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In the late morning Matt was awake with Jim's first movement, and thereafter he awoke and dozed with him until midday, when they got up together and began dressing.

"I'm goin' out to get a paper an' some bread," Matt said. "You boil the coffee."

As Jim listened, unconsciously his gaze left Matt's face and roved to the pillow, beneath which was the bundle wrapped in the bandana handkerchief. On the instant Matt's face became like a wild beast's.

"Look here, Jim," he snarled. "You've got to play square. If you do me dirt, I'll fix you. Understand? I'd eat you, Jim. You know that. I'd bite right into your throat an' eat you like that much beefsteak."

His sunburned skin was black with the surge of blood in it (его выжженная солнцем кожа была черна от притока крови в ней = под ней), and his tobacco-stained teeth were exposed by the snarling lips (а его пожелтевшие: «запятнанные» от табака зубы были выставлены = видны /под/ рычащими губами). Jim shivered and involuntarily cowered (Джим вздрогнул и невольно съежился). There was death in the man (была смерть в человеке) he looked at (на /которого/ он смотрел). Only the night before that black-faced man (только предыдущей ночью: «ночью прежде» этот темнолицый человек) had killed another with his hands (убил другого своими руками), and it had not hurt his sleep (и это не нарушило его сон; to hurt — вредить). And in his own heart Jim was aware of a sneaking guilt (и в своем сердце Джим признал подлую вину; aware — сознающий), of a train of thought that merited all that was threatened (/своего/ хода мысли, который заслуживал всего, чем /ему/ грозили; to train — тянуть, тащить; train — шлейф; поезд; цепь, ряд, последовательность /событий, мыслей/).

surge [sWG], blood [blAd], shiver [`SIvq], involuntarily [In`vOlqnt(q)r(q)lI]

His sunburned skin was black with the surge of blood in it, and his tobacco-stained teeth were exposed by the snarling lips. Jim shivered and involuntarily cowered. There was death in the man he looked at. Only the night before that black-faced man had killed another with his hands, and it had not hurt his sleep. And in his own heart Jim was aware of a sneaking guilt, of a train of thought that merited all that was threatened.

Matt passed out (Мэтт вышел), leaving him still shivering (оставив его еще дрожащего). Then a hatred twisted his own face (затем ненависть исказила его собственное = Джима лицо), and he softly hurled savage curses at the door (и он тихо послал грубые проклятия в дверь). He remembered the jewels (он вспомнил о драгоценностях), and hastened to the bed (и поспешил к кровати), feeling under the pillow for the bandana bundle (нащупывая под подушкой сверток в бандане). He crushed it with his fingers to make certain (он сжал/сдавил его пальцами, чтобы удостовериться; to make certain — удостовериться: «сделать уверенным») that it still contained the diamonds (что он все еще содержал бриллианты). Assured that Matt had not carried them away (уверившийся, что Мэтт не унес их прочь), he looked toward the kerosene stove with a guilty start (он направился к керосиновой плитке виноватым движением). Then he hurriedly lighted it (затем он поспешно зажег ее), filled the coffee-pot at the sink (наполнил кофейник над раковиной), and put it over the flame (и поставил его на пламя; to put — класть, ставить).

hatred [`heItrId], savage [`sxvIG]

Matt passed out, leaving him still shivering. Then a hatred twisted his own face, and he softly hurled savage curses at the door. He remembered the jewels, and hastened to the bed, feeling under the pillow for the bandana bundle. He crushed it with his fingers to make certain that it still contained the diamonds. Assured that Matt had not carried them away, he looked toward the kerosene stove with a guilty start. Then he hurriedly lighted it, filled the coffee-pot at the sink, and put it over the flame.

The coffee was boiling when Matt returned (кофе закипал, когда Мэтт вернулся), and while the latter cut the bread and put a slice of butter on the table (и пока он: «последний» резал хлеб и клал кусок масла на стол; to cut — резать; to put — класть), Jim poured out the coffee (Джим разливал кофе). It was not until he sat down (только когда он сел: «это не было, пока он не сел»; to sit down — сесть) and had taken a few sips of the coffee (и сделал несколько маленьких глотков = отхлебнул кофе; to take — брать), that Matt pulled out the morning paper from his pocket (Мэтт вытащил утреннюю газету из кармана).

"We was way off," he said (мы были далеко /от истины/, — сказал он). "I told you I didn't cast figger out how fat it was (я сказал тебе, я не подсчитал, насколько это жирно = куш; figure — искаж. figure, to figure out — вычислить, понять). Look at that (взгляни на это)."

He pointed to the head-lines on the first page (он указал на заголовки на первой странице).

"SWIFT NEMESIS ON BUJANNOFF'S TRACK (быстрая Немезида = возмездие настигло Буянова; to be on somebody’s track — преследовать/настигать кого-либо: «быть на чьем-то курсе»)," they read (они гласили; to read — читать, гласить). "MURDERED IN HIS SLEEP AFTER ROBBING HIS PARTNER (убит во сне, после того как ограбил своего партнера; to rob — грабить)."

"There you have it (вот, пожалуйста: «вот ты имеешь это»)!" Matt cried (воскликнул Мэтт). "He robbed his partner (он ограбил своего партнера) — robbed him like a dirty thief (ограбил его, как грязный вор)."

bread [bred], pour [pL], Nemesis [`nemqsIs]

The coffee was boiling when Matt returned, and while the latter cut the bread and put a slice of butter on the table, Jim poured out the coffee. It was not until he sat down and had taken a few sips of the coffee, that Matt pulled out the morning paper from his pocket.

"We was way off," he said. "I told you I didn't cast figger out how fat it was. Look at that."

He pointed to the head-lines on the first page.


"There you have it!" Matt cried. "He robbed his partner — robbed him like a dirty thief."

"Half a million of jewels missin' (пропали драгоценности на полмиллиона; to miss — не хватать; half — половина)," Jim read aloud (прочел Джим вслух; to read — читать). He put the paper down and stared at Matt (он положил газету и уставился на Мэтта; to put down — положить). "That's what I told you," the latter said (это то, что я говорил тебе, — сказал последний = Мэтт). "What in hell do we know about jools (что, черт возьми, мы знаем о драгоценностях; hell — ад)? Half a million (/на/ полмиллиона)! — an' the best I could figger (и лучшее, что я мог представить себе; figger — искаж. to figure — представить себе) it was a hundred thousan' (было сто тысяч). Go on an' read the rest of it (продолжай и прочти остальное; to go on — продолжать)."

