the cooler he grew (тем холоднее он становился; to grow — становиться). He was noted as a boxer (он был замечен как боксер = неплохой), but he was regarded as an automaton (но его воспринимали как автомат), with the inhuman precision of a machine (с нечеловеческой точностью механизма) judging distance and timing blows (оценивающего расстояние и рассчитывающего по времени удары), guarding, blocking, and stalling (защищающегося, блокирующего и уворачивающегося). He was rarely punished himself (его самого редко побивали; to punish — наказать; побить), while he rarely punished an opponent (но и он редко побивал противника; while — в то время как; здесь: но и). He was too clever (он был слишком разумен) and too controlled to permit himself to put a pound more weight (и слишком сдержан, чтобы позволить себе вложить лишний фунт веса) into a punch than he intended (в удар, который он намеревался /нанести/). With him it was a matter of exercise (для него это был вопрос упражнений). It kept him fit (это поддерживало его в форме; to keep — держать).

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