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Vitality [vaI`txlqtI], vigor [`vIgq], abate [q`beIt], shepherding [`SepqdIn], superfluous [sH`pWflVqs], seduce [sI`djHs], strategy [`strxtqGi]

King's chief asset was experience. As his vitality had dimmed and his vigor abated, he had replaced them with cunning, with wisdom born of the long fights and with a careful shepherding of strength. Not alone had he learned never to make a superfluous movement, but he had learned how to seduce an opponent into throwing his strength away. Again and again, by feint of foot and hand and body he continued to inveigle Sandel into leaping back, ducking, or countering. King rested, but he never permitted Sandel to rest. It was the strategy of Age.

Early in the tenth round (в начале десятого раунда: «рано») King began stopping the other's rushes with straight lefts to the face (Кинг начал останавливать выпады противника прямыми ударами левой в лицо), and Sandel, grown wary, responded by drawing the left (и Сэндел, ставший осмотрительным, ответил, замахнувшись левой), then by ducking it and delivering his right (затем — отдернув ее и нанеся удар правой) in a swinging hook to the side of the head (разящим хуком в висок: «бок головы»). It was too high up to be vitally effective (он = удар был слишком высок, чтобы быть роковым: «гибельно успешным»); but when first it landed (но когда впервые он обрушился), King knew the old, familiar descent of the black veil of unconsciousness across his mind (Кинг узнал старое, знакомое сошествие черной пелены бессознательности на его мозг). For the instant, or for the slightest fraction of an instant, rather (на мгновение, или, скорее, на мельчайшую долю мгновения), he ceased (он прекратился = умер). In the one moment he saw his opponent ducking out of his field of vision (в один этот момент он увидел, как его противник исчезает из его поля зрения) and the background of white, watching faces (как и фон из белых, наблюдающих лиц); in the next moment he again saw his opponent and the background of faces (в следующую секунду он снова увидел своего противника и фон лиц). It was as if he had slept for a time and just opened his eyes again (это было, словно бы он спал некоторое время и только что открыл глаза снова; to sleep — спать), and yet the interval of unconsciousness was so microscopically short (но при этом продолжительность потери сознания была так микроскопически коротка) that there had been no time for him to fall (что у него не было времени упасть). The audience saw him totter and his knees give (публика увидела, как он дрогнул, а его колени подогнулись), and then saw him recover (а затем увидела, как он приходит в себя) and tuck his chin deeper into the shelter of his left shoulder (и утыкает подбородок глубже в укрытие на своем левом плече).

early [`WlI], wary [`weqrI], respond [rI`spOnd], familiar [fq`mIlIq], descent [dI`sent], microscopically ["maIkrq`skOpIk(q)lI]

Early in the tenth round King began stopping the other's rushes with straight lefts to the face, and Sandel, grown wary, responded by drawing the left, then by ducking it and delivering his right in a swinging hook to the side of the head. It was too high up to be vitally effective; but when first it landed, King knew the old, familiar descent of the black veil of unconsciousness across his mind. For the instant, or for the slightest fraction of an instant, rather, he ceased. In the one moment he saw his opponent ducking out of his field of vision and the background of white, watching faces; in the next moment he again saw his opponent and the background of faces. It was as if he had slept for a time and just opened his eyes again, and yet the interval of unconsciousness was so microscopically short that there had been no time for him to fall. The audience saw him totter and his knees give, and then saw him recover and tuck his chin deeper into the shelter of his left shoulder.