They read on silently (они читали дальше молча), their heads side by side (их головы бок о бок = рядом), the untouched coffee growing cold (/пока/ нетронутый кофе стыл: «становился холодным»; to grow — расти; становиться); and ever and anon (и то и дело: «все время и тотчас») one or the other burst forth with some salient printed fact (один или другой прорывался каким-нибудь ярким напечатанным фактом = высказывался; to burst forth — прорываться; salient — выдающийся, выступающий; выпуклый, заметный; яркий, бросающийся в глаза).

"I'd like to seen Metzner's face (хотел бы я видеть лицо Метцнера) when he opened the safe at the store this mornin' (когда он открыл сейф в магазине этим утром = сегодня утром)," Jim gloated (злорадствовал Джим).

"He hit the high places right away for Bujannoff's house (он сразу бросился в дом Буянова; to hit — ударить; частоо дороге в значенииотправиться; зд.: «ударил высокие места»)," Matt explained (объяснил Мэтт). "Go on an' read (продолжай и читай)."

"Was to have sailed last night at ten on the Sajoda for the South Seas (должен был уплыть прошлой ночью в десять на «Саджоде» в южные моря; was — прош. вр. от to be — быть; to be to — быть должным, собираться; to sail — плыть) — steamship delayed by extra freight (пароход задержан дополнительным грузом) —"

"That's why we caught 'm in bed," Matt interrupted (вот почему мы поймали = застали его в постели, — перебил Мэтт; to catch — ловить; 'm = him — его). "It was just luck (это было просто везение) — like pickin' a fifty-to-one winner (как угадать победителя в пятидесяти к одному; to pick — подобрать, выбрать)."

half [hRf], read /инфинитив/ [rJd], read /прош.вр./ [red], salient [`seIlIqnt], freight [freIt]

"Half a million of jewels missin'," Jim read aloud. He put the paper down and stared at Matt. "That's what I told you," the latter said. "What in hell do we know about jools? Half a million! —an' the best I could figger it was a hundred thousan'. Go on an' read the rest of it."

They read on silently, their heads side by side, the untouched coffee growing cold; and ever and anon one or the other burst forth with some salient printed fact.

"I'd like to seen Metzner's face when he opened the safe at the store this mornin'," Jim gloated.

"He hit the high places right away for Bujannoff's house," Matt explained. "Go on an' read."

"Was to have sailed last night at ten on the Sajoda for the South Seas — steamship delayed by extra freight —"

"That's why we caught 'm in bed," Matt interrupted. "It was just luck — like pickin' a fifty-to-one winner."

"Sajoda sailed at six this mornin' («Саджода» отплыла в шесть сегодня утром) —"

"He didn't catch her," Matt said (он не поймал ее = не успел на нее, — сказал Мэтт). "I saw his alarm-clock was set at five (я видел, что его будильник был поставлен на пять; to see — видеть; to set — установить). That'd given 'm plenty of time (это давало ему полно = кучу времени; to give — дать; ’m = him — ему)... only I come along (только я появился: «прихожу») an' put the kibosh on his time (и ему крышка; kibosh нелепость, вздор, чепуха, ерунда; остановака, задержка; to put the kibosh on — положить конец, покончить; прикончить). Go on (продолжай)."

"Adolph Metzner in despair (Адольф Метцнер в отчаянии) — the famous Haythorne pearl necklace (знаменитое Хейторновское жемчужное ожерелье) — magnificently assorted pearls (великолепно подобранные жемчуга) — valued by experts at from fifty to seventy thousan' dollars (оцениваются экспертами от пятидесяти до семидесяти тысяч долларов)."

Jim broke off to swear vilely and solemnly (Джим прервался, чтобы ругаться грязно и торжественно; to break off — оборвать), concluding with (заключив), "Those damn oyster-eggs worth all that money (эти чертовы устричные яйца стоят всех этих денег)!"

He licked his lips and added (он облизал губы и добавил), "They was beauties an' no mistake (они были прекрасны, и никакой ошибки = это точно)."

alarm [q`lRm], despair [dI`speq], famous [`feImqs], pearl [pWl], necklace [`neklqs], value [`vxljH]

"Sajoda sailed at six this mornin' —"

"He didn't catch her," Matt said. "I saw his alarm-clock was set at five. That'd given 'm plenty of time ... only I come along an' put the kibosh on his time. Go on."

"Adolph Metzner in despair — the famous Haythorne pearl necklace — magnificently assorted pearls — valued by experts at from fifty to seventy thousan' dollars."

Jim broke off to swear vilely and solemnly, concluding with, "Those damn oyster-eggs worth all that money!"

He licked his lips and added, "They was beauties an' no mistake."

"Big Brazilian gem," he read on (большой бразильский драгоценный камень, — читал он дальше). "Eighty thousan' dollars (восемьдесят тысяч долларов) — many valuable gems of the first water (много ценных камней первой воды = чистой воды) — several thousan' small diamonds well worth forty thousan' (несколько тысяч мелких бриллиантов, стоящих сорок тысяч)."

"What you don't know about jools is worth knowin' (что ты не знаешь о драгоценностях стоит того, чтобы это знали /шутка, вместо: «чего ты не знаешь о драгоценностях не стоит того, чтобы это знать» = ты знаешь о драгоценностях все/; jools — искаж. jewels — драгоценности),'' Matt smiled good-humoredly (улыбнулся Мэтт добродушно).

"Theory of the sleuths," Jim read (теория сыщиков, — прочел Джим; to read — читать). "Thieves must have known (воры должны были знать; to know — знать) — cleverly kept watch on Bujannoff's actions (хитро следили за действиями Буянова; to keep watch — следить: «держать наблюдение») — must have learned his plan (должны были узнать о его плане) and trailed him to his house (и выследить его до дома) with the fruits of his robbery (с плодами его грабежа) —"

"Clever — hell (умно — вот черт: «ад»)!" Matt broke out (воскликнул Мэтт; to break out — разразиться). "That's the way reputations is made (вот как репутации делаются; way — путь; способ; to make — делать) ... in the noospapers (в газетах; искаж. newspapers). How'd we know he was robbin' his pardner (как мы знали = откуда нам знать, что он ограбил своего партнера; искаж. partner)?"

"Anyway, we've got the goods," Jim grinned (как бы то ни было, добро /теперь/ у нас, — ухмыльнулся Джим). "Let's look at 'em again (давай взглянем на них снова; at ’em = at them — на них)."

theory [`TIqrI], sleuth [slHT], fruit [frHt]

"Big Brazilian gem," he read on. "Eighty thousan' dollars — many valuable gems of the first water — several thousan' small diamonds well worth forty thousan'."

