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Lesson n 13 Free Time and Culture Exhibition

- exhibition

- trade show

- national exposition

- participation

- to participate

- participant

- exhibitors

- directorate

- directorate

- director

- organizer

- to organize

- application form

- participation form

- to fill in

- show docu­mentation

- details

- information

- tariffs

- price

- including

- to include

- to pay

- registration fee

- entrance

- pavilion

- to register

- badge

- stand

- stand reservation

- to reserve

- display case

- lamp

- design

- to place

- to be situated

- distributor

- supplier

- to supply

- foreign product

- important

- additional

- partial

- short

- association

- conference hall

- congress

- competition

- visitor

- to visit

- attendance

- customer

- presence

- to be present

- security

- to guard


Я хочу пойти в кино сегодня вечером. I want to go to the movies tonight.

Что это за фильм? What sort of a movie is it?

Это …? Is it a …?

--комедия --comedy

--драма --drama

--остросюжетный фильм --triller

--мьюзикл --musical

--вестерн --western

--документальный фильм --documentary

- actor

- actress

- cinema

- film

- part

- detective

- action movie

- adventure film

- fantastic movie

- scary film

- comedy

- melodrama

- drama

- tragedy

- tragic

- feature film

- documentary film

- cartoon

- silent film

- monochrome film

- technicolour film

- role

- title role

- to play

- filmstar

- well-known (famous, popular)

- script

- scriptwriter

- director

- producer

- assistant

- cameraman

- stuntman

- to shoot a film

- screen test

- shooting

- film crew

- film set

- camera

- cinema

- screen

- widescreen

- sound track

- special effects

- subtitles

- credits

- translation

- to show a film


Я хочу пойти в театр. I want to go to the theatre.

Где идёт эта пьеса? Where is that play being given?

Кто играет главную роль? Who’s playing the lead?

Кто режиссёр? Who’s the director?

Когда начало? What time does it begin?

Сколько времени длится представление? How long does the play last?

Есть ли ещё билеты на сегодня? Are there any tickets for tonight?

Я хочу место в партере I want a seat in the stalls (orchestra).

Не слишком далеко от сцены. Not too far back.

У прохода. On the aisle.

Где-нибудь посередине. Somewhere in the middle.

Сколько стоят места в первом ярусе? How much are the seats in the circle(balcony)?

Сколько стоит программа? How much does a program cost?

Как долго будет антракт? How long is the intermission?

- theatre

- opera

- operetta

- ballet

- playbill

- company

- tour

- to be on tour

- to rehearse

- rehearsal

- repertoire

- performance

- show

- performance

- play

- ticket

- ticket office

- lobby

- cloakroom

- binoculars

- usher

- bell

- stalls

- balcony

- dress circle

- box

- row

- seat

- audience

- spectator

- to clap

- applause

- ovation

- stage

- curtain

- scenery

- wings

- scene

- act

- interval

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]