Several times Sandel repeated the blow (несколько раз Сэндел повторял удар), keeping King partially dazed (держа Кинга частично ослепленным), and then the latter worked out his defence (а затем тот выработал свою защиту), which was also a counter (которая была также контратакой). Feinting with his left (совершив ложный выпад левой) he took a half-step backward (он сделал полшага назад), at the same time upper cutting with the whole strength of his right (в то же время нанеся апперкот всей силой своей правой). So accurately was it timed (он был так аккуратно рассчитан по времени) that it landed squarely on Sandel's face (что он обрушился прямо на лицо Сэндела) in the full, downward sweep of the duck (при полном /движении/ вниз при уворачивании = когда тот на полном ходу наклонился, чтобы увернуться), and Sandel lifted in the air and curled backward (и Сэндел поднялся в воздух и отшатнулся = полетел назад), striking the mat on his head and shoulders (упав на мат головой и плечами). Twice King achieved this (дважды Кинг добивался этого), then turned loose (затем спустил себя с цепи; loose — свободный, не на цепи) and hammered his opponent to the ropes (и прибил = подогнал своего противника к канатам). He gave Sandel no chance to rest or to set himself (он не дал Сэнделу шанса отдохнуть или стать в стойку), but smashed blow in upon blow (но наносил удар за ударом) till the house rose to its feet (пока публика не вскочила на ноги; to rise — встать) and the air was filled with an unbroken roar of applause (и воздух не наполнился непрерывным громом аплодисментов).

partially [`pRS(q)lI], defence [dI`fens], accurately [`xkjqrqtlI], achieve [q`CJv], loose [lHs], roar [rL]

Several times Sandel repeated the blow, keeping King partially dazed, and then the latter worked out his defence, which was also a counter. Feinting with his left he took a half-step backward, at the same time upper cutting with the whole strength of his right. So accurately was it timed that it landed squarely on Sandel's face in the full, downward sweep of the duck, and Sandel lifted in the air and curled backward, striking the mat on his head and shoulders. Twice King achieved this, then turned loose and hammered his opponent to the ropes. He gave Sandel no chance to rest or to set himself, but smashed blow in upon blow till the house rose to its feet and the air was filled with an unbroken roar of applause.

But Sandel's strength and endurance were superb (но сила и выносливость Сэндела были превосходны), and he continued to stay on his feet (и он все еще оставался на ногах: «продолжал оставаться на ногах»). A knockout seemed certain (нокаут казался неизбежным), and a captain of police, appalled at the dreadful punishment (и капитан полиции, ужаснувшийся страшному избиению), arose by the ringside to stop the fight (встал у ринга, чтобы остановить бой; to arose — встать). The gong struck for the end of the round (гонг пробил конец раунда) and Sandel staggered to his corner (и Сэндел, шатаясь, прошел в свой угол), protesting to the captain that he was sound and strong (протестуя = заявив капитану, что он в порядке и /еще/ силен). To prove it (чтобы доказать это), he threw two back air-springs (он сделал несколько прыжков назад в воздух), and the police captain gave in (и полицейский капитан сдался; to give in — сдаться).

captain [`kxptIn], police [pq`lJs], appal [q`pLl], dreadful [`dredf(q)l], prove [prHv]

But Sandel's strength and endurance were superb, and he continued to stay on his feet. A knockout seemed certain, and a captain of police, appalled at the dreadful punishment, arose by the ringside to stop the fight. The gong struck for the end of the round and Sandel staggered to his corner, protesting to the captain that he was sound and strong. To prove it, he threw two back air-springs, and the police captain gave in.

Tom King, leaning back in his corner and breathing hard (Том Кинг, откинувшийся назад в своем углу и тяжело дышавший), was disappointed (был разочарован). If the fight had been stopped (если бы бой был остановлен), the referee, perforce, would have rendered him the decision (судья, волей-неволей, отдал бы ему решение = победу) and the purse would have been his (и деньги были бы его). Unlike Sandel, he was not fighting for glory or career (в отличие от Сэндела он дрался не ради славы или карьеры), but for thirty quid (но ради тридцати фунтов). And now Sandel would recuperate in the minute of rest (а теперь Сэндел восстановит силы за минуту отдыха).

disappointed [dIsq`pOIntId], perforce [pq`fLs], decision [dI`sIZ(q)n], recuperate [rI`kjHp(q)reIt]

Tom King, leaning back in his corner and breathing hard, was disappointed. If the fight had been stopped, the referee, perforce, would have rendered him the decision and the purse would have been his. Unlike Sandel, he was not fighting for glory or career, but for thirty quid. And now Sandel would recuperate in the minute of rest.