"What you don't know about jools is worth knowin','' Matt smiled good-humoredly.

"Theory of the sleuths," Jim read. "Thieves must have known — cleverly kept watch on Bujannoff's actions — must have learned his plan and trailed him to his house with the fruits of his robbery —"

"Clever — hell!" Matt broke out. "That's the way reputations is made...in the noospapers. How'd we know he was robbin' his pardner?"

"Anyway, we've got the goods," Jim grinned. "Let's look at 'em again."

He assured himself that the door was locked and bolted (он удостоверился, что дверь заперта на замок и на засов; to lock — запирать; to bolt — запирать на засов), while Matt brought out the bundle in the bandana (в то время как Мэтт достал сверток в бандане; to bring out — достать) and opened it on the table (и раскрыл его на столе).

"Ain't they beauties, though (разве они не красавцы, однако)!" Jim exclaimed at sight of the pearls (воскликнул Джим при виде жемчужин); and for a time he had eyes only for them (и на некоторое время он имел глаза лишь для них = смотрел только на них). "Accordin' to the experts (согласно экспертам), worth from fifty to seventy thousan' dollars (стоят: «достойны» от пятидесяти до семидесяти тысяч долларов)."

"An' women like them things," Matt commented (и женщины любят эти вещички, — заметил Мэтт). "An' they'll do everything to get 'em (и они сделают все, чтобы заполучить их) — sell themselves, commit murder, anything (продадут себя, совершат самоубийство, что угодно)."

"Just like you an' me (прямо как ты и я)."

"Not on your life," Matt retorted (ничего подобного, — отрезал Мэтт: «не на твоей жизни»). "I'll commit murder for 'em (я совершу убийство за них; forem = for them — для них), but nor their own sakes (но не ради них самих), but for sake of what they'll get me (но ради того, что они добудут мне). That's the difference (вот разница). Women want the jools for themselves (женщины хотят драгоценности ради них самих; jools — искаж. jewels), an' I want the jools for the women (а я хочу драгоценности для женщин) an' such things they'll get me (и для таких вещей, какие они добудут мне)."

"Lucky that men an' women don't want the same things," Jim remarked (удачно, что мужчины и женщины не хотят одних и тех же вещей, — заметил Джим).

"That's what makes commerce," Matt agreed (это то, что делает торговлю, — согласился Мэтт); "people wantin' different things (/то, что/ люди хотят разных вещей)."

sight [saIt], woman /ед.ч./ [`wVmqn], women /мн.ч./ [`wImIn], murder [`mWdq]

He assured himself that the door was locked and bolted, while Matt brought out the bundle in the bandana and opened it on the table.

"Ain't they beauties, though!" Jim exclaimed at sight of the pearls; and for a time he had eyes only for them. "Accordin' to the experts, worth from fifty to seventy thousan' dollars."

"An' women like them things," Matt commented. "An' they'll do everything to get 'em — sell themselves, commit murder, anything."

"Just like you an' me."

"Not on your life," Matt retorted. "I'll commit murder for 'em, but nor their own sakes, but for sake of what they'll get me. That's the difference. Women want the jools for themselves, an' I want the jools for the women an' such things they'll get me."

"Lucky that men an' women don't want the same things," Jim remarked.

"That's what makes commerce," Matt agreed; "people wantin' different things."

In the middle of the afternoon Jim went out to buy food (в середине дня Джим вышел купить еды; to go out — выйти). While he was gone (пока он ходил; to go — уходить), Matt cleared the table of the jewels (Мэтт очистил стол от драгоценностей), wrapping them up as before (завернув их, как раньше) and putting them under the pillow (и положив их под подушку). Then he lighted the kerosene stove (затем он зажег керосиновую плиту) and started to boil water for the coffee (и начал кипятить воду для кофе). A few minutes later Jim returned (несколько минут спустя Джим вернулся).

"Most surprising," he remarked (крайне удивительно, — заметил он). "Streets, an' stores, an' people just like they always was (улицы и магазины и люди — прямо как они всегда были = как обычно). Nothin' changed (ничего не изменилось). An' me walkin' along through it all a millionaire (а я иду через все это миллионером). Nobody looked at me an' guessed it (никто не смотрел на меня и не догадался об этом)."

Matt grunted unsympathetically (Мэтт проворчал /что-то/ безучастно). He had little comprehension of the lighter whims and fancies (у него было мало понимания более легких/быстро меняющихся причуд и капризов) of his partner's imagination (воображения его партнера).

"Did you get a porterhouse?" he demanded (ты взял бифштекс? — спросил он; porterhouse — трактир = принесенный из ресторана бифштекс из говяжьей вырезки).

"Sure, en' en inch thick (конечно, он в дюйм толщиной). It's a peach (это первый сорт: персик»). Look at it (взгляни на него)."

millionaire [mIljq`neq]

In the middle of the afternoon Jim went out to buy food. While he was gone, Matt cleared the table of the jewels, wrapping them up as before and putting them under the pillow. Then he lighted the kerosene stove and started to boil water for the coffee. A few minutes later Jim returned.

"Most surprising," he remarked. "Streets, an' stores, an' people just like they always was. Nothin' changed. An' me walkin' along through it all a millionaire. Nobody looked at me an' guessed it."

Matt grunted unsympathetically. He had little comprehension of the lighter whims and fancies of his partner's imagination.

"Did you get a porterhouse?" he demanded.

"Sure, en' en inch thick. It's a peach. Look at it."

He unwrapped the steak (он развернул бифштекс) and held it up for the other's inspection (и выставил его: «держал его вверх» на осмотр другого = своего товарища; to hold up — выставлять, поднимать). Then he made the coffee and set the table (затем он сделал кофе и накрыл на стол; to set — установить), while Matt fried the steak (пока Мэтт жарил бифштекс).

"Don't put on too much of them red peppers," Jim warned (не клади слишком много красного перца, — предупредил Джим). "I ain't used to your Mexican cookin' (я не привык к твоей мексиканской кухне; I aint = I am not — я не есть). You always season too hot (ты всегда приправляешь слишком остро)."

