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Incarnate [In`kRnqt], thews [TjHz], satin [`sxtIn], acrawl [q`krLl], ache [eIk], aching [`eIkIn], during [`djVqrIn]

Sandel's trousers were pulled off, and, as he stood up, his sweater was skinned off over his head. And Tom King, looking, saw Youth incarnate, deep-chested, heavy-thewed, with muscles that slipped and slid like live things under the white satin skin. The whole body was acrawl with life, and Tom King knew that it was a life that had never oozed its freshness out through the aching pores during the long fights wherein Youth paid its toll and departed not quite so young as when it entered.

The two men advanced to meet each other (два человека вышли навстречу друг другу: «чтобы встретить»), and, as the gong sounded and the seconds clattered out of the ring with the folding stools (и, когда гонг прозвучал и секунданты с грохотом спрыгнули с ринга со складными стульями: «прогрохотали с ринга»), they shook hands (они пожали /друг другу/ руки) and instantly took their fighting attitudes (и немедленно стали в стойку: «приняли свои боевые позы»). And instantly, like a mechanism of steel and springs balanced on a hair trigger (и немедленно, словно механизм из стали и пружин на чувствительном спусковом крючке: «волосяном курке»), Sandel was in and out and in again (Сэндел прыгнул туда, сюда и снова туда), landing a left to the eyes (нанеся /удар/ левой по глазам), a right to the ribs (правой по ребрам), ducking a counter (увернувшись от ответного удара), dancing lightly away (легко оттанцевав = отскочив прочь) and dancing menacingly back again (и угрожающе прыгнув обратно). He was swift and clever (он был проворным и ловким). It was a dazzling exhibition (это было ослепительное представление). The house yelled its approbation (публика проревела свое одобрение). But King was not dazzled (но Кинг не был ослеплен). He had fought too many fights (он провел слишком много боев; to fight — биться) and too many youngsters (со слишком многими юнцами). He knew the blows for what they were (он узнал в этих ударах то, чем они являлись = понимал их сущность) — too quick and too deft to be dangerous (слишком быстрые и слишком проворные, чтобы быть опасными). Evidently Sandel was going to rush things from the start (очевидно, Сэндел собирался взять быка за рога с /самого/ начала; to rush — зд.: делать что-либо поспешно). It was to be expected (этого следовало ожидать). It was the way of Youth (это был путь Юности), expending its splendor and excellence in wild insurgence and furious onslaught (расточающей свое великолепие и совершенство в диком бунте и яростном натиске), overwhelming opposition with its own unlimited glory of strength and desire (подавляя сопротивление собственным неограниченным триумфом силы и страсти).

attitude [`xtItjHd], mechanism [`mekqnIz(q)m], counter [`kaVntq], menacingly [`menIsINlI], exhibition [eksI`bIS(q)n], dangerous [`deInG(q)rqs], wild [waIld], insurgence [In`sWGqns], furious [`fjVqrIqs], onslaught [`OnslLt], desire [dI`zaIq]

The two men advanced to meet each other, and, as the gong sounded and the seconds clattered out of the ring with the folding stools, they shook hands and instantly took their fighting attitudes. And instantly, like a mechanism of steel and springs balanced on a hair trigger, Sandel was in and out and in again, landing a left to the eyes, a right to the ribs, ducking a counter, dancing lightly away and dancing menacingly back again. He was swift and clever. It was a dazzling exhibition. The house yelled its approbation. But King was not dazzled. He had fought too many fights and too many youngsters. He knew the blows for what they were — too quick and too deft to be dangerous. Evidently Sandel was going to rush things from the start. It was to be expected. It was the way of Youth, expending its splendor and excellence in wild insurgence and furious onslaught, overwhelming opposition with its own unlimited glory of strength and desire.