Youth will be served (Юности свое достанется: «будет обслужена») — this saying flashed into King's mind (эти слова сверкнули в мозгу Кинга), and he remembered the first time he had heard it (и он вспомнил первый раз, когда услышал их), the night when he had put away Stowsher Bill (— вечер, когда он побил Стоушера Билла). The toff who had bought him a drink after the fight (франт, который купил ему выпить: «напиток» после боя; to buy — купить) and patted him on the shoulder (и похлопал его по плечу) had used those words (использовал эти слова). Youth will be served (Юность свое возьмет)! The toff was right (тот франт был прав). And on that night in the long ago he had been Youth (и в тот вечер, давным-давно, он был Юностью). To-night Youth sat in the opposite corner (сегодня Юность сидела в противоположном углу). As for himself, he had been fighting for half an hour now (что до него, он дрался уже полчаса), and he was an old man (и он был стариком). Had he fought like Sandel (если бы он дрался, как Сэндел; to fight — драться), he would not have lasted fifteen minutes (он не продержался бы и пятнадцати минут). But the point was (но суть была /в том/) that he did not recuperate (что он не восстанавливал силы).

bought [bLt], ago [q`gqV], opposite [`OpqzIt]

Youth will be served — this saying flashed into King's mind, and he remembered the first time he had heard it, the night when he had put away Stowsher Bill. The toff who had bought him a drink after the fight and patted him on the shoulder had used those words. Youth will be served! The toff was right. And on that night in the long ago he had been Youth. To-night Youth sat in the opposite corner. As for himself, he had been fighting for half an hour now, and he was an old man. Had he fought like Sandel, he would not have lasted fifteen minutes. But the point was that he did not recuperate.

Those upstanding arteries (эти выступающие артерии) and that sorely tried heart (и это жестоко издерганное сердце) would not enable him to gather strength in the intervals between the rounds (не позволяли ему набраться сил в промежутках между раундами). And he had not had sufficient strength in him to begin with (и в нем не было достаточной силы с самого начала: «чтобы начать»). His legs were heavy under him and beginning to cramp (его ноги были тяжелыми под ним, и их начинало сводить). He should not have walked those two miles to the fight (ему не следовало идти пешком эти две мили до боя). And there was the steak (и еще этот бифштекс) which he had got up longing for that morning (мечтая о котором, он встал сегодня утром; to get up — встать; to long for — тосковать по чему-либо, стремиться). A great and terrible hatred rose up in him for the butchers (огромная и страшная ненависть поднялась в нем к мясникам) who had refused him credit (которые отказали ему в кредите). It was hard for an old man (было сложно для старого человека) to go into a fight without enough to eat (пойти на бой без достаточного количества еды: «поесть»). And a piece of steak was such a little thing (а кусок мяса — такая чепуха), a few pennies at best (несколько пенни в лучшем случае); yet it meant thirty quid to him (но он означал тридцать фунтов для него; to mean — означать).

artery [`Rt(q)rI], enable [I`neIbl], interval [`Intqv(q)l], hatred [`heItrId], butcher [`bVCq], mean [mJn], meant [ment]

Those upstanding arteries and that sorely tried heart would not enable him to gather strength in the intervals between the rounds. And he had not had sufficient strength in him to begin with. His legs were heavy under him and beginning to cramp. He should not have walked those two miles to the fight. And there was the steak which he had got up longing for that morning. A great and terrible hatred rose up in him for the butchers who had refused him credit. It was hard for an old man to go into a fight without enough to eat. And a piece of steak was such a little thing, a few pennies at best; yet it meant thirty quid to him.