Matt grunted a laugh (Мэтт проворчал смешок = усмехнулся) and went on with his cooking (и продолжил со своей готовкой; to go on — продолжать: «идти дальше»). Jim poured out the coffee (Джим разлил кофе), but first, into the nicked china cup (но сперва, в выщербленную фарфоровую чашку), he emptied a powder (он высыпал порошок) he had carried in his vest pocket (/который/ он носил в кармане куртки) wrapped in a rice-paper (завернутый в рисовую бумагу). He had turned his back for the moment on his partner (он /перед этим/ повернулся спиной на секунду к своему партнеру: «повернул спину к»), but he did not dare to glance around at him (но он не осмелился оглянуться на него). Matt placed a newspaper on the table (Мэтт положил газету на стол), and on the newspaper set the hot frying-pan (а на газету поставил горячую сковородку; to set — установить). He cut the steak in half (он разрезал бифштекс пополам; to cut — резать), and served Jim and himself (и обслужил = поставил тарелки Джиму и себе).

"Eat her while she's hot," he counselled (ешь, пока горячий, — посоветовал он), and with knife and fork set the example (и с ножом и вилкой /в руках/ подал пример; to set — установить).

fry [fraI], season [`sJz(q)n], dare [deq]

He unwrapped the steak and held it up for the other's inspection. Then he made the coffee and set the table, while Matt fried the steak.

"Don't put on too much of them red peppers," Jim warned. "I ain't used to your Mexican cookin'. You always season too hot."

Matt grunted a laugh and went on with his cooking. Jim poured out the coffee, but first, into the nicked china cup, he emptied a powder he had carried in his vest pocket wrapped in a rice-paper. He had turned his back for the moment on his partner, but he did not dare to glance around at him. Matt placed a newspaper on the table, and on the newspaper set the hot frying-pan. He cut the steak in half, and served Jim and himself.

"Eat her while she's hot," he counselled, and with knife and fork set the example.

"She's a dandy (это первоклассная штука; dandy — денди, франт, щёголь, хлыщ; нарядный, щегольской; разг. отличный, превосходный, первоклассный)," was Jim's judgment, after his first mouthful (— было суждение Джима после первого куска). "But I tell you one thing straight (но я скажу тебе одну вещь прямо). I'm never goin' to visit you on that Arizona ranch (я никогда не навещу тебя на этом аризонском ранчо), so you needn't ask me (так что не нужно приглашать меня; to need — нуждаться; needn’t = need not — отриц.)."

"What's the matter now?" Matt asked (в чем дело теперь? — спросил Мэтт).

"Hell's the matter," was the answer (дело в аде, — был ответ). "The Mexican cookin' on your ranch'd be too much for me (мексиканская кухня на твоем ранчо была бы чересчур: «слишком много» для меня; ’d = would — бы). If I've got hell a-comin' in the next life (если меня ожидает ад в следующей жизни = за гробом: «если я имею ад приходящим…»), I'm not goin' to torment my insides in this one (я не собираюсь терзать свои внутренности в этой /жизни/). Damned peppers (проклятый перец)!"

He smiled, expelled his breath forcibly (он улыбнулся, испустил свое дыхание сильно = выдохнул) to cool his burning mouth (чтобы остудить свой горящий рот), drank some coffee (отпил немного кофе; to drink — пить), and went on eating the steak (и продолжил есть бифштекс; to go on — продолжать).

"What do you think about the next life anyway, Matt (что ты думаешь о следующей = загробной жизни вообще)?" he asked a little later (спросил он немного погодя), while secretly he wondered (втайне удивляясь; while — пока, в то время как) why the other had not yet touched his coffee (почему тот еще не притронулся к своему кофе).

"Ain't no next life," Matt answered (нет загробной жизни, — ответил Мэтт), pausing from the steak (отвлекшись от бифштекса) to take his first sip of coffee (чтобы взять = сделать свой первый глоток кофе). "Nor heaven nor hell, nor nothin' (ни рая, ни ада, ничего). You get all that's comin' (ты получаешь все, что приходит = что суждено) right here in this life (прямо здесь, в этой жизни)."

judgment [`GAGmqnt], mouthful [`maVTfVl], torment [tL`ment]

"She's a dandy," was Jim's judgment, after his first mouthful. "But I tell you one thing straight. I'm never goin' to visit you on that Arizona ranch, so you needn't ask me."

"What's the matter now?" Matt asked.

"Hell's the matter," was the answer. "The Mexican cookin' on your ranch'd be too much for me. If I've got hell a-comin' in the next life, I'm not goin' to torment my insides in this one. Damned peppers!"

He smiled, expelled his breath forcibly to cool his burning mouth, drank some coffee, and went on eating the steak.

"What do you think about the next life anyway, Matt?" he asked a little later, while secretly he wondered why the other had not yet touched his coffee.

"Ain't no next life," Matt answered, pausing from the steak to take his first sip of coffee. "Nor heaven nor hell, nor nothin'. You get all that's comin' right here in this life."

"An' afterward (а потом)?" Jim queried out of his morbid curiosity (спросил Джим из болезненного любопытства), for he knew that he looked upon a man (так как он знал, что смотрит на человека; to know — знать) that was soon to die (который скоро должен умереть; to be to — быть должным). "An' afterward?" he repeated (а потом? — повторил он).

"Did you ever see a man two weeks dead?" the other asked (ты когда-нибудь видел человека, /уже/ две недели мертвого? — спросил другой = Мэтт).

Jim shook his head (Джим покачал головой).

"Well, I have (ну, а я видел). He was like this beefsteak you an' me is eatin' (он был как этот бифштекс, /который/ мы с тобой едим: «ты и я»). It was once steer cavortin' over the landscape (он был когда-то бычком, скачущим по местности: «по ландшафту»; to cavort — прыгать, скакать). But now it's just meat (но теперь он — просто мясо). That's all, just meat (это все, просто мясо). An' that's what you an' me an' all people come to (и это то, к чему ты и я и все люди приходим) — meat (к мясу)."

Matt gulped down the whole cup of coffee (Мэтт проглотил целую чашку кофе; to gulp down — проглотить), and refilled the cup (и вновь наполнил чашку).

"Are you scared to die?" he asked (ты боишься умереть? — спросил он; scared — испуганный).

Jim shook his head (Джим покачал головой). "What's the use (какая /с того/ польза)? I don't die anyway (я не умру в любом случае). I pass on an' live again (я перейду дальше и буду жить снова) —"

"To go stealin', an' lyin' an' snivellin' through another life (чтобы пройти, воруя, и обманывая, и хныча, по новой жизни; snivel — сопли; to snivel — распускать сопли; высморкать нос; хныкать; шмыгать носом), an' go on that way forever an' ever an' ever?" Matt sneered (и продолжать таким манером вечно, все время, все время? — ухмыльнулся Мэтт; to sneer — презрительно или насмешливо улыбаться; усмехаться; говорить, выражаться презрительно или насмешливо; насмехаться, глумиться).