Sandel was in and out, here, there, and everywhere (Сэндел прыгал туда и сюда, /оказывался/ здесь, там и повсюду), light-footed and eager-hearted (легконогий и страстосердый), a living wonder of white flesh and stinging muscle (живое чудо из белой плоти и разящих мускулов; to sting — жалить) that wove itself into a dazzling fabric of attack (которое сплетало само себя в ослепительную ткань наступления; to weave — ткать), slipping and leaping like a flying shuttle (скользящее и прыгающее, как летающий челнок) from action to action through a thousand actions (от выпада к выпаду через тысячу /других/ выпадов), all of them centred upon the destruction of Tom King (все из которых были сосредоточены на уничтожении Тома Кинга), who stood between him and fortune (который стоял между ним и фортуной; to stand — стоять). And Tom King patiently endured (а Том Кинг терпеливо сносил /этот натиск/). He knew his business (он знал свое дело), and he knew Youth now that Youth was no longer his (и он знал Юность, теперь, когда Юность больше ему не принадлежала: «не была его»).

attack [q`txk], thousand [`TaVz(q)nd], patiently [`peIS(q)ntlI], endure [In`djVq]

Sandel was in and out, here, there, and everywhere, light-footed and eager-hearted, a living wonder of white flesh and stinging muscle that wove itself into a dazzling fabric of attack, slipping and leaping like a flying shuttle from action to action through a thousand actions, all of them centred upon the destruction of Tom King, who stood between him and fortune. And Tom King patiently endured. He knew his business, and he knew Youth now that Youth was no longer his.

There was nothing to do till the other lost some of his steam (нечего делать, пока тот не растеряет немного пара; to lose — терять), was his thought ( — была его мысль), and he grinned to himself as he deliberately ducked (и он усмехнулся сам себе, когда нарочно увернулся) so as to receive a heavy blow on the top of his head (так, чтобы получить тяжелый удар по темени: «по верху головы»). It was a wicked thing to do (это была нечистая штука), yet eminently fair according to the rules of the boxing game (но при этом совершенно законная согласно правилам бокса). A man was supposed to take care of his own knuckles (предполагается, что человек сам следит за своими суставами; to suppose — предполагать), and, if he insisted on hitting an opponent on the top of the head (и если он настаивает на том, чтобы бить противника по темени), he did so at his own peril (он это делает на свой риск). King could have ducked lower and let the blow whiz harmlessly past (Кинг мог бы пригнуться ниже и позволить удару пронестись со свистом безвредно мимо), but he remembered his own early fights (но он помнил свои собственные ранние бои) and how he smashed his first knuckle on the head of the Welsh Terror (и как он разбил свой первый сустав о голову Валлийского Ужаса). He was but playing the game (он всего лишь играл в эту игру). That duck had accounted for one of Sandel's knuckles (этот маневр: «уклонение» стоил одного сустава Сэндела). Not that Sandel would mind it now (не то что бы Сэндел заметил это сейчас; to mind — заботиться; иметь что-либо против). He would go on (он будет продолжать /бой/), superbly regardless (великолепно небрежный), hitting as hard as ever throughout the fight (ударяя так же тяжело, как всегда, в течение всего боя). But later on (но позже), when the long ring battles had begun to tell (когда долгие бои на ринге начнут сказываться; to begin — начать), he would regret that knuckle (он будет жалеть об этом суставе) and look back and remember how he smashed it on Tom King's head (и оглядываться и вспоминать, как он разбил его о голову Тома Кинга).

thought [TLt], deliberately [dI`lIb(q)rqtlI], wicked [`wIkId], fair [feq], suppose [sq`pqVz], opponent [q`pqVnqnt], superbly [sq`pWblI], regardless [rI`gRdlqs], regret [rI`gret]

There was nothing to do till the other lost some of his steam, was his thought, and he grinned to himself as he deliberately ducked so as to receive a heavy blow on the top of his head. It was a wicked thing to do, yet eminently fair according to the rules of the boxing game. A man was supposed to take care of his own knuckles, and, if he insisted on hitting an opponent on the top of the head, he did so at his own peril. King could have ducked lower and let the blow whiz harmlessly past, but he remembered his own early fights and how he smashed his first knuckle on the head of the Welsh Terror. He was but playing the game. That duck had accounted for one of Sandel's knuckles. Not that Sandel would mind it now. He would go on, superbly regardless, hitting as hard as ever throughout the fight. But later on, when the long ring battles had begun to tell, he would regret that knuckle and look back and remember how he smashed it on Tom King's head.