With the gong that opened the eleventh round (при /звуке/ гонга, который открыл одиннадцатый раунд), Sandel rushed (Сэндел ринулся /в бой/), making a show of freshness (демонстрируя свежесть: «делая показ свежести») which he did not really possess (которой он на самом деле не обладал). King knew it for what it was (Кинг признал это тем, чем оно являлось = понял) — a bluff as old as the game itself (блеф, такой же старый, как сама игра). He clinched to save himself (он вошел в клинч, чтобы защититься), then, going free (затем, оторвавшись: «уйдя свободным»), allowed Sandel to get set (позволил Сэнделу стать в стойку). This was what King desired (это было то, чего желал Кинг). He feinted with his left (он сделал ложный выпад левой), drew the answering duck and swinging upward hook (вызвал ответный уклон и мощный хук /снизу/ вверх), then made the half-step backward (затем сделал полшага назад), delivered the upper cut full to the face (нанес апперкот прямо в лицо) and crumpled Sandel over to the mat (и обрушил Сэндела на мат).

possess [pq`zes]

With the gong that opened the eleventh round, Sandel rushed, making a show of freshness which he did not really possess. King knew it for what it was — a bluff as old as the game itself. He clinched to save himself, then, going free, allowed Sandel to get set. This was what King desired. He feinted with his left, drew the answering duck and swinging upward hook, then made the half-step backward, delivered the upper cut full to the face and crumpled Sandel over to the mat.

After that he never let him rest (после этого он ни разу не дал ему передохнуть; to let —позволить, дать), receiving punishment himself (получая удары сам), but inflicting far more (но нанося гораздо больше), smashing Sandel to the ropes (прибивая Сэндела к канатам), hooking and driving all manner of blows into him (нанося ему сбоку и прямо самые разнообразные удары), tearing away from his clinches (вырываясь из его клинчей) or punching him out of attempted clinches (или выбивая его из неудачных клинчей = мешая ему войти в клинч), and ever when Sandel would have fallen, catching him with one uplifting hand (и каждый раз, когда Сэндел мог бы упасть, ловя его одной поднимающей рукой) and with the other immediately smashing him into the ropes (а другой — немедленно отбрасывая его к канатам) where he could not fall (где он не мог упасть).

After that he never let him rest, receiving punishment himself, but inflicting far more, smashing Sandel to the ropes, hooking and driving all manner of blows into him, tearing away from his clinches or punching him out of attempted clinches, and ever when Sandel would have fallen, catching him with one uplifting hand and with the other immediately smashing him into the ropes where he could not fall.

The house by this time had gone mad (публика к тому времени обезумела; to go mad — стать сумасшедшим), and it was his house (и это была его публика), nearly every voice yelling (почти каждый голос кричал): "Go it, Tom (давай, Том)!" "Get 'im! Get 'im (сделай его; ’im = him)!" "You've got 'im, Tom! You've got 'im (ты сделал его, Том)!" It was to be a whirlwind finish (финал обещал быть бурным; whirlwind — вихрь; ураган), and that was what a ringside audience paid to see (и это было то, за что публика у ринга платила «чтобы увидеть»; to pay — платить).

paid [peId]

The house by this time had gone mad, and it was his house, nearly every voice yelling: "Go it, Tom!" "Get 'im! Get 'im!" "You've got 'im, Tom! You've got 'im!" It was to be a whirlwind finish, and that was what a ringside audience paid to see.

And Tom King, who for half an hour had conserved his strength (и Том Кинг, который полчаса сдерживал свою силу), now expended it prodigally in the one great effort (теперь расходовал ее щедро в одном большом усилии) he knew he had in him (/которое/, он знал, было в нем = он был на него способен). It was his one chance (это был его единственный шанс) — now or not at all (сейчас или никогда: «или вообще нет»). His strength was waning fast (его сила иссякала быстро; to wane — убывать, быть на ущербе /о Луне/: the moon wanes. — луна идет на убыль; идти на убыль, падать; уменьшаться; ослабевать; снижаться), and his hope was (и его надежда была) that before the last of it ebbed out of him (что прежде, чем ее остатки истекут из него) he would have beaten his opponent down for the count (он повалит своего противника: «собьет вниз» для отсчета). And as he continued to strike and force (и пока он продолжал бить и добавлять обороты), coolly estimating the weight of his blows and the quality of the damage wrought (холодно оценивая вес своих ударов и качество причиняемого ущерба; wrought — сделанный /от to work/), he realized how hard a man Sandel was to knock out (он осознал, как тяжело нокаутировать Сэндела: «какой тяжелый человек Сэндел, чтобы нокаутировать его»). Stamina and endurance were his to an extreme degree (стойкость и выносливость были при нем до крайней степени), and they were the virgin stamina and endurance of Youth (и то была девственная = изначальная стойкость и выносливость Юности). Sandel was certainly a coming man (Сэндел был, несомненно, многообещающим человеком). He had it in him (в нем было это = прирожденный боксер). Only out of such rugged fibre were successful fighters fashioned (только из такого крепкого волокна выделываются успешные бойцы).