"Maybe I'll improve," Jim suggested hopefully (может быть, я исправлюсь, — предположил Джим с надеждой). "Maybe stealin' won't be necessary in the life to come (может быть, воровство не будет нужно в жизни, которая придет = в следующей)."

He ceased abruptly (он вдруг умолк: «прервался резко»; abrupt — внезапный; неожиданный, непредвиденный; крутой, обрывистый), and stared straight before him (и уставился прямо перед собой), a frightened expression on his face (с испуганным выражением на лице).

"What's the matter?" Matt demanded (в чем дело? — спросил Мэтт).

"Nothin' (ничего). I was just wonderin' (я просто задумался)" — Jim returned to himself with an effort (Джим вернулся = пришел в себя с усилием) — "about this dyin' (об смерти), that was all (это все)."

afterward [`Rftqwqd], curiosity [kjVqrI`OsqtI], improve [Im`prHv], suggest [sq`Gest], necessary [`nesqs(q)rI]

"An' afterward?" Jim queried out of his morbid curiosity, for he knew that he looked upon a man that was soon to die. "An' afterward?" he repeated.

"Did you ever see a man two weeks dead?" the other asked.

Jim shook his head.

"Well, I have. He was like this beefsteak you an' me is eatin'. It was once steer cavortin' over the landscape. But now it's just meat. That's all, just meat. An' that's what you an' me an' all people come to — meat."

Matt gulped down the whole cup of coffee, and refilled the cup.

"Are you scared to die?" he asked.

Jim shook his head. "What's the use? I don't die anyway. I pass on an' live again —"

"To go stealin', an' lyin' an' snivellin' through another life, an' go on that way forever an' ever an' ever?" Matt sneered.

"Maybe I'll improve," Jim suggested hopefully. "Maybe stealin' won't be necessary in the life to come."

He ceased abruptly, and stared straight before him, a frightened expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Matt demanded.

"Nothin'. I was just wonderin'" — Jim returned to himself with an effort — "about this dyin', that was all."

But he could not shake off the fright (но он не мог стряхнуть страх) that had startled him (который охватил его; to startle — испугать; поразить). It was as if an unseen thing of gloom had passed him by (это было, как если бы невидимый дух: «вещь мрака» прошел мимо него), casting upon him the intangible shadow of its presence (бросив на него неосязаемую тень своего присутствия). He was aware of a feeling of foreboding (он ощутил предчувствие беды; aware — сознающий; foreboding — плохое предсказание, пророчество; предзнаменование, знамение, предвестник беды; плохая примета). Something ominous was about to happen (что-то зловещее должно было произойти: «было около произойти»). Calamity hovered in the air (катастрофа нависла в воздухе). He gazed fixedly across the table at the other man (он уставился пристально через стол на другого человека). He could not understand (он не мог понять). Was it that he had blundered and poisoned himself (было ли = могло ли быть, что он промахнулся и отравил сам себя)? No, Matt had the nicked cup (нет, выщербленная чашка была у Мэтта: «Мэтт имел…»), and he had certainly put the poison in the nicked cup (а он точно положил яд в выщербленную чашку; to put — класть).

fright [fraIt], ominous [`OmInqs]

But he could not shake off the fright that had startled him. It was as if an unseen thing of gloom had passed him by, casting upon him the intangible shadow of its presence. He was aware of a feeling of foreboding. Something ominous was about to happen. Calamity hovered in the air. He gazed fixedly across the table at the other man. He could not understand. Was it that he had blundered and poisoned himself? No, Matt had the nicked cup, and he had certainly put the poison in the nicked cup.

It was all his own imagination (это было все = лишь его воображение), was his next thought (— была его следующая мысль). It had played him tricks before (оно играло с ним шутки и раньше). Fool (болван)! Of course it was (конечно, это было /воображение/). Of course something was about to happen (конечно, что-то должно было случиться), but it was about to happen to Matt (но это должно было случиться с Мэттом). Had not Matt drunk the whole cup of coffee (разве Мэтт не выпил целую чашку кофе; to drink — пить)?

Jim brightened up and finished his steak (Джим приободрился и прикончил бифштекс), sopping bread in the gravy when the meat was gone (макая хлеб в подливку, когда мясо исчезло = было съедено; to go — уйти).

"When I was a kid —" he began (когда я был ребенком, — начал он; to begin — начать), but broke off abruptly (но прервался резко; to break off — оборвать).

Again the unseen thing of gloom had fluttered (снова невидимая вещь мрака = что-то невидимое и мрачное пролетело), and his being was vibrant with premonition of impending misfortune (и /все/ его существо задрожало от предчувствия надвигающейся беды). He felt a disruptive influence at work in the flesh of him (он ощутил разрушительное действие за работой в его плоти = как в его плоти действует что-то разрушительное), and in all his muscles there was a seeming (и во всех его мускулах было ощущение: «видимость») that they were about to begin to twitch (что они скоро начнут дергаться: «что они были около начать…»). He sat back suddenly (он откинулся: «сел» назад внезапно; to sit — сидеть), and as suddenly leaned forward (и так же внезапно наклонился вперед) with his elbows on the table (/поставив/ локти на стол). A tremor ran dimly through the muscles of his body (дрожь пробежала смутно по мускулам его тела; to run — бежать). It was like the first rustling of leaves (это было как первый шелест листьев) before the oncoming of wind (перед надвигающимся ветром). He clenched his teeth (он стиснул зубы). It came again (оно пришло снова), a spasmodic tensing of his muscles (судорожное напряжение его мускулов). He knew panic at the revolt within his being (он узнал панику от возмущения/бунта в его существе; to know — знать).

vibrant [`vaIbrqnt], premonition [premq`nIS(q)n], misfortune [mIs`fLCHn], muscle [mAsl]

It was all his own imagination, was his next thought. It had played him tricks before. Fool! Of course it was. Of course something was about to happen, but it was about to happen to Matt. Had not Matt drunk the whole cup of coffee?

Jim brightened up and finished his steak, sopping bread in the gravy when the meat was gone.

"When I was a kid —" he began, but broke off abruptly.

Again the unseen thing of gloom had fluttered, and his being was vibrant with premonition of impending misfortune. He felt a disruptive influence at work in the flesh of him, and in all his muscles there was a seeming that they were about to begin to twitch. He sat back suddenly, and as suddenly leaned forward with his elbows on the table. A tremor ran dimly through the muscles of his body. It was like the first rustling of leaves before the oncoming of wind. He clenched his teeth. It came again, a spasmodic tensing of his muscles. He knew panic at the revolt within his being.