The first round was all Sandel's (первый раунд весь принадлежал Сэнделу), and he had the house yelling with the rapidity of his whirlwind rushes (и он заставлял публику орать быстротой своих ураганных бросков). He overwhelmed King with avalanches of punches (он осыпал Кинга лавиной ударов), and King did nothing (а Кинг ничего не делал). He never struck once (он так ни разу и не ударил; never — так и не; to strike — ударить), contenting himself with covering up (удовлетворяясь тем, что укрывался), blocking and ducking and clinching to avoid punishment (блокируя, уворачиваясь и входил в клинч, чтобы избежать удара). He occasionally feinted (он порой совершал ложные маневры), shook his head when the weight of a punch landed (тряс головой, когда тяжесть удара обрушивалась /на него/), and moved stolidly about (и вяло двигался по /рингу/), never leaping or springing (ни разу не прыгнув, не отскочив) or wasting an ounce of strength (не потратив ни унцию силы).

rapidity [rq`pIdqtI], avalanche [`xv(q)lRn(t)S], occasionally [q`keIZ(q)n(q)lI], move [mHv], waste [weIst], ounce [aVns]

The first round was all Sandel's, and he had the house yelling with the rapidity of his whirlwind rushes. He overwhelmed King with avalanches of punches, and King did nothing. He never struck once, contenting himself with covering up, blocking and ducking and clinching to avoid punishment. He occasionally feinted, shook his head when the weight of a punch landed, and moved stolidly about, never leaping or springing or wasting an ounce of strength.

Sandel must foam the froth of Youth away (Сэндел должен выкипеть пену Юности) before discreet Age could dare to retaliate (прежде чем осмотрительная Старость решится нанести ответный удар). All King's movements were slow and methodical (все движения Кинга были медленными и методичными), and his heavy-lidded, slow-moving eyes (и его медленно двигавшиеся глаза под тяжелыми веками; lid — веко; to move — двигаться) gave him the appearance of being half asleep or dazed (придавали ему такой вид, словно он был полусонный или ошеломленный). Yet they were eyes that saw everything (и все же это были глаза, которые видели все), that had been trained to see everything (которые были натренированы видеть все) through all his twenty years and odd in the ring (за все его двадцать лет с лишним на ринге). They were eyes that did not blink or waver before an impending blow (это были глаза, которые не моргали и не отворачивались перед надвигающимся ударом), but that coolly saw and measured distance (но которые холодно смотрели и измеряли расстояние).

foam [fqVm], froth [frOT], methodical [mq`TOdIk(q)l], measure [`meZq], distance [`dIst(q)ns]

Sandel must foam the froth of Youth away before discreet Age could dare to retaliate. All King's movements were slow and methodical, and his heavy-lidded, slow-moving eyes gave him the appearance of being half asleep or dazed. Yet they were eyes that saw everything, that had been trained to see everything through all his twenty years and odd in the ring. They were eyes that did not blink or waver before an impending blow, but that coolly saw and measured distance.

Seated in his corner for the minute's rest at the end of the round (сидя в своем углу ради минутного отдыха в конце раунда), he lay back with outstretched legs (он откинулся назад с вытянутыми ногами; to lie back — откинуться), his arms resting on the right angle of the ropes (пока его руки покоились на прямом углу канатов: «руки покоившиеся»), his chest and abdomen heaving frankly and deeply (а его грудь и живот вздымались: «вздымающиеся» вольно и сильно) as he gulped down the air driven by the towels of his seconds (пока он жадно глотал воздух, нагоняемый полотенцами его секундантов = они обмахивали его). He listened with closed eyes to the voices of the house (он слушал с закрытыми глазами голоса из публики), "Why don't yeh fight, Tom?" many were crying (почему ты не дерешься, Том? — кричали многие; yeh = you). "Yeh ain't afraid of 'im, are yeh (ты ведь не боишься его, или как; im = him)?"