conserve [kqn`sWv], effort [`efqt], wrought [rLt], fashion [`fxS(q)n]

And Tom King, who for half an hour had conserved his strength, now expended it prodigally in the one great effort he knew he had in him. It was his one chance — now or not at all. His strength was waning fast, and his hope was that before the last of it ebbed out of him he would have beaten his opponent down for the count. And as he continued to strike and force, coolly estimating the weight of his blows and the quality of the damage wrought, he realized how hard a man Sandel was to knock out. Stamina and endurance were his to an extreme degree, and they were the virgin stamina and endurance of Youth. Sandel was certainly a coming man. He had it in him. Only out of such rugged fibre were successful fighters fashioned.

Sandel was reeling and staggering (Сэндел качался и шатался), but Tom King's legs were cramping (но ноги Тома Кинга сводило судорогой) and his knuckles going back on him (а суставы отказывали ему; to go back on — отказывать, подводить). Yet he steeled himself to strike the fierce blows (но он заставлял себя наносить яростные удары), every one of which brought anguish to his tortured hands (каждый из которых причинял боль его измученным рукам; to bring — приносить). Though now he was receiving practically no punishment (хотя теперь он практически не получал ударов/битья), he was weakening as rapidly as the other (он слабел так же быстро, как другой = его противник). His blows went home (его удары попадали в цель: «шли домой»), but there was no longer the weight behind them (но за ними больше не было веса), and each blow was the result of a severe effort of will (и каждый удар был результатом жестокого напряжения силы воли). His legs were like lead (его ноги были как свинец), and they dragged visibly under him (и они заметно волочились под ним); while Sandel's backers, cheered by this symptom (а поставившие на Сэндела, ободренные этим симптомом), began calling encouragement to their man (начали кричать ободрения своему бойцу).

brought [brLt], anguish [`xNgwIS], torture [`tLCq], result [rI`zAlt], severe [sI`vIq], lead (свинец) [led], encouragement [In`kArIGmqnt]

Sandel was reeling and staggering, but Tom King's legs were cramping and his knuckles going back on him. Yet he steeled himself to strike the fierce blows, every one of which brought anguish to his tortured hands. Though now he was receiving practically no punishment, he was weakening as rapidly as the other. His blows went home, but there was no longer the weight behind them, and each blow was the result of a severe effort of will. His legs were like lead, and they dragged visibly under him; while Sandel's backers, cheered by this symptom, began calling encouragement to their man.

King was spurred to a burst of effort (Кинг был пришпорен = это подвигло Кинга на взрыв усилий). He delivered two blows in succession (он нанес два удара подряд) — a left, a trifle too high, to the solar plexus (левой, немного высоко, в солнечное сплетение), and a right cross to the jaw (а правой поперек в челюсть). They were not heavy blows (это не были тяжелые удары), yet so weak and dazed was Sandel (но так слаб и ошеломлен был Сэндел) that he went down and lay quivering (что он упал и лежал, дрожа; to go down — упасть: «пойти вниз»; to lie — лежать). The referee stood over him (судья стоял над ним; to stand — стоять), shouting the count of the fatal seconds in his ear (выкрикивая отсчет роковых секунд ему в ухо). If before the tenth second was called, he did not rise (если до того, как будет объявлена десятая секунда, он не встанет), the fight was lost (битва проиграна; to lose — проигрывать). The house stood in hushed silence (публика стояла во внезапном молчании; to hush — водворять тишину, умолкать). King rested on trembling legs (Кинг стоял на дрожащих ногах). A mortal dizziness was upon him (жестокое головокружение охватило его: «было на нем»), and before his eyes the sea of faces sagged and swayed (и перед его глазами море лиц кренилось и качалось), while to his ears, as from a remote distance, came the count of the referee (пока до его ушей, словно с большого расстояния, доносился отсчет судьи; remote — отдаленный). Yet he looked upon the fight as his (и все же он смотрел на бой, как на свой = считал победу своей). It was impossible that a man so punished could rise (было невозможно, чтобы человек, так избитый, смог встать).