His muscles no longer recognized his mastery over them (его мускулы больше не признавали его власти над собой). Again they spasmodically tensed (снова они судорожно напряглись), despite the will of him (против его воли), for he had willed that they should not tense (так как он желал, чтобы они не напрягались). This was revolution within himself (это был переворот внутри него), this was anarchy (это была анархия); and the terror of impotence rushed up in him (и страх немощи охватил его) as his flesh gripped and seemed to seize him in a clutch (пока его плоть хватала /его/ и, казалось, сжимала его в тиски; to seem — казаться), chills running up and down his back (/пока/ озноб пробегал вверх и вниз по его спине) and sweat starting on his brow (и пот выступил у него на лбу). He glanced about the room (он огляделся в комнате), and all the details of it smote him with a strange sense of familiarity (и все ее подробности поразили его странным чувством узнавания). It was as though he had just returned from a long journey (это было, как если бы он только что вернулся из долгого странствия). He looked across the table at his partner (он посмотрел через стол на своего партнера). Matt was watching him and smiling (Мэтт наблюдал за ним и улыбался). An expression of horror spread over Jim's face (выражение ужаса разлилось по лицу Джима).

detail [`dJteIl], journey [`GWnI]

His muscles no longer recognized his mastery over them. Again they spasmodically tensed, despite the will of him, for he had willed that they should not tense. This was revolution within himself, this was anarchy; and the terror of impotence rushed up in him as his flesh gripped and seemed to seize him in a clutch, chills running up and down his back and sweat starting on his brow. He glanced about the room, and all the details of it smote him with a strange sense of familiarity. It was as though he had just returned from a long journey. He looked across the table at his partner. Matt was watching him and smiling. An expression of horror spread over Jim's face.

"My God, Matt!" he screamed (Боже мой, Мэтт! — закричал он). "You ain't doped me (ты не отравил меня; aint = havent — вспом. глагол)?"

Matt smiled and continued to watch him (Мэтт улыбнулся и продолжал наблюдать за ним). In the paroxysm that followed (в пароксизме, который последовал /затем/), Jim did not become unconscious (Джим не потерял сознания: «не стал бессознательным»). His muscles tensed and twitched and knotted (его мускулы напрягались и дергались и запутывались в узлы), hurting him (терзая его) and crushing him in their savage grip (и раздавливая его в своей дикой = страшной хватке). And in the midst of it all (и в середине всего этого = посреди), it came to him (он заметил: «это пришло к нему») that Matt was acting queerly (что Мэтт вел себя странно). He was travelling the same road (он шел тем же путем). The smile had gone from his face (улыбка сошла с его лица), and there was on it an intent expression (и на нем было внимательное выражение), as if he were listening to some inner tale of himself (как если бы он слушал какую-то внутреннюю историю о себе) and trying to divine the message (и силился разгадать смысл). Matt got up (Мэтт встал; to get up — встать) and walked across the room and back again (и прошел по комнате и опять назад), then sat down (затем сел).

continue [kqn`tInjH], message [`mesIG]

"My God, Matt!" he screamed. "You ain't doped me?"

Matt smiled and continued to watch him. In the paroxysm that followed, Jim did not become unconscious. His muscles tensed and twitched and knotted, hurting him and crushing him in their savage grip. And in the midst of it all, it came to him that Matt was acting queerly. He was travelling the same road. The smile had gone from his face, and there was on it an intent expression, as if he were listening to some inner tale of himself and trying to divine the message. Matt got up and walked across the room and back again, then sat down.

"You did this, Jim," he said quietly (ты сделал это, Джим, — сказал он тихо).

"But I didn't think you'd try to fix me (но я не думал, что ты попытаешься пришить меня)," Jim answered reproachfully (ответил Джим с упреком).

"Oh, I fixed you all right," Matt said (о, я прекрасно пришил тебя, — сказал Мэтт: «в порядке»), with teeth close together and shivering body (с зубами, /стиснутыми/ вместе и с трясущимся телом). "What did you give me (что ты дал мне)?"

"Strychnine (стрихнин)."

"Same as I gave you," Matt volunteered (то же, что я дал тебе, — с готовностью сообщил Мэтт). "It's a hell of a mess, ain't it (вот так петрушка, ага: «это ад неприятности = ужасная неприятность, не так ли»; mess — беспорядок; путаница, неразбериха; неприятность)?"

"You're lyin', Matt," Jim pleaded (ты лжешь, Мэтт, — умоляюще сказал Джим; to plead — юр. обращаться с просьбой, ходатайствовать; просить, умолять). "You ain't doped me, have you (ты же не отравил меня, правда)?"

"I sure did, Jim (я точно сделал /это/, Джим); an' I didn't overdose you, neither (и я дал тебе не слишком большую дозу). I cooked it in as neat as you please (я запек его = яд так аккуратно, как пожелаешь = как только можно) in your half the porterhouse (в твоей половине бифштекса). — Hold on (постой)! Where're you goin' (куда ты идешь)?"

Jim had made a dash for the door (Джим рванулся к двери: «сделал рывок»), and was throwing back the bolts (и сбрасывал засовы). Matt sprang in between (Мэтт вскочил между /ним и замком/) and shoved him away (и отпихнул его прочь).

"Drug store," Jim panted (в аптеку, — задыхался Джим). "Drug store (в аптеку)."

reproachfully [rI`prqVCf(q)lI], strychnine [`strIknJn]

"You did this, Jim," he said quietly.

"But I didn't think you'd try to fix me," Jim answered reproachfully.

"Oh, I fixed you all right," Matt said, with teeth close together and shivering body. "What did you give me?"


"Same as I gave you," Matt volunteered. "It's a hell of a mess, ain't it?"

"You're lyin', Matt," Jim pleaded. "You ain't doped me, have you?"

"I sure did, Jim; an' I didn't overdose you, neither. I cooked it in as neat as you please in your half the porterhouse. — Hold on! Where're you goin'?"

Jim had made a dash for the door, and was throwing back the bolts. Matt sprang in between and shoved him away.

"Drug store," Jim panted. "Drug store."