"Muscle-bound," he heard a man on a front seat comment (скованы мускулы, — он услышал, как комментирует человек на сиденье в первом ряду; to bind — связать; bound — связанный). "He can't move quicker (он не может двигаться быстрее). Two to one on Sandel, in quids (/ставлю/ два к одному на Сэндела, в фунтах)."

abdomen [`xbdqmqn], bound [baVnd]

Seated in his corner for the minute's rest at the end of the round, he lay back with outstretched legs, his arms resting on the right angle of the ropes, his chest and abdomen heaving frankly and deeply as he gulped down the air driven by the towels of his seconds. He listened with closed eyes to the voices of the house, "Why don't yeh fight, Tom?" many were crying. "Yeh ain't afraid of 'im, are yeh?"

"Muscle-bound," he heard a man on a front seat comment. "He can't move quicker. Two to one on Sandel, in quids."

The gong struck (гонг пробил; to strike — бить) and the two men advanced from their corners (и два человека вышли вперед из своих углов). Sandel came forward fully three-quarters of the distance (Сэндел вышел вперед на все три четверти расстояния), eager to begin again (рвущийся начать снова); but King was content to advance the shorter distance (но Кинг был доволен продвинуться на более короткое расстояние). It was in line with his policy of economy (это было в духе: «в линии с» его политики = тактики экономии). He had not been well trained (он не был хорошо натренирован), and he had not had enough to eat (и у него не было достаточно поесть = еды), and every step counted (и каждый шаг на счету: «посчитан»). Besides, he had already walked two miles to the ringside (кроме того, он уже прошагал две мили до ринга). It was a repetition of the first round (это было повторением первого раунда), with Sandel attacking like a whirlwind (— с Сэнделом, нападающим, как ураган; to whirl — вертеть/ся/; кружить/ся/; вращать/ся/) and with the audience indignantly demanding why King did not fight (и с публикой, негодующе вопрошающей, почему Кинг не дерется). Beyond feinting and several slowly delivered and ineffectual blows (помимо ложных выпадов и нескольких медленно нанесенных и неэффективных ударов) he did nothing save block and stall and clinch (он не делал ничего, только блокировал, тянул время и входил в клинч). Sandel wanted to make the pace fast (Сэндел хотел сделать темп /схватки/ быстрым), while King, out of his wisdom, refused to accommodate him (в то время как Кинг, из мудрости, отказывался приспособиться к нему).

policy [`pOlqsI], economy [I`kOnOmI], beyond [bI`Ond], deliver [dI`lIvq], wisdom [`wIzdqm]

The gong struck and the two men advanced from their corners. Sandel came forward fully three-quarters of the distance, eager to begin again; but King was content to advance the shorter distance. It was in line with his policy of economy. He had not been well trained, and he had not had enough to eat, and every step counted. Besides, he had already walked two miles to the ringside. It was a repetition of the first round, with Sandel attacking like a whirlwind and with the audience indignantly demanding why King did not fight. Beyond feinting and several slowly delivered and ineffectual blows he did nothing save block and stall and clinch. Sandel wanted to make the pace fast, while King, out of his wisdom, refused to accommodate him.

