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Instant [`Instqnt], desperately [`desp(q)rqtlI], recover [rI`kAvq], prevent [prI`vent], indubitably [In`djHbItqblI]

At the instant Sandel arose, King was at him, but the two blows he delivered were muffled on the stalled arms. The next moment Sandel was in the clinch and holding on desperately while the referee strove to drag the two men apart. King helped to force himself free. He knew the rapidity with which Youth recovered, and he knew that Sandel was his if he could prevent that recovery. One stiff punch would do it. Sandel was his, indubitably his. He had outgeneralled him, outfought him, outpointed him.

Sandel reeled out of the clinch (Сэндел вышел из клинча: «выкатился»), balanced on the hair line between defeat or survival (балансируя на тонкой: «волосяной» грани между поражением и выживанием). One good blow would topple him over and down and out (один хороший удар опрокинет его, обрушит его, нокаутирует его; to topple — повалить; over — через; down — вниз; out — наружу). And Tom King, in a flash of bitterness (и Том Кинг, в одно мгновение горечи = горькое), remembered the piece of steak (вспомнил о куске мяса) and wished that he had it then behind that necessary punch (и пожелал, чтобы он = этот кусок мяса был у него за этим необходимым ударом) he must deliver (/который/ он должен нанести). He nerved himself for the blow (он собирал в себе силы для этого удара), but it was not heavy enough nor swift enough (но он был ни достаточно тяжелым, ни достаточно быстрым). Sandel swayed, but did not fall (Сэндел покачнулся, но не упал), staggering back to the ropes (отшатнувшись назад к канатам) and holding on (и повиснув на /них/). King staggered after him (Кинг, шатаясь, пошел к нему), and, with a pang like that of dissolution (и, через резкую боль, как при смерти), delivered another blow (нанес очередной удар). But his body had deserted him (но его тело изменило ему).

reel [rJl], balance [`bxlqns], defeat [dI`fJt], survival [sq`vaIv(q)l], necessary [`nesqs(q)rI], dissolution [dIsq`lHS(q)n], desert (глагол) [dI`zWt]

Sandel reeled out of the clinch, balanced on the hair line between defeat or survival. One good blow would topple him over and down and out. And Tom King, in a flash of bitterness, remembered the piece of steak and wished that he had it then behind that necessary punch he must deliver. He nerved himself for the blow, but it was not heavy enough nor swift enough. Sandel swayed, but did not fall, staggering back to the ropes and holding on. King staggered after him, and, with a pang like that of dissolution, delivered another blow. But his body had deserted him.

All that was left of him was a fighting intelligence (все, что от него осталось, это борющееся сознание; left — оставшийся; to leave — оставлять) that was dimmed and clouded from exhaustion (которое было помрачено и затуманено от изнеможения). The blow that was aimed for the jaw (удар, который был нацелен в челюсть) struck no higher than the shoulder (ударил не выше, чем в плечо; to strike — ударить). He had willed the blow higher (он желал удар выше), but the tired muscles had not been able to obey (но усталые мускулы были неспособны повиноваться). And, from the impact of the blow (и от силы удара), Tom King himself reeled back and nearly fell (Том Кинг сам отступил и чуть не упал; to fall — падать). Once again he strove (и опять он попытался; to strive — пытаться). This time his punch missed altogether (на этот раз его удар промахнулся совсем), and, from absolute weakness, he fell against Sandel and clinched (и от всепоглощающей слабости он припал к Сэнделу и вошел в клинч), holding on to him to save himself from sinking to the floor (хватаясь за него, чтобы уберечь себя от падения на пол).

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