"No you don't (нет, ты не /идешь/). You'll stay right here (ты останешься прямо тут). There ain't goin' to be any runnin' out (не будет никакого выбегания на улицу: «наружу») an' makin' a poison play on the street (и представления с ядом на улице) — not with all them jools reposin' under the pillow (только не со всеми этими камешками, лежащими под подушкой). Savve (усек; to savvey — понимать, постигать, соображать: no savvey — не понимаю; не знаю; savvey? — дошло? понятно?)? Even if you didn't die (даже если бы ты не умер), you'd be in the hands of the police (ты был бы в руках полиции) with a whole lot of explanations comin' (с целой кучей объяснений приходящих = которые надо было бы дать). Emetics is the stuff for poison (рвотное — /вот/ штука от яда). I'm just as bad bit as you (я так же плох, как ты; bit — кусок), an' I'm goin' to take a emetic (и я собираюсь принять рвотное). That's all they'd give you at a drug store, anyway (это все, что они бы дали тебе в аптеке, в любом случае)."

police [pq`lJs], emetic [I`metIk]

"No you don't. You'll stay right here. There ain't goin' to be any runnin' out an' makin' a poison play on the street — not with all them jools reposin' under the pillow. Savve? Even if you didn't die, you'd be in the hands of the police with a whole lot of explanations comin'. Emetics is the stuff for poison. I'm just as bad bit as you, an' I'm goin' to take a emetic. That's all they'd give you at a drug store, anyway."

He thrust Jim back into the middle of the room (он вытолкал Джима обратно в середину комнаты; to thrust — толкать) and shot the bolts into place (и задвинул засовы на место; to shoot — задвинуть). As he went across the floor to the food shelf (пока он шел через комнату: «через пол» к полке с едой), he passed one hand over his brow (он провел рукой по лбу) and flung off the beaded sweat (и смахнул капли пота: «капельный пот»; to fling off — стряхивать; bead — шарик /с просверленным сквозным отверстием/, бусина, бисерина). It spattered audibly on the floor (они брызнули слышимо на пол). Jim watched agonizedly (Джим смотрел в мучениях) as Matt got the mustard-can and a cup (как Мэтт взял баночку горчицы и чашку; to get — раздобыть) and ran for the sink (и побежал к раковине; to run — бежать). He stirred a cupful of mustard and water (он смешал одну чашку горчицы и воды; cupful — емкость чашки) and drank it down (и выпил залпом; to drink down — пить залпом: «вниз»). Jim had followed him (Джим последовал за ним) and was reaching with trembling hands for the empty cup (и тянулся дрожащими руками к пустой чашке). Again Matt shoved him away (снова Мэтт оттолкнул его прочь). As he mixed a second cupful (пока он смешивал вторую чашку), he demanded (он спросил):

"D'you think one cup'll do for me (как ты думаешь, одной чашки хватит для меня: «думаешь ли ты, что одна чашка сделает для меня»)? You can wait till I'm done (ты можешь подождать, пока я не окончу)."

sweat [swet], audibly [`LdqblI], floor [flL], mustard [`mAstqd]

He thrust Jim back into the middle of the room and shot the bolts into place. As he went across the floor to the food shelf, he passed one hand over his brow and flung off the beaded sweat. It spattered audibly on the floor. Jim watched agonizedly as Matt got the mustard-can and a cup and ran for the sink. He stirred a cupful of mustard and water and drank it down. Jim had followed him and was reaching with trembling hands for the empty cup. Again Matt shoved him away. As he mixed a second cupful, he demanded:

"D'you think one cup'll do for me? You can wait till I'm done."

Jim started to totter toward the door (Джим заковылял к двери; to start — начать), but Matt checked him (но Мэтт остановил его).

"If you monkey with that door (если ты будешь баловаться с этой дверью; monkey — обезьяна; неодобр. шут, клоун; to monkey — дурачиться, забавляться), I'll twist your neck (я сверну тебе шею). Savve (усек)? You can take yours when I'm done (ты можешь взять = принять свое /рвотное/, когда я закончу). An' if it saves you (и если это спасет тебя), I'll twist your neck, anyway (я сверну тебе шею все равно). You ain't got no chance, nohow (у тебя нет шансов, совсем). I told you many times what you'd get (я говорил тебе много раз, чтó ты получишь) if you did me dirt (если сделаешь мне подлость)."

"But you did me dirt, too," Jim articulated with an effort (но ты сделал мне подлость тоже, — произнес Джим с усилием).

Matt was drinking the second cupful (Мэтт пил вторую чашку), and did not answer (и не ответил). The sweat had got into Jim's eyes (пот лился Джиму в глаза; to get — попасть), and he could scarcely see his way to the table (и он едва мог видеть дорогу до стола), where he got a cup for himself (где он взял чашку для себя; to get — взять). But Matt was mixing a third cupful (но Мэтт смешивал третью чашку), and, as before, thrust him away (и, как и раньше, оттолкнул его прочь).

"I told you to wait till I was done," Matt growled (я сказал тебе подождать, пока я не закончу, — прорычал Мэтт). "Get outa my way (убирайся с моей дороги; outa = out of — из, с)."

monkey [`mANkI], effort [`efqt], growl [graVl]

Jim started to totter toward the door, but Matt checked him.

"If you monkey with that door, I'll twist your neck. Savve? You can take yours when I'm done. An' if it saves you, I'll twist your neck, anyway. You ain't got no chance, nohow. I told you many times what you'd get if you did me dirt."

"But you did me dirt, too," Jim articulated with an effort.

Matt was drinking the second cupful, and did not answer. The sweat had got into Jim's eyes, and he could scarcely see his way to the table, where he got a cup for himself. But Matt was mixing a third cupful, and, as before, thrust him away.

"I told you to wait till I was done," Matt growled. "Get outa my way."

And Jim supported his twitching body (и Джим поддержал свое дергающееся тело) by holding on to the sink (схватившись за раковину), the while he yearned toward the yellowish concoction (пока он томился по желтоватой смеси) that stood for life (которая означала жизнь: «стояла для жизни»; to stand for — означать: «стоять для»). It was by sheer will that he stood (это было благодаря чистой воле, что он стоял; to stand — стоять) and clung to the sink (и цеплялся за раковину; to cling — цепляться). His flesh strove to double him up (его плоть старалась согнуть его пополам; to strive — стремиться) and bring him to the floor (и увлечь его на пол = заставить упасть). Matt drank the third cupful (Мэтт выпил третью чашку), and with difficulty managed to get to a chair (и с трудом сумел добраться до стула) and sit down (и сесть). His first paroxysm was passing (его первый приступ проходил). The spasms that afflicted him were dying away (спазмы, которые мучили его, затихали). This good effect he ascribed to the mustard and water (этот благой эффект он приписывал горчице с водой). He was safe, at any rate (он был в безопасности, в любом случае: «по любой расценке»). He wiped the sweat from his face (он отер пот с лица), and, in the interval of calm (и в интервале спокойствия = в промежутке), found room for curiosity (нашел место для любопытства = нашел в себе силы; to find — найти). He looked at his partner (он взглянул на своего партнера).

support [sq`pLt], yearn [jWn], manage [`mxnIG], ascribe [q`skraIb], calm [kRm]

And Jim supported his twitching body by holding on to the sink, the while he yearned toward the yellowish concoction that stood for life. It was by sheer will that he stood and clung to the sink. His flesh strove to double him up and bring him to the floor. Matt drank the third cupful, and with difficulty managed to get to a chair and sit down. His first paroxysm was passing. The spasms that afflicted him were dying away. This good effect he ascribed to the mustard and water. He was safe, at any rate. He wiped the sweat from his face, and, in the interval of calm, found room for curiosity. He looked at his partner.