He grinned with a certain wistful pathos in his ring-battered countenance (он ухмыльнулся с некоторым мечтательным чувством на избитом на ринге лице), and went on cherishing his strength (и продолжал беречь свою силу; to go on — продолжать) with the jealousy of which only Age is capable (с ревностью, на которую только Старость способна). Sandel was Youth (Сэндел был Юностью), and he threw his strength away with the munificent abandon of Youth (и он разбрасывал свою силу с щедрой энергией Юности; to throw — бросать). To King belonged the ring generalship (Кингу принадлежало воинское искусство ринга), the wisdom bred of long, aching fights (мудрость, выращенная в долгих, болезненных боях; to breed — разводить; выращивать). He watched with cool eyes and head (он наблюдал с холодными глазами и головой), moving slowly and waiting for Sandel's froth to foam away (двигаясь медленно и ожидая, чтобы пена Сэндела опала). To the majority of the onlookers it seemed as though King was hopelessly outclassed (большинству зрителей казалось, словно Кинг был безнадежно превзойден), and they voiced their opinion in offers of three to one on Sandel (и они озвучивали свое мнение в ставках три к одному на Сэндела). But there were wise ones, a few (но были и умудренные люди, немногие), who knew King of old time (которые знавали Кинга прежних времен), and who covered what they considered easy money (и которые принимали: «покрывали» то, что считали легкими деньгами = выгодным пари).

certain [`sWt(q)n], pathos [`peITOs], countenance [`kaVnt(q)nqns], jealousy [`GelqsI], capable [`keIpqbl]

He grinned with a certain wistful pathos in his ring-battered countenance, and went on cherishing his strength with the jealousy of which only Age is capable. Sandel was Youth, and he threw his strength away with the munificent abandon of Youth. To King belonged the ring generalship, the wisdom bred of long, aching fights. He watched with cool eyes and head, moving slowly and waiting for Sandel's froth to foam away. To the majority of the onlookers it seemed as though King was hopelessly outclassed, and they voiced their opinion in offers of three to one on Sandel. But there were wise ones, a few, who knew King of old time, and who covered what they considered easy money.

The third round began as usual (третий раунд начался как обычно; to begin — начаться), one-sided (с одной стороны), with Sandel doing all the leading (с Сэнделом, ведущим бой: «делающим ведение») and delivering all the punishment (и раздающим все удары/все битье). A half-minute had passed (полминуты прошло) when Sandel, overconfident, left an opening (когда Сэндел, чересчур самоуверенный, оставил открытое = незащищенное место). King's eyes and right arm flashed in the same instant (глаза и правая рука Кинга сверкнули в тот же момент). It was his first real blow (это был его первый настоящий удар) — a hook, with the twisted arch of the arm to make it rigid (хук изогнутой дугой руки, чтобы сделать его жестким), and with all the weight of the half-pivoted body behind it (и со всем весом полуразвернутого тела за ним). It was like a sleepy-seeming lion suddenly thrusting out a lightning paw (это было словно кажущийся сонным лев, внезапно высунувший молниеносную лапу). Sandel, caught on the side of the jaw (Сэндел, задетый по боку челюсти; to catch — задеть: «поймать»), was felled like a bullock (был повален, как бычок). The audience gasped (публика задохнулась) and murmured awe-stricken applause (и прошептала благоговейное одобрение; awe — благоговейный трепет; to strike — поразить). The man was not muscle-bound, after all (этот человек не был в конце концов скован в мускулах), and he could drive a blow like a trip-hammer (и он мог нанести удар, как падающий молот).

usual [`jHZ(q)l], rigid [`rIGId], pivot [`pIvqt], paw [pL], bullock [`bVlqk], gasp [gRsp], murmur [`mWmq], awe [L]

The third round began as usual, one-sided, with Sandel doing all the leading and delivering all the punishment. A half-minute had passed when Sandel, overconfident, left an opening. King's eyes and right arm flashed in the same instant. It was his first real blow — a hook, with the twisted arch of the arm to make it rigid, and with all the weight of the half-pivoted body behind it. It was like a sleepy-seeming lion suddenly thrusting out a lightning paw. Sandel, caught on the side of the jaw, was felled like a bullock. The audience gasped and murmured awe-stricken applause. The man was not muscle-bound, after all, and he could drive a blow like a trip-hammer.