spur [spW], succession [sqk`seS(q)n], solar plexus [`sqVlq `pleksqs], quiver [`kwIvq], remote [rI`mqVt]

King was spurred to a burst of effort. He delivered two blows in succession — a left, a trifle too high, to the solar plexus, and a right cross to the jaw. They were not heavy blows, yet so weak and dazed was Sandel that he went down and lay quivering. The referee stood over him, shouting the count of the fatal seconds in his ear. If before the tenth second was called, he did not rise, the fight was lost. The house stood in hushed silence. King rested on trembling legs. A mortal dizziness was upon him, and before his eyes the sea of faces sagged and swayed, while to his ears, as from a remote distance, came the count of the referee. Yet he looked upon the fight as his. It was impossible that a man so punished could rise.

Only Youth could rise, and Sandel rose (только Юность могла встать, и Сэндел встал). At the fourth second he rolled over on his face (на четвертой секунде он перекатился на лицо = на живот) and groped blindly for the ropes (и слепо схватился за канаты). By the seventh second he had dragged himself to his knee (к седьмой секунде он втащил себя на колено = поставил), where he rested (где он остановился), his head rolling groggily on his shoulders (с головой, пьяно болтающейся у него на плечах; groggily — слабо и неустойчиво держащийся на ногах; grog — грог). As the referee cried "Nine!" Sandel stood upright (когда судья прокричал «Девять!», Сэндел встал прямо), in proper stalling position (в полноценную защитную стойку), his left arm wrapped about his face (с левой рукой, обернутой вокруг лица = прикрывая левой лицо), his right wrapped about his stomach (с правой — вокруг живота). Thus were his vital points guarded (так его жизненно важные части тела были защищены), while he lurched forward toward King in the hope of effecting a clinch (когда он ринулся вперед, к Кингу, в надежде войти в клинч) and gaining more time (и выиграть больше времени).

blind [blaInd], wrap [rxp], stomach [`stAmqk]

Only Youth could rise, and Sandel rose. At the fourth second he rolled over on his face and groped blindly for the ropes. By the seventh second he had dragged himself to his knee, where he rested, his head rolling groggily on his shoulders. As the referee cried "Nine!" Sandel stood upright, in proper stalling position, his left arm wrapped about his face, his right wrapped about his stomach. Thus were his vital points guarded, while he lurched forward toward King in the hope of effecting a clinch and gaining more time.

At the instant Sandel arose (в тот момент, когда Сэндел встал), King was at him (Кинг бросился на него), but the two blows he delivered were muffled on the stalled arms (но два удара, которые он нанес, были ослаблены подставленными руками). The next moment Sandel was in the clinch and holding on desperately (в следующее мгновение Сэндел вошел в клинч и отчаянно держался /за Кинга/) while the referee strove to drag the two men apart (пока судья силился растащить боксеров в стороны; to strive — стараться). King helped to force himself free (Кинг помогал освободить себя). He knew the rapidity with which Youth recovered (он знал быстроту, с которой Юность восстанавливала силы), and he knew that Sandel was his (и он знал, что Сэндел — его = будет побежден) if he could prevent that recovery (если бы он смог предотвратить это восстановление сил). One stiff punch would do it (один хороший удар сделал бы это). Sandel was his, indubitably his (Сэндел принадлежал ему, несомненно ему). He had outgeneralled him (он превзошел его), outfought him (одолел его; to outfight — одолеть), outpointed him (победил его по очкам).

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