A spasm had shaken the mustard can out of Jim's hands (судорога вытряхнула баночку горчицы из рук Джима; to shake — трясти), and the contents were spilled upon the floor (и ее содержимое вывалилось на пол). He stooped to scoop some of the mustard into the cup (он нагнулся, чтобы сгрести часть горчицы в чашку), and the succeeding spasm doubled him upon the floor (и очередная судорога согнула его пополам на полу). Matt smiled (Мэтт улыбнулся)

"Stay with it," he encouraged (останься с ней = оставь это себе, — поощрил он /его/). "It's the stuff all right (это хорошая штука). It's fixed me up (она привела меня в порядок)."

Jim heard him and turned toward him a stricken face (Джим услышал его и повернул к нему пораженное /болью/ лицо; to hear — слышать; to strike — бить, поражать), twisted with suffering and pleading (искаженное страданием и мольбой). Spasm now followed spasm till he was in convulsions (судорога теперь следовала за судорогой, пока он не оказался в конвульсиях), rolling on the floor (катаясь по полу) and yellowing his face and hair in mustard (и пачкая желтым свое лицо и волосы в горчице).

convulsion [kqn`vAlS(q)n]

A spasm had shaken the mustard can out of Jim's hands, and the contents were spilled upon the floor. He stooped to scoop some of the mustard into the cup, and the succeeding spasm doubled him upon the floor. Matt smiled.

"Stay with it," he encouraged. "It's the stuff all right. It's fixed me up."

Jim heard him and turned toward him a stricken face, twisted with suffering and pleading. Spasm now followed spasm till he was in convulsions, rolling on the floor and yellowing his face and hair in mustard.

Matt laughed hoarsely at the sight (Мэтт хрипло засмеялся этому виду), but the laugh broke midway (но смех оборвался на полпути; to break — ломаться). A tremor had run through his body (дрожь пробежала по его телу; to run — бежать). A new paroxysm was beginning (начиналась новая судорога). He arose and staggered across to the sink (он поднялся и пошел шатаясь к раковине; to arise — встать), where, with probing forefinger (где, засунув глубоко в горло указательный палец; to probe — зондировать; прощупывать; опробовать), he vainly strove to assist the action of the emetic (он тщетно пытался помочь действию рвотного; to strive — пытаться). In the end (в конце концов), he clung to the sink as Jim had clung (он уцепился за раковину, как цеплялся Джим; to cling — цепляться), filled with the horror of going down to the floor (исполненный ужаса упасть на пол; to go down — упасть: «пойти вниз»).

The other's paroxysm had passed (судорога другого прошла), and he sat up, weak and fainting (и он сел, слабый и теряющий сознание; to sit up — сесть из лежачего положения: «вверх»), too weak to rise (слишком слабый, чтобы встать), his forehead dripping (его лоб источал капли = пот капал со лба), his lips flecked with a foam made yellow by the mustard (его губы, покрытые пятнами пены, сделанные желтыми горчицей) in which he had rolled (в которой он катался). He rubbed his eyes with his knuckles (он потер глаза костяшками пальцев), and groans that were like whines (и стоны, которые были похожи на всхлипы) came from his throat (вышли из его горла; to come — прийти).

laugh [lRf], hoarsely [`hLslI], forehead [`fOrId], knuckle [nAkl]

Matt laughed hoarsely at the sight, but the laugh broke midway. A tremor had run through his body. A new paroxysm was beginning. He arose and staggered across to the sink, where, with probing forefinger, he vainly strove to assist the action of the emetic. In the end, he clung to the sink as Jim had clung, filled with the horror of going down to the floor.

The other's paroxysm had passed, and he sat up, weak and fainting, too weak to rise, his forehead dripping, his lips flecked with a foam made yellow by the mustard in which he had rolled. He rubbed his eyes with his knuckles, and groans that were like whines came from his throat.

"What are you snifflin' about (из-за чего ты ноешь)?" Matt demanded out of his agony (спросил Мэтт из своей агонии = в агонии). "All you got to do is die (все, что ты должен сделать, — это умереть). An' when you die you're dead (а когда ты умрешь, ты будешь мертв)."

"I... ain't... snifflin' (я не ною; I ain’t = I am not — я не есть)... it's... the... mustard... stingin' my ... eyes (это горчица жжет мне глаза)," Jim panted with desperate slowness (задыхаясь, проговорил Джим с отчаянной медлительностью).

It was his last successful attempt at speech (это была его последняя успешная попытка речи). Thereafter he babbled incoherently (после этого он бормотал бессвязно), pawing the air with shaking arms (ударяя воздух трясущимися руками; paw — лапа) till a fresh convulsion stretched him on the floor (пока свежая = новая конвульсия не растянула его на полу).

Matt struggled back to the chair (Мэтт с трудом добрался обратно до стула; to struggle — бороться; делать усилия; стараться изо всех сил), and, doubled up on it (и, согнувшись пополам на нем), with his arms clasped about his knees (с руками, сцепленными вокруг колен), he fought with his disintegrating flesh (он боролся со своей разваливающейся плотью; to fight — биться, бороться). He came out of the convulsion cool and weak (он вышел из конвульсии холодный и слабый; to come out — выйти). He looked to see how it went with the other (он взглянул, чтобы увидеть, как дела у другого = Джима: «как это шло»), and saw him lying motionless (и увидел его лежащим недвижно; motion — движение).

demand [dI`mRnd], agony [`xgqnI], desperate [`desp(q)rqt], incoherently ["InkqV`hIqr(q)ntlI]

"What are you snifflin' about?" Matt demanded out of his agony. "All you got to do is die. An' when you die you're dead."

"I... ain't... snifflin' ... it's... the... mustard... stingin' my ... eyes," Jim panted with desperate slowness.

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