Sandel was shaken (Сэндел был потрясен/подорван /физически/; to shake — трясти). He rolled over and attempted to rise (он перекатился и попытался встать), but the sharp yells from his seconds to take the count restrained him (но резкие крики его секундантов — выдержать = выждать счет — остановили его). He knelt on one knee (он встал на одно колено; to kneel — вставать на колени), ready to rise (готовый встать), and waited, while the referee stood over him (и ждал, пока судья стоял над ним), counting the seconds loudly in his ear (отсчитывая секунды громко ему в ухо). At the ninth he rose in fighting attitude (на девятой он поднялся в бойцовскую стойку; to rise — подняться), and Tom King, facing him, knew regret that the blow had not been an inch nearer the point of the jaw (и Том Кинг, глядя на него, познал сожаление = пожалел, что удар не пришелся на дюйм ближе к кончику челюсти = к подбородку). That would have been a knockout (это был бы нокаут), and he could have carried the thirty quid home to the missus and the kiddies (и он мог бы унести тридцать фунтов домой — жене и детишкам).

restrain [rI`streIn], ninth [naInT]

Sandel was shaken. He rolled over and attempted to rise, but the sharp yells from his seconds to take the count restrained him. He knelt on one knee, ready to rise, and waited, while the referee stood over him, counting the seconds loudly in his ear. At the ninth he rose in fighting attitude, and Tom King, facing him, knew regret that the blow had not been an inch nearer the point of the jaw. That would have been a knockout, and he could have carried the thirty quid home to the missus and the kiddies.

The round continued to the end of its three minutes (раунд продолжался до конца его трех минут), Sandel for the first time respectful of his opponent (Сэндел впервые /был/ уважителен к своему противнику) and King slow of movement and sleepy-eyed as ever (а Кинг — медленный в движениях и сонноглазый, как всегда). As the round neared its close (когда раунд приближался к завершению), King, warned of the fact by sight of the seconds crouching outside (Кинг, предупрежденный об этом факте видом секундантов, присевших снаружи) ready for the spring in through the ropes (готовых к прыжку через канаты), worked the fight around to his own corner (подвел бой к своему углу). And when the gong struck (и когда пробил гонг), he sat down immediately on the waiting stool (он сел немедленно на ожидающий /его/ стул; to sit down — сесть), while Sandel had to walk all the way across the diagonal of the square to his own corner (а Сэнделу пришлось пройти всю диагональ квадрата до собственного угла; to have to — быть вынужденным). It was a little thing (это была маленькая вещь = мелочь), but it was the sum of little things that counted (но именно сумма мелочей считалась = имела значение). Sandel was compelled to walk that many more steps (Сэндел должен был пройти столько-то шагов), to give up that much energy (отдать немножко энергии), and to lose a part of the precious minute of rest (и потерять частичку драгоценной минуты отдыха). At the beginning of every round King loafed slowly out from his corner (в начале каждого раунда Кинг медленно выбредал из своего угла), forcing his opponent to advance the greater distance (вынуждая своего противника пройти бóльшее расстояние). The end of every round found the fight manœuvred by King into his own corner (конец каждого раунда находил бой отведенным Кингом = в конце каждого раунда Кинг уводил бой в свой собственный угол) so that he could immediately sit down (так, чтобы он мог немедленно сесть).

continue [kqn`tInjH], respectful [rI`spektf(q)l], immediately [I`mJdIqtlI], diagonal [daI`xg(q)n(q)l], energy [`enqGI], precious [`preSqs], manœuvre [mq`nHvq]

The round continued to the end of its three minutes, Sandel for the first time respectful of his opponent and King slow of movement and sleepy-eyed as ever. As the round neared its close, King, warned of the fact by sight of the seconds crouching outside ready for the spring in through the ropes, worked the fight around to his own corner. And when the gong struck, he sat down immediately on the waiting stool, while Sandel had to walk all the way across the diagonal of the square to his own corner. It was a little thing, but it was the sum of little things that counted. Sandel was compelled to walk that many more steps, to give up that much energy, and to lose a part of the precious minute of rest. At the beginning of every round King loafed slowly out from his corner, forcing his opponent to advance the greater distance. The end of every round found the fight manœuvred by King into his own corner so that he could immediately sit down.

Two more rounds went by (еще два раунда прошли; to go by — пройти мимо), in which King was parsimonious of effort (в которых Кинг был скуп на усилия; parsimony — бережливость, расчетливость, экономия; скаредность) and Sandel prodigal (а Сэндел — расточителен). The latter's attempt to force a fast pace made King uncomfortable (попытка последнего навязать быстрый темп делала Кинга неуютным = заставляла его чувствовать себя неуютно), for a fair percentage of the multitudinous blows showered upon him went home (так как немалый процент многочисленных ударов, сыплющихся на него, попадали в цель: «шли домой»). Yet King persisted in his dogged slowness (и все же Кинг упорствовал в своей упрямой медлительности), despite the crying of the young hotheads (несмотря на крики молодых горячих голов) for him to go in and fight (чтобы он занялся /делом/ и дрался). Again, in the sixth round, Sandel was careless (снова, в шестом раунде, Сэндел оказался беспечным), again Tom King's fearful right flashed out to the jaw (снова страшная правая Тома Кинга сверкнула к его челюсти), and again Sandel took the nine seconds count (и снова Сэндел принял девятисекундный отсчет).

parsimonious [pRsI`mqVnIqs], percentage [pq`sentIG], multitudinous ["mAltI`tjHdInqs], persist [pq`sIst]

Two more rounds went by, in which King was parsimonious of effort and Sandel prodigal. The latter's attempt to force a fast pace made King uncomfortable, for a fair percentage of the multitudinous blows showered upon him went home. Yet King persisted in his dogged slowness, despite the crying of the young hotheads for him to go in and fight. Again, in the sixth round, Sandel was careless, again Tom King's fearful right flashed out to the jaw, and again Sandel took the nine seconds count.

By the seventh round Sandel's pink of condition was gone (к седьмому раунду высшая степень состояния = свежесть Сэндела пропала), and he settled down (и он принялся) to what he knew was to be the hardest fight in his experience (за то, что, он знал, должно было стать тяжелейшим боем в его опыте). Tom King was an old un (Том Кинг был стариком), but a better old un than he had ever encountered (но лучшим стариком, чем он когда-либо встречал) — an old un who never lost his head (старик, который никогда не терял голову; to lose — терять), who was remarkably able at defence (который был замечательно ловок в защите), whose blows had the impact of a knotted club (чьи удары обладали действием узловатой дубинки), and who had a knockout in either hand (и у которого было по нокауту в каждой руке).

experience [Iks`pIqrIqns], remarkably [rI`mRkqblI], either [`aIDq], или [`JDq]

By the seventh round Sandel's pink of condition was gone, and he settled down to what he knew was to be the hardest fight in his experience. Tom King was an old un, but a better old un than he had ever encountered — an old un who never lost his head, who was remarkably able at defence, whose blows had the impact of a knotted club, and who had a knockout in either hand.

Nevertheless, Tom King dared not hit often (тем не менее Том Кинг не решался ударять часто). He never forgot his battered knuckles (он так и не забыл о своих разбитых суставах; to forget — забыть), and knew that every hit must count (и знал, что каждый удар должен считаться = быть на счету) if the knuckles were to last out the fight (если суставам надо выдержать бой). As he sat in his corner, glancing across at his opponent (пока он сидел в своем углу, глядя через /ринг/ на своего противника; to sit — сидеть), the thought came to him (мысль пришла к нему) that the sum of his wisdom and Sandel's youth would constitute a world's champion heavyweight (что сумма его умудренности и юности Сэндела составила бы тяжеловеса-чемпиона мира). But that was the trouble (но в этом и была проблема). Sandel would never become a world champion (Сэндел никогда бы не стал чемпионом мира). He lacked the wisdom (ему не хватало умудренности), and the only way for him to get it was to buy it with Youth (и единственный способ для него заполучить ее был — купить ее за Юность); and when wisdom was his (и когда умудренность станет его = станет принадлежать ему), Youth would have been spent in buying it (Юность уже будет потрачена на покупку ее; to spend).

trouble [trAbl]

Nevertheless, Tom King dared not hit often. He never forgot his battered knuckles, and knew that every hit must count if the knuckles were to last out the fight. As he sat in his corner, glancing across at his opponent, the thought came to him that the sum of his wisdom and Sandel's youth would constitute a world's champion heavyweight. But that was the trouble. Sandel would never become a world champion. He lacked the wisdom, and the only way for him to get it was to buy it with Youth; and when wisdom was his, Youth would have been spent in buying it.

King took every advantage he knew (Кинг пользовался любой выгодой = возможностью, о которой знал; to take — брать). He never missed an opportunity to clinch (он никогда не упускал возможности войти в клинч), and in effecting most of the clinches his shoulder drove stiffly into the other's ribs (и при осуществлении большинства клинчей его плечо крепко давило на ребра другого = противника; to drive into — вколотить). In the philosophy of the ring (в философии ринга) a shoulder was as good as a punch (плечо так же хорошо, как удар кулаком) so far as damage was concerned (в том, что касается повреждения: «настолько, насколько повреждение затрагивается»), and a great deal better so far as concerned expenditure of effort (и гораздо лучше /удара кулаком/ — в том, что касается расходования усилий). Also, in the clinches King rested his weight on his opponent (к тому же, в клинчах Кинг опирал свой вес на противника = отдыхал), and was loath to let go (и был несклонен отпускать /его/ = с неохотой).

advantage [qd`vRntIG], opportunity [Opq`tjHnqtI], philosophy [fI`lOsqfI], damage [`dxmIG], expenditure [Iks`pendICq]

King took every advantage he knew. He never missed an opportunity to clinch, and in effecting most of the clinches his shoulder drove stiffly into the other's ribs. In the philosophy of the ring a shoulder was as good as a punch so far as damage was concerned, and a great deal better so far as concerned expenditure of effort. Also, in the clinches King rested his weight on his opponent, and was loath to let go.

This compelled the interference of the referee (это вынуждало = делало необходимым вмешательство судьи), who tore them apart (который разделял их; to tear apart — разрывать), always assisted by Sandel (всегда с помощью Сэндела: «ассистируемый»), who had not yet learned to rest (который еще не научился отдыхать). He could not refrain from using those glorious flying arms (он не мог воздержаться от использования этих своих великолепных летающих = стремительных рук) and writhing muscles of his (и играющих мускулов: «извивающихся»), and when the other rushed into a clinch (и когда другой = Кинг стремительно входил в клинч; to rush — броситься), striking shoulder against ribs (ударяя плечом по ребрам), and with head resting under Sandel's left arm (с головой, просунутой под левую руку Сэндела), Sandel almost invariably swung his right behind his own back (Сэндел почти неизменно направлял свою правую /руку/ за свою спину; to swing — качать, зд.: направлять) and into the projecting face (и в выступающее лицо). It was a clever stroke, much admired by the audience (это был ловкий удар, очень любимый публикой; to admire — восхищаться), but it was not dangerous (но он был неопасен), and was, therefore, just that much wasted strength (и был, следовательно, лишь некоторым количеством зря потраченной силы). But Sandel was tireless and unaware of limitations (но Сэндел был неутомим и не знал ограничений; unaware — не знающий, не замечающий), and King grinned and doggedly endured (и Кинг ухмылялся и упрямо переносил /эти удары/).

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]